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By the look of this new 3D model update, 3D boxes are now useless. I have literally spent days deleting them all and updating the normal boxart. On the plus side they do look great once they are all updated, but there should have been an option to turn the 3D option off imo
3d box pack Sega Dreamcast 3D Box Pack - Japan - Authentic Set (563)
zugswang commented on Robin55's file in Sega Dreamcast
To remove a button from a keybind, highlight the keybind and press Y
Hi, I don't suppose you have the Boxart for the following tables ? Dr Dude Funhouse Indiana Jones Space Station All the rest look perfect in my setup, and it would be great if/when you have them you could add to your downloads ? Or a generic box the same as the ones you have done already ? Thanks in advance.
You can't do it for videos, but you could use snaps from your Screenshot - Gameplay folder and put them into the video folder, or recordings folder (if you want to keep them separated).
All along it was installing fine, but I was expecting it to copy over as C64 Dreams into LB and it was added it as Games. All good now. Thanks again
Thanks for this awesome update ! 👍 Are there new instructions on how to merge this new setup into an existing Launchbox setup or is this just a standalone version ? I have tried to add lines into parents.xml and platforms.xml from the data files in your download, but nothing seems to work for me, as still showing 2,500. I am obviously missing something Any help appreciated. Thanks again for all your hard work compiling this.
Dreamstate's - 4K and 8K - Realistic Vertical MAME Overlays
zugswang replied to Dreamstate's topic in Game Media
Great quality, thanks for the share. If you are taking requests, it would be cool to have Centipede, Gorf & Bombjack -
Here is your list of systems without the the .xml on the end (Just for my viewing as it's easier to read). 3D Groove GX 3D NES 3DVIA Player AAE (Another Arcade Emulator) Aamber Pegasus Acorn Archimedes Acorn Atom Acorn Computers Acorn Electron ActiveX Adventure Game Studio Aleck 64 Aleste 520EX OS Alf TV Game Altos Computer Systems American Laser Games Amstrad CPC Amstrad GX4000 Android (Bluestacks) OS Android APF Imagination Machine Apogee BK-01 Apple I Apple II Apple IIGS Apple Lisa Apple Mac 10.12 Sierra OS Apple Mac 10.13 High Sierra OS Apple Mac 10.14 Mojave OS Apple Macintosh Applied Technology Microbee Apricot PC-XI OS Aquaplus P-ECE Arcade Music Trivia Challenger Arcade Atari 2600 Atari 5200 Atari 7800 Atari 8-Bit Atari Flashback Atari G42 Atari GX2 Atari Jaguar CD Atari Jaguar Atari Lynx Atari ST Atlus Atmosphere Attract-Mode FE Authorware AXEL Player Bally Astrocade Bandai Apple Pippin Bandai Playdia Bandai Super Vision 8000 Bandai WonderSwan Color Bandai WonderSwan Banpresto BBC Microcomputer System Benesse Pocket Challenge V2 Benesse Pocket Challenge W Big Fish Bit Corporation Gamate Bondwell Model 12_14 OS Bondwell Model 2 Brezzasoft Crystal System Burster Camputers Lynx Canon X-07 Capcom 68000 Capcom Play System 1 Capcom Play System 2 Capcom Play System 3 Capcom Sony ZN Casio CFX 9850 Casio Loopy Casio PB-1000 Casio PV-1000 Casio PV-2000 Cave CDC110 OS ChaiLove CHIP-8 CoinOps FE Coleco Adam Coleco Telstar ColecoVision Comad Co Commodore 128 Commodore 64 Commodore 65 Commodore Amiga CD32 Commodore Amiga Commodore BX256-80HP OS Commodore C16 Commodore CDTV Commodore MAX Machine Commodore PET Commodore Plus 4 Commodore VIC-20 Convergent Technologies AWS & NGEN OS Cult3D Cybiko