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Everything posted by zugswang

  1. 🤣 I have been sharing media for years on here. All I said was if you wanted people to take interest in your work, maybe (just a suggestion) zip them up and name them so people can just drop them into their setup. It's your work so do what you want with them. Your pathetic cry baby comments are laughable by the way. I suggest you don't share anything if you are looking for love on here ... because it's just not going to happen. You will be lucky if anyone even bothers clicking a mushroom to say thanks.
  2. What games for instance ? I have never experienced this on my chd set ... and I literally have every game.
  3. Nice boxes, but maybe zip these up and rename them so people can actually use them ?
  4. For Outrun, try dropping this cfg file into you MAME, cfg folder and see if it helps. The rest, no idea. outrun.cfg
  5. Whatever size drive you are thinking of , just add a zero to it, as once you start collecting you will never have enough space ! 😉
  6. FYI, asteroid & astdelux.cfg controls both not working correctly. No shield on astdelux and no hyperspace on asteroids. Once deleted the normal MAME cfg files work fine.
  7. FYI, Clicking on Theme on this bezel does not work for me. Works fine on Game Boy Color, but not this one.
  8. Thanks for share 👍 Is there anyway to change colours in game ?
  9. I am looking at setting PS1 up using m3u files for all disc games and want to know what actually happens when you come to the end of Disc 1 if you are using an m3u file, instead of the usual Disc 1 ? Does it just boot to Disc 2, 3 , 4 etc automatically when you complete a disc ? Any help appreciated (before I go and waste my time changing my setup) 😉
  10. FYI, Seems to be a problem with the sf.cfg file Boots into test menu and I can't get out of it. See attached image. Once cfg file is deleted the issue is resolved.
  11. @Baggio was right. It's a simple Bulk Rename Utility change of all XBOX 360 Controller names to the name of your controller. I did it on mine (renamed inside and out outside of the mappings to my controller) and all now works perfectly 👍 Now I know why others were not working in the past. Thanks again
  12. Just FYI, i tried playing Dolphin Blue and DemoFist on Atomiswave and neither game allows Analog stick to work (using XBOX 360 wired controller) D-Pad is fine, but was not sure if you had said all games allowed both. Thanks again for all your work 👍
  13. Robin55 sadly passed away a while ago 😢
  14. If Yuzu gets closed down another will take it's place ... They are wasting their time and money trying to get anything closed down on the internet. The more they fight against it, the more the developers see it as a challenge. Give it up Nintendo .... it's getting embarrassing.
  15. Having issues with harddriv.zip Can't figure out how to start the engine ? no matter what combination of keys used, no luck. Using latest MAME Thanks
  16. Ha Ha , I still think it doesn't pick up anywhere near 4,600 no matter what you do, that's why I tried to manually install it. Glad you got it working to your satisfaction 👍
  17. You can get more if you just manually install it (Don't go though the MAME function) I just installed it manually using working only (no clones) dummy zip files (approx 4,600) and it works fine. Trust me, you do not want to install all 40,971 as 85/90% are clones.
  18. They know that they would literally need to strip LB down to the bare bones and start again to make the changes necessary to speed it all up, so it's not going to happen. I agree speed is where LB struggles and it has always been the case (this should be the main issue to resolve instead of constantly adding more and more stuff to it, which just makes it even slower) Everything you do on it is slow unless you only have a handful of systems on your setup, then it loads up quickly and exits quickly as it should, but the more you add, the slower it gets. Sadly for me, I have 200,000 games with 100's of systems on my setup and it's literally unusable due to the slow loading and exiting of everything, meaning I have to split my collection up into bits like PC Games, Playstation 1,2, Playstation 3, XBOX 360 etc all running off separate LB setups which is not ideal. On Hyperspin/RocketLauncher I have it all setup on there with 650 systems and it doesn't slow down anything, so there is obviously an issue somewhere.
  19. Bezel displays ok for me, but the game loads in the background (you have to press ALT+tab to get it to show correctly).
  20. Correct 👍
  21. Yes that's how it works in RL All folders must be the same as the rom name, but inside the folder they can be named anything you like 👍
  22. Great plugin 👍 Just wondering in future if it could be tweaked to read folder names with the bezel and ini inside ? Example: Mario Kart - Double Dash!! (USA) - example attached bezel.png & bezel.ini files inside Reason I ask is RL has all bezels like this and if it could just read the folder I wouldn't need to rename 1,000's of files. (Unless someone knows of a bat file/script to rename all these files in bulk to match the folder name ?) Thanks again 👍 Mario Kart - Double Dash!! (USA).zip
    A great project that really enhances the overall playability of my MAME setup 👍 Thanks again for all the hard work you have put into it.
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