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Everything posted by Headrush69

  1. AHK can handle spaces in file paths. You need to download the full AHK (free) and it includes a small compiler application that converts your ahk script to an exe. You can of course run your AHK scripts (.ahk files) manually to make sure they do what you want before compiling them.
  2. Not exactly. All it is doing is copying a specific ini file and over writing it to the default EMULATOR.ini That last option ,1 means to overwrite the current EMULATOR.ini file. You may want to restore your default ini after running as well. So you might have these inis in your emulator directory: EMULATOR.ini default.ini lightgun.ini So before the emulator starts you use the compiled script to over write EMULATOR.ini with the contents of lightguns.ini. After running the emulator you over write EMULATOR.ini with default.ini. The names you use are arbitrary except for EMULATOR.ini which is what the m2emulator will read on starting. Edit: This is just a general way to handle unique controller set ups. With the m2emulator you may want to check out Demulshooter so you don't have to use raw input directly in the EMULATOR.ini.
  3. For situations like this I create all the ini files I need and than create a simple AHK script to copy each script to the default ini location. I compile the AHK script to an exe and than use LB's additional apps feature to run and wait for that to finish before starting the emulator. Here's an example:
  4. I’ve not heard of FreePIE, but UCR provides that functionality and is quite popular. Maybe give that a try.
  5. The only way you'll get it to work is if you use some remapping software to map the Spintrak (mouse) to a virtual joystick. Additionally, if you are using a steering wheel and pedals, m2emulator needs separate pedals, not combined.
  6. Teknoparrot is the only system I still use RocketLauncher for since the Teknoparrot module has active monitoring for windows which is very helpful for clean startup screens and starting and stopping secondary applications. You can manually do similar things using AHK with LB, but not worth reinventing the wheel for just those games.
  7. That was my biggest issue with the Sindens, setting up the software and of course the border. Not that is was overly hard, I just didn't want to go through every game and set it up. Having my cabinet running on just an i3 CPU, that all the processing is done on the gun and not the computer was a plus as well. The responsiveness of this gun is incredible.
  8. The SIndens work better than the Aimtraks for me as well, but even better, if you are into a simple DIY project, check out JayBee's GUN4IR.
  9. What format are your CD images in and was it working previously or is this a new setup?
  10. If using Retroarch directly or through LB works, than it had to be a RL issue. Are you sure that Retroarch is the default emulator for Sega CD In RL? Also, in RL is the emulator patch for Retroarch correct and not pointing to an older version that may not have had CHD support yet?
  11. Did they say why? I don't see how it would matter much. I can think of more disadvantages of using 2 over 1. Are you using in keyboard or joystick mode?
  12. Start Retroarch Load the PUAE core Pick Information in Retroarch menu Pick Core Information All the BIOSes it uses should be listed and it should say whether you have the correct one or not. If your Bioses are correct, your issue is something else.
  13. The hardware is going to be based more on the games you want to play more so than the gun itself. Having said that, I have a lowly 7th gen i3 that I can play all the light guns game with no issues. If you are looking to play more of the modern light gun games on Teknoparrot, you'll save yourself a lot of hassle if you have an NVidia based GPU. (My cabinet has an i3-7100 and a Nvidia 970 GTX)
  14. We need more information: Retroarch version? Cores updated? Which video driver in Retroarch? Are you using any shaders? Do other cores have this issue?
  15. Would you be willing to share that? I still use RL for a few systems and I also use devreorder. Currently I have compiled AHK scripts that copy the appropriate devreorder.ini into place as needed and use the Additional Apps feature of LB to run them as needed.
  16. Joystick support varied greatly on Apple II games, that is for sure and sometimes takes a little trial and error and looking at the original manual. If I remember correctly when I was testing Archon, I think player 2 button was actually uses the player 1 second button. Try mapping that way and see if it works. (P1 Button 2 -> The button you want to use for Player 2 Button 1)
  17. Some of the games need you to enter the game service menu and set specific options. (Which get saved to a nvram file) I can't remember the exact issue for swtrilogy (I'm sure it's on the supermodel3 forums), but I'll see if I can find it again.
  18. Only thing I could suggest would be making the matching part of your device entries smaller. Maybe just try the instance part for each entry. (27bd7f40-a85c-11eb-8001 for example)
  19. It remaps on each launch of MAME only. If you launch MAME using the -v option from a command prompt, you will see output for all devices and then any remapping it does, if any.
  20. Whatever text editor you are using, it appears it is using stylized quotation marks. It must be plain text. Look at the direction of all your opening quotation characters.
  21. These might be challenging, Taito Type X games: Haunted House Fright Fear Land Gaia Attack
  22. Look great as always. Are you open to suggestions?
  23. Yes. that option was recently added to Retroarch 1.9.1, why you didn't see it before.
  24. Looking to sell 2 never used non-recoil Sinden light guns. One gun is blue and the other is red. I will ship to USA or Canada. Just looking to cover original cost, $225 US which includes shipping.
  25. Those are for saving Retroarch configuration options, not core options. In the Quick Menu -> Options -> Manage Core Options
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