Xtreme Cybiko Daphne DEC PDP DEC Rainbow 100 OS DEC VT-180 OS DeepV Dendy 750 in 1 Diamonds 3 Micro FE DICE Doujin Dragon DreamGEAR EACA EG2000 Colour Genie Elektronika BK Emerson Arcadia 2001 Enterprise 64 & 128 Entex Adventure Vision Entex Electronic Baseball Eolith Gradation 2D System Epoch Game Pocket Computer Epoch Super Cassette Vision Epson PX-8 ETL Mark II ETL Mark IV A ETL Mark IV Examu Ex-Board Exelvision Exeltel Exelvision EXL 100 Exidy Sorcerer eXoDOS Fairchild Channel F Fightcade FE Final Burn Alpha Final Burn Delta Final Burn Neo Flash (Flashpoint) Flash Flashpoint Infinity FE Fujitsu FM Towns Marty Fujitsu FM-7 Fukutake Studybox Funtech Super Acan Future Pinball Fyde OS Galaksija GamePark GP32 GameWave GCE Vectrex GoBit GOG (Good Old Games) Handhelds Hartung Game Master Hector HRX Hewlett-Packard HP 48 HiVE HomeLab HTML5 Hyper Electronic Games Hypercosm Hyper-G Hyperspin FE IBM Compatibles IBM System_360 OS IBM IGS - International Games System IGT Slots Infocom Interact Family Computer Interton VC 4000 Irem M27 Irem M52 Irem M62 Irem M72 Irem M92 Irem M97 Java (Flashpoint) Java Jupiter Ace Kali Linux OS Kaneko Kaypro Keio University K-1 Konami Bubble System Konami e-AMUSEMENT Konami Picno Konix MultiSystem Kubuntu 21.04 OS Leapfrog - Leapster Learning Game System LiveMath Locomalito LowRes NX Lubuntu 21.04 OS Lucas Nascom I & II Lutro Luxor ABC 1600 OS Luxor ABC 80 Luxor ABC 800 Lviv PC-01 Mac 10.13 High Sierra OS Magnavox Odyssey 2 Magnavox Odyssey 3000 Magnavox Odyssey 4000 Magnavox Odyssey Manjaro 21.1.1 OS Matra and Hachette Alice Matsushita National JR Mattel Aquarius Mattel Hyperscan Mattel Intellivision Mega Duck Memorex VIS Memotech MTX512 Microkey Primo Microsoft MSX TurboR Microsoft MSX Microsoft MSX2 Microsoft MSX2+ Microsoft Xbox Microvision MITS Altair 8800 MS-DOS MUGEN Multiple Fruit Machine Emulator Namco ES3A Namco NA-1 Namco NB-1 NCR Decision Mate V NEC APC OS NEC PC Engine SuperGrafx NEC PC-6001 NEC PC-8001 NEC PC-8801 NEC PC-88VA NEC PC-9801 NEC PC-9821 NEC PC-FX NEC TurboGrafx-16 NEC TurboGrafx-CD Nesica x Live Nichibutsu Nintendo 3DS Nintendo 64 Nintendo 64DD Nintendo DS Nintendo DSi Nintendo e-Reader Nintendo Famicom Disk System Nintendo Game and Watch Nintendo Game Boy Advance Nintendo Game Boy Color Nintendo Game Boy Nintendo GameCube Nintendo iQue Nintendo NES Nintendo Play-Yan Nintendo Pokemon Mini Nintendo Satellaview Nintendo SNES MSU-1 Nintendo SNES Nintendo Sufami Turbo Nintendo Super Game Boy Nintendo Switch Nintendo Virtual Boy Nintendo Wii U Nintendo Wii Nintendo WiiWare Nitrux OS Nokia - N-Gage North Star Advantage OS Nuon Octree View OpenBOR OpenSTEP 4.2 OS Osborne Othello Multivision Otrona Attache OS Ouya Palm Pilot Panasonic 3DO Pear 8 OS Pecom 64 Pel Varazdin Orao Phantom System Philips CD-i Philips P2000 Philips VG 5000 Philips Videopac+ G7400 Philips Videopac+ Pico-8 Pinball FX2 Pinball FX3 Pioneer Palcom LaserDisc Play3D Pocket Dream Console PopCap Plugin Popcap Project Blank ProtoPlay Pub Fruit Machines Pulse Quiz Machines Radio 86RK Mikrosha Radio 86RK Partner Radio 86RK YuT-88 Raine FE Raspbian OS Raw Thrills RCA Studio II RCA Superchip REBOL ResidualVM RetroFE RM Nimbus PC-186 Robotron HC900, KC85 2, KC85 3 & KC85 4 Robotron KC Compact Robotron Z1013 Robotron Z9001 & KC85 1 Run _n_ Gun SABA Videoplay SAM Coupé Sammy Atomiswave Sammy Seta Visco SSV Samsung SPC-1000 Sanyo MBC-550 & 555 OS ScummVM Sega 32X Sega Ages 2500 Sega Beena Sega CD Sega Chihiro Sega Dreamcast VMU Sega Dreamcast Sega Europa- R Sega Game Gear Sega Genesis