In the latest version(DeSmuME_0.9.13_x64) this works for me in Windows 10 for fullscreen and exit button:
WinWaitActive, DeSmuME
Send !{Enter}
Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}
Thanks, yes, I erase metadata file and downloaded again. The game its on the database so clearly its a software problem. I need to manually added it somehow i think...
Hi, i want to add this; The thing is that never apears in the list when i try to add it. I check the database manually and its in there. Its another way to add it? Maybe with the game ID? Thanks.
Hi, i just installed this incredible called eXoDOS and works perfectly because its made to work under Launchbox. The thing is that comes with some extras like magazines and manuals(abd i love it) but i want to keep it in Launchbox but not in Bigbox.
EDIT: I just realizing that this was implemented. Just right click the platform to hide in bigbox and then you will see in the left corner a check box to hide in BigBox
Thanks a lot, really love your theme. Ill add two plataform to my collection that its not included respecting your layout. Ill add it if anyone want it too:
Thanks, have no problem with those but for some games of Sega Rings and others systems i use jconfig and those games are launching from a .exe. Same for Nesica/Taito that in my case are launching from GameLoader All RH. Thanks
Hi, ill just add Arcade PC games(Nesica, Sega Rings, etc) and i need to exit from my arcade control but need to press escape to do that. Its any way to add a fake emulator to do that or maybe another method? Thanks