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Everything posted by Headrush69

  1. Glad you got it working. Nothing like an illuminated track ball.
  2. Sure, you just need to make a gameini file for games that need custom controller settings. Dolphin docs about GAMEINI
  3. Is the input within MAME mapped to the track ball? If you enable debugging in LEDBlinky and start missile command and than post the debug log (minus your emial), we can probably see where the issue is. You can try running the LEDBlinky Troubleshooter as well, it can find many issues.
  4. Check the Supermodel.log file after a failed launch and check what parameters are being passed to the emulator. You should see something like this: This will tell us where the issue might be.
  5. There's no single simple answer as every emulator is different and how well they do digital to analog conversion can very greatly. One thing you can try is turning off or down the auto repeat key speed in windows, so your not sending the same key repeatedly when held down longer.
  6. Sure, but I don't think the default colors.ini and controls.ini included with LEDBlinky includes an entry for Missile Command. (I don't use the stock files, everything is custom.) You'll have to start LEDBlinkControlsEditor.exe and make an entry for missile in the MAME section. Within there set the colors for your controls including your trackball. The LEDBlinky documentation is quite good if you need more detailed explanation. Just remember you have to restart LEDBlinky for changes to be seen.
  7. If you can write a text file with the roms you want, (You can echo a directory listing into a text file as well), you can use that file to filter rom sets in ClrMamePro and do exactly what you want very easily. Each MAME update you can use that same text file and it will pick up any rom changes within sets and fix as needed.
  8. Yes and no. LEDBlinky uses the control.ini file for finding the primary controls before checking your custom mapping set using LEDBlinkyControlsEditor. This file only contains some games. You also have to remember that depending on how you imported into LB, region based roms may not have an entry in controls.ini. So for example, if you imported the MAME game 1941, but you have the North America version, 1941u, that isn't in controls.ini and LEDBLinky doesn't search the child-parent tree like MAME roms do. If you enable the LEDBLinky debug option, the debug log is very informative and easy to read, you'll be able to tell if a specific rom is finding an entry for a rom and whether the issue is LEDBlinky itself, or just a missing mapping.
  9. Even though it works, just be aware that when you include the ! character, you are sending ALT + F12
  10. Change to the following line:
  11. Yes, thanks. I was hoping the app had a true native launch option. Do you use SSF as your go to Saturn emulator? I generally use the mednafen core in Retroarch but I'm always open to other options that improve the end user experience as much as possible.
  12. Do you have it starting full screen without using 3rd party tools? I can't seem to get it trying all the "old" posts about how it should work.
  13. You want to save either a core or a content directory override with the universal bezel for each system enabled. If there is a game specific one it should override the universal one.
  14. Have you set the the primary control for the games that need a change in Controls Editor? A post of a debug log would probably indicate where the issue is fairly quickly.
  15. In the controls section of Retroarch's quick menu, save a core remap, a content directory remap or a game remap and it should be set ever load. You probably want a core remap unless you have a core that runs multiple systems, which you'll probably want content directory remap for that one.
  16. If you start the core, bring up the Retroarch quick menu and go to Options -> System and enable Display MAME menu Return to the game (any game is fine), hit the tab key and it should bring up the old MAME menu. There should be an option there to generate and XML file. I think it saves it in the core's save folder, can't remember 100%. There's your DATA file.
  17. They are ALL complete sets, just each is for a different MAME version. MAME2003 reference set is for the MAME2003 core which is based on MAME 0,78 <- this set doesn't change MAME2003plus reference set is for the MAME2003plus core which is also based on MAME 0.78 <- this set however does change. Best way to get complete set is use current DAT to rebuild. Although they share a lot of the same roms and some haven't changed at all, it can explain why so work and some don't. @santaclaw Glad to hear your happy with the solution. You might also want to look at the FBNeo core. Although I keep a current + roll back packs for all 3 emulators, I'm looking at switching to FBNeo for many of my main arcade titles for it Retroarch integration and features.
  18. You never answered whether it was all roms or some? FYI, the 2003 reference set isn't the complete 2003plus set. (They are both based on MAME 0.78 though) The MAME 2003-Plus Reference set found on a popular archive site is from 2018 as well. So not up to date,.
  19. You can override using LEDBlinkyControlsEditor and set intensity levels for RGB for any button per game, or you can also add new colors in Color-RGB.ini and then reference them in colors.ini For example: In Color-RGB.ini In colors.ini
  20. I have a full non-merged mame2003plus rom set and core still working fine called from LB. Santaclaw, is it all roms or just some?
  21. The problem with DAT files is they contain specifics about the roms in every rom set. That can change with MAME versions. Once I have my curated list, I just do a directory listing in Powershell, removing the file extension and redirect that output into a text file. This file just lists the rom set name, no details about the roms within. When you import that file in CMP, it will enable those rom sets and automatically grab all the roms within those sets.
  22. A couple things: You have to click the Advanced button and make sure the Separate BIOS set is not enabled to make true inclusive rom sets. When rebuilding, CMP doesn't base the sets it's creates on what is in the input folder per sa. It knows the split or merged set you have in the input folder has roms used by other sets as well, so it tries to create those sets as well and thats why you see more rom sets in your output folder. To do what you want, you have to click the Set Information button when in the scanner section. When this opens, you will see all the roms and some like Neo-Geo are grouped. Deselect all and than only select the ones you want. The Set Information tab has some great features. Now that I have my MAME game listed curated, I have a simple text file with all the names of the roms I want. Each MAME release, I bring up the Set Information, deselect everything and select roms by the import file feature there. Only the roms I want update and super fast. The only time this won't work is if the rom set name completely changes (not the roms inside), but that doesn't happen often. (Especially with the common rom sets)
  23. Exact same situation here as well. You're hardware is also going to matter as well, as some CHD games can be quite demanding as well. I generally start MAME and filter by working CHD based games and cherry pick the ones I want/like. I then only keep those one's on my main cabinet. Within LB I hide the ones my lowly i3 can't quite handle and might unhide if I ever upgrade the CPU in the future.
  24. Corrrect, but 0,233 is newer and must be better! ?
  25. Sounds like all standalone emulators. Have you added any command line parameters for these emulators?
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