Sega Hikaru Sega Lindbergh Sega Mark III Sega Master System Sega Mega Tech System Sega Model 1 Sega Model 2 Sega Model 3 Sega Naomi 2 Sega Naomi Sega Nomad Sega Pico Sega Ring Edge Sega Ring Wide Sega Saturn Sega SC-3000 Sega SF-7000 Sega SG-1000 Sega ST-V Sega System 16 Sega System 18 Sega System 24 Sega System 32 Sega Triforce Sega X Board Sega Y Board Seibu Kaihatsu Seihou Project Sharp MZ Family Sharp X1 Sharp X68000 ShiVa3D Shmups Shockwave Silverlight Sinclair PC200 Sinclair QL Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2 Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3 Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16 Sinclair ZX Spectrum Sinclair ZX-80 Sinclair ZX-81 Slacko64 Puppy 7.0 OS SNK Neo Geo AES SNK Neo Geo CD SNK Neo Geo MVS SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color SNK Neo Geo Pocket SNK Neo Geo Sol-20 Terminal Computer Sony Ericsson K800i Sony Playstation 2 Sony Playstation 3 - FE (RPCS3) Sony Playstation 4 Sony Playstation Vita Sony Playstation Sony PocketStation Sony PSP Minis Sony PSP Sord M5 Spectravideo SV-318-328 TAB Quizard Taito Systems Taito Type X Tandy TRS-80 MC-10 Tandy TRS-80 Model 100 Tandy TRS-80 Model 4 Tandy TRS-80 Model I Tandy TRS-80 Model III Tangerine Microtan 65 Tangerine Oric Atmos Tapwave Zodiac Tatung Einstein TCL Technos Arcade Tecmo TeknoParrot FE Terak 8510A & 8600 OS Tesla PMD 85 Texas Instruments CC-40 Texas Instruments TI-73 Texas Instruments TI-80 Texas Instruments TI-81 Texas Instruments TI-82 Texas Instruments TI-92 Texas Instruments TI-99 4A Thomson MO5 Thomson TO7 Thomson TO8 Tiger Game.com Tiger Gizmondo Tiki-100 Timex Sinclair TinyGiant HT68k SBC OS Toaplan Tomy Pyuuta Tomy Tutor Toshiba Visicom Touhou Project Tremor Games Ubuntu OS Ultimate Doom Unico Electronics Unity UNIVAC Series 90 OS University of Cambridge EDSAC Vector-06C Video Challenger Video System Co VideoBrain Family Computer Videoton TV Computer Virtual Reality Viscape Visual Pinball Visual Technology Visual 1050 Visual WebMap Vitalize Voxatron FE Voxatron VRML VTech CreatiVision VTech Laser 200 VTech Laser 2001 VTech Laser 310 VTech Socrates VTech V.Smile Wang Watara Supervision Windows 1.0 Premier Edition OS Windows 11 DEV OS Windows 2.0 OS Windows 2000 Advanced Server OS Windows 2000 Professional OS Windows 2000 Server OS Windows 3.1 OS Windows 3x Windows 7 OS Windows 8.1 OS Windows 95 OS Windows 98 OS Windows 98 SE OS Windows Millenium Edition OS Windows Neptune 5.111 OS Windows NT 4.0 OS Windows Server 2003 OS Windows Server 2008 R2 OS Windows Server 2012 OS Windows Server 2016 OS Windows Server 2019 OS Windows Vista OS Windows XP MCE OS Windows XP OS Windows Wolfenstein 3d Mods WoW Action Max Xara Plugin Xerox 820 OS Zeebo Zilog MCZ-2 OS ZiNc Zorba OS *******Playlists******* 1001 Video Games Adventure Games Alien Collection All Arcade All Atari All Commodore All Games All Nintendo All Sega All Sinclair All Sony Amstrad CPC - 1. Best of Gold Amstrad CPC - 2. Best Of Silver Amstrad CPC - 3. Best Of Bronze Amstrad CPC - The Best Amstrad GX4000 - The Best Apple III Arcade - Atari Arcade - Bally _ Midway Arcade - Capcom Arcade - Data East Arcade - Konami Arcade - Namco Arcade - Neogeo Arcade - Sega Arcade - SNK Arcade - Taito Arcade - Toaplan Arcade - Williams Arcade 2-Player Games Arcade 4-Player Games Arcade Atari Classics Arcade Ball & Paddle Games Arcade Beat Em Ups Arcade Board & Card Games Arcade Capcom Classics Arcade Capcom Play System II Arcade Capcom Play System III Arcade Capcom Play System Arcade Cave Arcade