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Everything posted by Headrush69

  1. I think at that site they are only at MAME version 0.198 (for roms) and that file was added with release 0.231. It's also a device file. Basically you'll have to find another source.
  2. Your title said first ROM, do all ROMs exhibit this behaviour? What do your advanced settings look like? You have to enable them in options first so they appear. I know in there is a option to check for a previous running process which could be linked to your issue of it running on second try. PS. For N64 I use the mupen64plus_next Retroarch core and only use Project64 for mods and hacks which need extended memory. I find it's a better experience and works great for "normal" ROMs.
  3. Are you using the "Demo Game Controls" option in LEDBlinky? If so increase the Demo Scroll Delay and see if it's any better.
  4. What exactly happens when you have these performance problems? I have only an i3, but using the Unified Redux theme I don't have any issues, maybe give that a try. What are the I/O errors you get in LEDBLinky? You shouldn't be having any I/O errors and sounds suspicious.
  5. Since the XEGS was essentially identical internally, picking the computer options in Retroarch should work fine. (130XE)
  6. I like the fade too, just a couple seem overly slow compared to others. Of course that is just my opinion, and I'm looking at the point of view of someone searching through a list of games. All good.
  7. Yes thanks. I know that is an option but I prefer to keep a consistency on my cabinet videos. Just gives it a nicer finishing look in my opinion.
  8. As always, great work Sucramjd. Really appreciate your work. Thanks again. Edit: If I was to knit pick, some of the video elements slide in pretty slow which when you are scanning or looking for a game might not be optimal. For example: Samurai Shodown vs. SF 5: Type Arcade.
  9. Select the games you don't want to see, right click and select edit. In the window that opens, for the Field, pick Hide. Make sure there is a check to enable hidden. If you every want to see hidden roms, just pick Show hidden roms under the view menu, You can edit individual or multiple files to change that attribute as needed.
  10. I prefer to keep my iPac in keyboard mode as they are basically used for arcade games only, but you you can add more real XBOX controllers as well, The only thing you'll have to do is make sure you set the right controllers in each emulator. Sure, the STL files are on Thingiverse, but I don't have the direct link handy. SInce I used the iPac in keyboard I was able to enable both the arcade controls and the Xbox controllers at the same time. (very easy to do in Retroarch) I have since changed to just using the Xbox controllers for console games. Some of the games on consoles with analog controls, really need real analog to be playable.
  11. I can't speak to the specifics of using a PI and driving your LED, but the information the LB sends to Pixelcade is quite simple and nothing is stopping you from intercepting that information and running whatever program you need to accomplish your task. In your LB's settings, just set the location of Pixelcade instead to your application. Use the Platform and game name passed as needed to decide what to display. Use whatever tool you need to send an image or text over to your Pi.
  12. Another option is don't limit yourself and add some controllers. I have 2 XBOX wireless controllers that are mounted on the front of my cabinet. Using a few 3D printed holders they are very inconspicuous and don't crowd the normal arcade control panel.
  13. Update: Seems MAME 0,233 has apple2gs joystick updates. I tested Gauntlet with it and I am able to play with it. The game start screen still has a tendency to pull to the bottom right corner when the joystick is centered, but you can move around the screen and in game it works fine.
  14. Just use Reshade and you can add bezels to other systems fairly easily.
  15. I would suggest adding your pre-emulator programs as additional apps in LB that launch before the m2emulator, than just adding the following in the running Autohotkey script for the emulator in LB.
  16. Have you tried with a clean install and no cfg or nvram files? Have you tried entering the test menu of the game and checking/calibrating controls within the game
  17. So what exactly is the issue? What is happening? If you open a command prompt and navigate to your MAME folder, then run it will tell us the problem.
  18. This file will not be used. MAME will only read the one in it's ini folder. When you are using the -cdrm option, you are no longer using MAME's software lists and are passing the path to the chd for MAME to use. Your file structure needs to be like this if using software list loading: We also need to see your default MAME settings in the LB Emulator page. When using software lists, you only want to pass the software name, not a full path.
  19. You don't need it. You just have to make sure that the your mame.ini rompath variable points to where your roms (BIOS) are AND where the root directory is for your software list software. (in there should be a folder cdi with your CHDs) If you are having issues, if you start mame from a command prompt or powershell with the verbose option it should tell you the issue. If using software lists: Or you can directly start a CHD without using software lists like any other rom: You still need your rompath set in mame.ini so it can find the cdi bios file. I prefer the second method in most cases. I keep my bios files in the rom directory in the mame directory which is on my SSD. On my HD I have folders for each platform and store the CHDs. It's easy to import that folder into LB and in general if I have a CHD or image that doesn't match the one mame's software lists wants, I can still run it.
  20. If you have it working that's what matters, but I think you are confusing several things. I have xbox controllers, light guns and several other controllers and I use them all without enabling raw input in emulator.ini When you are using Demulshooter, it handles the raw input, not the m2emulator itself. Demulshooter injects/patches the support into the emulator as needed. You can leave your xbox controllers working without changing anything and just run Demulshooter when needed for light gun games.
  21. I guess I don't understand your issue at all then. I thought in your original post that you meant you needed to enabled rawinput in emulator.ini for model2 light gun games, and turn it off to use xinput for other model2 games.
  22. You're essentially doing the same thing but using BAT commands rather than AHK. Short of writing it for you, I think if you have issues with the AHK, using the BAT will be the same.. If you don't want to get Demulshooter working, I think Koroth's suggestion of using two instances of m2emulator might be the easiest method for you. Also, be aware that even though m2emulator has native raw input support, there are reports of issues using it including changing devices numbers, something that isn't an issue with Demulshooter.
  23. No you do not enable raw input in EMULATOR.ini (Demulshooter for m2emulator doc)
  24. You are correct Koroth, there are several ways to do this, including directly with a bat file and avoiding AHK. (Much like how many start Daphne games) I think the easiest approach is probably just using Demulshooter as an additional application and you can avoid needing multiple inis since raw input doesn't have to be enabled in EMULATOR.ini I use Demulshooter. This was just adapted from scripts I use with devreorder to hide and order specific devices when needed, but the approach is workable.
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