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Everything posted by zugswang

  1. Are you running RocketLauncherUI as admin ? Also check to see it's not being blocked by firewall in the background.
  2. It says it all really that no work has been done to it for years and it's still superior to Launchbox where performance/loading times etc are concerned (imo, as I use both on a daily basis) where large setups are concerned. When you have a couple of systems on LB it loads instantly like Hyperspin, but the more you add the slower it all gets. Hyperspin has near Instant loading, no need for a cache and can run all the systems I run in Launchbox (with the help of RocketLauncher of course) no matter how much is piled into it. Launchbox/BigBox has many plus points over Hyperspin, but speed is not one of them, particularly if you have a large setup. I was just suggesting that someone could look into this as the cache folders may be the reason for the slowdown as a setup gets bigger (for me anyway)
  3. Dead ??? 🤣 I better throw my 80tb, 600 system setup away then !!
  4. Agree, I just looked and have 400,000 files in my cache (40gb) !! 🤯 Maybe Launchbox should invest in someone to take a look at the coding to see if there is a way around using the cache ? After all Hyperspin uses exactly the same image files and doesn't need one (for example)
  5. In Launchbox, Options/Video Priorities then just put them in the order you want to prioritize them.
  6. Any chance of the ini files for the bezels to use with RocketLauncher ? Thanks
  7. Nice one 👍 Thanks
  8. Any chance you could do a box for this new Atari 7800 game (Rikki & Vikki) ? Thanks 👍
  9. Just tried in Bigbox and all you get is a static logo with a black border ?
  10. Top quality, keep up the good work ! 👍
  11. You may find the odd one that people have created, but there is no Wii theme video pack on EmuMovies or anywhere else come to that.
  12. Maybe give an example of what you are talking about ? Are you saying clones that are NOT picked up by Launchbox when you created your Arcade system ?
  13. Top quality !! 👍 Thanks for sharing.
  14. All working now, thanks for info 👍
  15. Works perfectly, thanks 👍 The loading process is also a smooth as any on my setup as well. ps, The issue was the emulator number you mentioned
  16. How have you setup Vita3K to use this xml ? Is there anything specific that is a must to get this to work as it won't detect folders for me. Thanks
  17. Update to latest beta version. Make sure you have also downloaded the normal box-front set of boxart to utilise the 3D rotation and try the settings below. This shows up fine on latest beta version of BigBox with settings below. Your boxart above needs to be in Box - 3D folder The normal set needs to be in Box - Front (see asterix below)
  18. Yes I see it working ok in your theme, I was using CriticalZoneV2 - BlueBox and it won't work on that or a few others. Hopefully they will add an option per system one day so we can just disable it on certain systems. Thanks for info 👍
  19. I just tried that and that just displays 2D boxart if you untick that option ? Are you saying these 3D boxes that are in the Box - 3D folder will display as is in Coverflow ?
  20. It looks like they have just stopped 3D models from being shown in Coverflow, so basically if you use Coverflow on any theme in BigBox, 3D boxes (or any boxes that are not completely square or rectangular are totally useless.
  21. Fantastic boxart. Thanks 👍 Pity we can't view them anymore in BigBox Coverflow anymore, since the new 3D boxart was implemented (unless I am missing something)
  22. He was a true Launchbox legend for sure and I have literally used every set he has created in my setup !! 👍 RIP Robin55 😢
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