Data East Classics Arcade Fighting Games Arcade Flying Games Arcade Irem Classics Arcade Konami Classics Arcade Light Gun Games Arcade Maze Games Arcade Midway Classics Arcade MultiGames Arcade Namco Classics Arcade Namco System 1 Arcade Namco System 11 Arcade Namco System 12 Arcade Namco System 2 Arcade Namco System 22 Arcade Namco System 23 Arcade Nintendo Classics Arcade Platform Games Arcade Puzzle Games Arcade Racing Games Arcade Rhythm Games Arcade Run & Gun Games Arcade Sega Classics Arcade Sega G80 Arcade Sega OutRun Arcade Sega Super Scaler Arcade Sega System C Arcade Sega System E Arcade Sega SystemSP Arcade Sega VCO Object Arcade Sega Vic Dual Arcade Shoot Em Ups Arcade Shooter Games Arcade SNK Classics Arcade SNK Neo Geo MVS Arcade Sports Games Arcade Taito Classics Arcade Williams Classics Atari 2600 - 1. Best Of Gold Atari 2600 - 2. Best Of Silver Atari 2600 - 3. Best Of Bronze Atari 2600 - The Best Atari 5200 - 1. Best Of Gold Atari 5200 - 2. Best Of Silver Atari 5200 - 3. Best Of Bronze Atari 5200 - The Best Atari 7800 - 1. Best Of Gold Atari 7800 - 2. Best Of Silver Atari 7800 - 3. Best Of Bronze Atari 7800 - The Best Atari Jaguar - 1. Best Of Gold Atari Jaguar - 2. Best Of Silver Atari Jaguar - 3. Best Of Bronze Atari Jaguar - The Best Atari Lynx - 1. Best Of Gold Atari Lynx - 2. Best Of Silver Atari Lynx - 3. Best Of Bronze Atari Lynx - The Best AVGN Balley Astrocade - The Best Batman Collection Beat Em Ups Best Exodos games Best of Adult Swim Best of VS fighters Best Windows games Board & Card Games Casino Games Collection Castlevania Collection Classics ColecoVision - 1. Best Of Gold ColecoVision - 2. Best Of Silver ColecoVision - 3. Best Of Bronze ColecoVision - The Best Commodore 64 - 1. Best Of Gold Commodore 64 - 2. Best Of Silver Commodore 64 - 3. Best Of Bronze Commodore 64 - The Best Commodore Amiga - 1. Gold Games Commodore Amiga - 2. Silver Games Commodore Amiga - 3. Bronze Games Commodore Amiga - The Best Contra Collection Daewoo CPC OS DEC 150, 300, 500 OS Donkey Kong Collection Dual Stick Games Educational Games Emerson Arcadia 2001 - The Best eXoDOS 3dfx Games eXoDOS Games with CGA Composite eXoDOS Games with Gravis Ultrasound eXoDOS Games with MT-32 eXoDOS Games with Sound Canvas eXoDOS Remote Multiplayer Fairchild Channel F - The Best Fighter Classics Fighting (Arcade 3D) Fighting Games First Past the Post Flash Food Flashpoint Hall of Fame Flashpoint Super Hall of Fame Flying Games Fuuki Gaelco GCE Vectrex - The Best Golden Age Games Hacked Games Halloween Haunts Hidden Gems Horror Games Hot Java Beans Installed eXoDOS Games Intellivision - 1. Best Of Gold Intellivision - 2. Best Of Silver Intellivision - 3. Best Of Bronze Intellivision - The Best Jet Set Willy Collection Jingle Jollies King Of Fighters Collection Konami Collection Legend of Zelda Collection Light Gun Games Mario Collection Metal Gear Collection Metal Slug Complete Metroid Collection Mitchell Corporation Molleindustria_s Recommendations Mortal Kombat Kollection Motor Games MS-DOS - 1. Best Of Gold MS-DOS - 2. Best Of Silver MS-DOS - 3. Best Of Bronze MS-DOS - The Best MSX - 1. Best Of Gold MSX - 2. Best Of Silver MSX - 3. Best Of Bronze MSX - The Best Music Games Namco Collection Neo Geo - 1. Best Of Gold Neo Geo - 2. Best Of Silver Neo Geo - 3. Best Of Bronze Neo Geo - The Best Neo Geo Pocket - 1. Best Of Gold Neo Geo Pocket - 2. Best Of Silver Neo Geo Pocket - 3. Best Of Bronze Neo Geo Pocket - The Best NES Black Box Nintendo 3DS - The Best Nintendo 3DS - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo 3DS - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo 3DS - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo 3DS - Top 20 Nintendo 64 - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo 64 - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo 64 - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo 64 - The Best Nintendo 64 - Top 100 Nintendo 64 - Top 20 Nintendo 64 - Top 50 Nintendo DS - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo DS - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo DS - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo DS - The Best Nintendo DS - Top 100 Nintendo DS - Top 20 Nintendo DS - Top 50 Nintendo Entertainment System - Top 100 Nintendo Entertainment System - Top 20 Nintendo Entertainment System - Top 50 Nintendo Game & Watch - Top 10 Nintendo Game & Watch - Top 5 Nintendo Game Boy - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo Game Boy - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo Game Boy - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo Game Boy - The Best Nintendo Game Boy Advance - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo Game Boy Advance - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo Game Boy Advance - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo Game Boy Advance - The Best Nintendo Gameboy - Top 100 Nintendo Gameboy - Top 20 Nintendo Gameboy - Top 50 Nintendo Gameboy Advance - Top 100 Nintendo Gameboy Advance - Top 20 Nintendo Gameboy Advance - Top 50 Nintendo Gameboy Micro Nintendo Gamecube - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo Gamecube - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo Gamecube - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo Gamecube - The Best Nintendo Gamecube - Top 100 Nintendo Gamecube - Top 20 Nintendo Gamecube - Top 50 Nintendo NES - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo NES - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo NES - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo NES - The Best Nintendo Super Game Boy 2 Nintendo Virtual Boy - The Best Nintendo Virtual Boy - Top 10 Nintendo Wii - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo Wii - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo Wii - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo Wii - The Best Nintendo Wii - Top 100 Nintendo Wii - Top 20 Nintendo Wii - Top 50 Nintendo Wii U - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo Wii U - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo Wii U - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo Wii U - The Best Nintendo Wii U - Top 20 Nintendo WiiWare - The Best Odyssey 2 - The Best Origin Pachinko PacMan Collection Panasonic 3DO - 1. Best Of Gold Panasonic 3DO - 2. Best Of Silver Panasonic 3DO - 3. Best Of Bronze Panasonic 3DO - The Best PC Engine & TurboGrafx 16 - 1. Best Of Gold PC Engine & TurboGrafx 16 - 2. Best Of Silver PC Engine & TurboGrafx 16 - 3. Best Of Bronze PC Engine & TurboGrafx 16 - The Best PC Engine & TurboGrafx CD - 1. Best Of Gold PC Engine & TurboGrafx CD - 2. Best Of Silver PC Engine & TurboGrafx CD - 3. Best Of Bronze PC Engine & TurboGrafx CD - The Best PC-FX - 1. Best Of Gold PC-FX - 2. Best Of Silver PC-FX - 3. Best Of Bronze PC-FX - The Best Philips CDI - 1. Best Of Gold Philips CDI - 2. Best Of Silver Philips CDI - 3. Best Of Bronze Philips CDI - The Best Pico Gr8s Pinball Arcade Pinball Collection Platform Games Player-Produced Perils Playstation 1 - 1. Best Of Gold Playstation 