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Everything posted by Headrush69

  1. What do you mean when you say it's not registering? (You said using -config-input it was recognized) My Gun4IR guns didn't work until in game calibration was done. (Can't remember if I had to do it with every gun game though) Symptoms were the scaling/sensitivity was way off and only one controller worked. Also specifically in Lost World, in your supermodel.ini are you using analog_gun or just gun?
  2. Did you calibrate them within the game using the service menu?
  3. This is what I currently have and no window pop up and LEDBlinky controls stay lite: The true argument tells the script to wait until the command run ends, so LEDBlinky remains lite.
  4. I'm just in the process of redoing all my Hypseus and Singe2 games, so haven't tested everything with LEDBlinky and focus issues yet, but a few questions/suggestions: You seem to create 2 Wscript.Shell objects in the first 2 lines, is that needed? Instead of calling your command BAT file can you not call hypseus directly eliminating the extra process? Something like this: FYI, I haven't fully test this yet as long as LB calls LedBlinky before starting Hypseus this should work. (If not might have to modify)
  5. Not to speak for Jason and the team, but it's likely just a tradeoff between designing and maintaining features for such a minority of users, not hate. Has the feature ever been submitted for the features poll? For a set up with a CRT, i would think that most of the time it's going to be using Big Box, and LB only used for configuration. As a work around would a running VNC server on the machine and using LB through VNC be a workable and more pleasant option?
  6. Headrush69

    Sega Naomi

    Sorry, can't be any help here. Missed you were on Android initially. Only suggestion would be load the core and then in the Retroarch check the Information section in Quick menu and verify BIOSes are correct. Maybe also set the option to bot into the system and see if it crashes loading without a game.
  7. Headrush69

    Sega Naomi

    What you need is explained in the Retroarch documentation for the Flycast core.
  8. Headrush69

    Sega Naomi

    You are probably right. What emulator are you using, and what BIOS files did you use and where did you place them? (Retrroarch->Flycast, Flycast standalone, Demul, ...)
  9. If you temporarily rename LEDBlinkyControls.xml, restart LEDBlinky and than try again does the entry reappear in Controls Editor? If you need to manually add it to your LEDBlinkyControls.xml, here is a copy of mine:
  10. Yup. Click the FE button in LEDBlinkyControlsEditor and add 8-way joystick and set it as primary.
  11. Well maybe the file was updated, but I definitely got it earlier. It's there now for you that's all that matters. The name really isn't important. (for arcade titles) It's only named that to distinguish that it is only supports the arcade games and that their separate MESS build has the other systems. Naming it the same as the MAME binary that has support for both would lead to a lot of confusion. You can just rename mamearcade64.exe to mame.exe so you don't have to change anything in LB.
  12. Can you provide an example of a game that covers it significantly? I only ask because the Bezel Project bezels are designed to maximize the screen area and I haven't noticed this and was curious. I know some of the other MAME artwork sources do shrink or cover the screen area with lots of artwork. AS for displaying the game screen on top of the artwork, you can adjust the layout file for each game to change the rendering order, but that would be a lot of work and probably not the route you want to go. The best option is probably to hit the tilde key (~) while in game and adjust the X & Y size to reduce the screen size for games that you find a problem. Another option is to use a shader chain that curves the screen so the corners like a real CRT so the corners aren't covered. (A picture would help to know for sure what you are seeing)
  13. Sorry, I don't use LB's controller mapping so I can't be much help if it's interfering with hypseus. Only thing I can add is are you 100% sure you are using the exact same hypseus options and location when starting manually and starting through LB?
  14. Did you set your joystick up in Hypseus first? (LB doesn't handle per emulator controller configuration) The link above to the BAT files also includes a joystick configuration program to help set up your controllers. (One time process)
  15. Home Depot has more robust screw in anchors that have a wider thread that can be used even in a damaged hole. Although not as nice as completely hidden, I used furniture bolts that go entirely through and are rock solid. They still look nice and they have zero interface on using the trackball with their flat and smooth design. (no edges skin will catch)
  16. There are several ways you can handle this: Import the second rom and name differently Edit the details of the ver1 and edit file location and point to ver2 Select both roms, right click and pick combine from the contextual menu. Now edit the details of the combined entry and set the version you want to have as default. (Double clicking starts that version, use contextual menu to start alternate version. I would suggest naming your roms with non-game title information within parentheses. eg game_rom (ver1).smc. When importing, LB will not use the (...) information in the display name and you can automatically have it combine roms with the same name.
  17. The only way I could get it playable was using XBOX 360 controllers and limiting the analog axis to only half the range. It's on my list to fine tune it, but it does work. (Just played an inning and even hit a home run!)
  18. Compile the AHK to an exe and than just add it as an additional application that runs before your main exe. Edit: I believe the compiler comes with the fill AHK installer.
  19. Is there an easy way to scale to marquee size of 1280x390 without manually needing to rescale and move each element after changing the canvas size? My guess is it's easiest just to batch resize after rendering the images at the current resolution of 4K.
  20. I think you may be right but not 100% sure how this works. Have you tried adding your playlist names to the FE Systems list in LEDBlinkyConfig. I have tried to reproduce the issue on my set up, but the LEDBlinky debug log shows the correct information being sent to LEDBlinky even from playlists. (I haven't added anything to the FE Systems list. All my lists are self made, maybe it's related to auto populated lists only? I'll try to play around with it more and see if I can come up with anything to help. Edit: For a second I got the playlist name to show up in the Unknown games file, but further testing I can't reproduce it again. Will try more after work. I don't know if this option helps at all:
  21. I just re-downloaded it and the vector.ini is there.
  22. Have you tried tried Reshade Manager for Launchbox? It will make things easier than creating BAT files for each game. Also, I find creating AHK scripts instead of BAT files and compiling them to exe has less issues as well. (For simple app launching, AHK is quite easy as well) Hope that helps.
  23. I'm not overly fluent in Gimp either but it's not hard to resize images. I believe there is a plugin for batching conversions that makes it very easy. I think it was called BIMP. (I don't have it on my new install so can't check name)
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