1 - 2. Best Of Silver Playstation 1 - 3. Best Of Bronze Playstation 1 - The Best Playstation 2 - 1. Best Of Gold Playstation 2 - 2. Best Of Silver Playstation 2 - 3. Best Of Bronze Playstation 2 - The Best Playstation Portable - 1. Best Of Gold Playstation Portable - 2. Best Of Silver Playstation Portable - 3. Best Of Bronze Playstation Portable - The Best Pool and Billiards Prince of Persia Collection PSiKYO Published by Activision Published by Atari Published by Atlus Published by Electronic Arts Published by Nintendo Published by Sega Published by Sony Puzzle Games Quake Rage for the Ages RDI Halcyon Resident Evil Collection Rhythm Games Role Playing Games Run & Gun Games Sandbox Games ScummVM - 1. Best Of Gold ScummVM - 2. Best Of Silver ScummVM - 3. Best Of Bronze ScummVM - The Best Sega 32X - The Best Sega CD - 1. Best Of Gold Sega CD - 2. Best Of Silver Sega CD - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega CD - The Best Sega Dreamcast - 1. Best Of Gold Sega Dreamcast - 2. Best Of Silver Sega Dreamcast - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega Dreamcast - The Best Sega Game Gear - 1. Best Of Gold Sega Game Gear - 2. Best Of Silver Sega Game Gear - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega Game Gear - The Best Sega Genesis - 1. Best Of Gold Sega Genesis - 2. Best Of Silver Sega Genesis - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega Genesis - The Best Sega Master System - 1. Best Of Gold Sega Master System - 2. Best Of Silver Sega Master System - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega Master System - The Best Sega Saturn - 1. Best Of Gold Sega Saturn - 2. Best Of Silver Sega Saturn - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega Saturn - The Best Sega SG-1000 - 1. Best Of Gold Sega SG-1000 - 2. Best Of Silver Sega SG-1000 - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega SG-1000 - The Best Sharp X68000 - 1. Best Of Gold Sharp X68000 - 2. Best Of Silver Sharp X68000 - 3. Best Of Bronze Sharp X68000 - The Best Shockwave Shockers Shoot Em Ups Shooter Games Slots Collection SNK NeoGeo CD_Z Sonic The Hedgehog Collection Sony SMC-777 OS Spinner Games Spinner Racing Games Sports Games Star Wars Collection Strategy Games Street Fighter Collection Super Nintendo - 1. Best Of Gold Super Nintendo - 2. Best Of Silver Super Nintendo - 3. Best Of Bronze Super Nintendo - The Best Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Top 100 Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Top 20 Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Top 50 Tasselfoot_s Favorites Technos Tomb Raider Collection Tony_s Favorites Toys to Enjoy Trackball Games Visual Novel Games Windows - Best of Bronze Windows - Best of Gold Windows - Best of Silver Wolfenstein Collection Wonderswan - 1. Best Of Gold Wonderswan - 2. Best Of Silver Wonderswan - 3. Best Of Bronze Wonderswan - The Best Wrestling Games XXX Mature Collection Years - 1970s Years - 1980s Years - 1990s Years - 2000s Years - 2010s Years - Pre 1970s Years - Unknown Yun Sung ZX Spectrum - 1. Best Of Gold ZX Spectrum - 2. Best Of Silver ZX Spectrum - 3. Best Of Bronze ZX Spectrum - The Best
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Generic Television Commercial Platform Videos
zugswang commented on The Papaw's file in Platform Theme Videos
Try MAME2012 core for your set
What MAME romset have you got ? If you are trying to use roms from MAME4DROID they will not work, you need latest MAME set (or a recent one at least) to work on the MAME core.