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Everything posted by Kevin_Flynn

    A new game to add to my collection. I never heard of it before. I couldn't get the MSU-1 files to work however, at least not in Retroarch using BSNES-Mercury Balanced.
  1. The renamer can work regardless of what front end you use as long as you do it prior importing your roms. Otherwise, it get trickier because you have to rename the XML files located in the data folder as well as the media so it matches which the renamer tool on its own can't do. I'd do the following: 1. Rename roms using renamer. 2. Import without media. 3. Copy media to appropriate folders after import, otherwise it will rename it to the launchbox convention. After I have it the way I want I manually do updates to the data folder to prevent media name changes.
    Great addition! I'll have to try this when I get home.
  2. I'd recommend resizing your images to a lower resolution.
  3. I currently use MPC on my machine but it doesn't come with built in CODEC's unless you use a pre-built package like K-lite (which I would not recommend). There is lots to configure and can be very CPU intensive. WMP which is already baked into the Operating System would still be the best choice, IMO - at least over MPC. WMP > VLC > MPC
  4. Hi everyone, I've started to migrate Don's Export List tool to be used with LaunchBox. This will come with a few databases to match against,based on HyperList with additional columns, i.e. game description. I started this to primarily solve a few quirks I didn't like: Checks against CRC then Name. Will alert you how it's matched by CRC being red but Game is green. Identify bad games. Based on HyperList which prioritizes North American dates. I never download media. I have my own media and if I don't I'll scourge the internet to find the best quality. The database currently provides the image in it's raw size. I've noticed a significant performance increase (lower memory and non-existent stutter) when I reduce the game wheel, box art, etc. size to < 600 px (downsampling = no loss in quality). How can I expect it to work in my Arcade machine (i5 and GTX 750 TI) when my MAIN machine (i7 and GTX 980) stutters. No duplicates. Why do I need two clear logos. game titles, etc. ? Manually adding images allows me to review it, checking consistency in image format. I don't want LaunchBox to rename my media. Any time I do a change within the application it also renames my media i.e. adding '_ ' and removing the region. I completely ignore the folders generated by LB. As a result, I usually modify the XML directly. Compatibility for different Front-Ends. Quickly generate game lists for LaunchBox as the databases are split per Platform. It will essentially contain the same functionality it already has (audit games vs a full list, including images, generate based on filters [e.g. genres]) as well as look 'n feel but tailored for LaunchBox in regards to exporting. I understand Jason has been developing a built-in auditor but a single developer can only accomplish so much before having to move to another task. It's still a work in progress but I wanted to know if theres interest in this. Once the functionality meets the original I will publish it on GitHub.
  5. @keltoigael Jason should be aware of that issue as he attempted to fix that in a previous beta. I honestly get better compatibility using Windows Media Player. I'm unsure why that is not the default. I've seen more and more bugs reported in regards to VLC.
  6. Ideally, there should be two settings: Platform and Games Platform should have the following options: Start: alphabetical Start: at X platform Start: at last platform Technically, the first can be accomplished using the second method. Games should have the following options: Start: alphabetical Start: at last game (favorites would still be between Z and A, if ticked) Start at X game would get too complicated per platform but still doable. I wouldn't expect most would want this since we have favorites.
  7. Correct - however, I wanted to retain full image quality. From what I understand Hyperspin already does this to a degree (setting resolution standards for sets) . For some reason I didn't notice a huge improvement when lowering the quality - only after resizing.
  8. Review your image sizes; I've reduced the size of my images by 50 - 75% and noticed a significant reduction in memory use < 300 Mb (while using City Hunter theme) and it's much snappier. For example, all wheel images are now a maximum 600 px as the theme doesn't enlarge it more than a couple hundred. I've done similar steps to box art, etc. I've kept a copy of the original image for the future-use when resolutions increase. I'm currently on a 1440p monitor.
  9. Any chance to get one for Pinball and Daphne?
  10. You're right, I found them on EmuMovies downloads. I was looking on the EmuMovies and HyperSpin ftp.
  11. I took a look but couldn't find it; I'll try again.
  12. Could not get this to work; Launchbox will try to run the following command "Pinball FX2.exe" data_steam\<table_name> which starts FX2, not the table.
  13. As the title states: does anyone have DamnedRegistrations' SNES 3D Box Set from here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forums/topic/1012-new-complete-snes-3d-box-set/ Thanks!
  14. Has the location changed on the FTP? Is it now /Official/Video Themes (HD) / Mame - Mature (Video Themes - Unified)(4x3)(HD)(CriticalCid 1.0) ??
  15. Woohoo! Keep them coming.
  16. Great work SirCamels! I'd love to see some for popular hacks, if possible: Mario Adventure, Chrono Trigger: Flames of Eternity and Prophet's Guile, Final Fantasy VI: Brave New World, Legend of Zelda, The: Parallel Remodel Then of course, some DS games : Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, and Professor Layton and Unwound Future. Appreciate the help! And of course, if any one has any of the above please let me know.
  17. @Zombeaver Great set! Any chance to see 3DO, Game Boy Color, and Wii U ?
  18. Kevin_Flynn


    MAME and Retroarch by default have bezel support which is more or less 70% of my systems. As much as I like the idea of having bezel support for my remaining emulators, it's not a priority imo.
  19. #1. That helped with the first one. #2. I'll play around with ThumbnailListBoxStyle and ThumbnailListBoxItemStyle hope I can modify the image MaxHeight / Width there. #3. Don't believe I can change the controls. #4. Still bothers me; so blurry. It's almost as if the image is being stretched but I don't have the ability to change it.
  20. Is it possible to remove the headings of "Recent" and "Favorites" for TopBoxesView and BottomBoxesView, respectively. Can each image returned from the above bindings have a max height / width? By default I believe it's by percentage as some are significantly larger than others. Are the controls changeable? I very much doubt it. When I use a horizontal coverflow and I press down to go to the Recently Added list, I'd like to use left and right to navigate the list rather than change the platform. As it is right now, I have to use up and down arrows to navigate the recent list even though it's displayed horizontally. Anyone notice quality degradation using ReignStumble Console Artwork in CoverFlows? I've tried changing the CoverFlow quality, refreshing cache, and closing BigBox with no luck.
  21. Is it possible to remove the headings of "Recent" and "Favorites" for TopBoxesView and BottomBoxesView, respectively. Can each image returned from the above bindings have a max height / width? By default I believe it's by percentage as some are significantly larger than others. Are the controls changeable? I very much doubt it. When I use a horizontal coverflow and I press down to go to the Recently Added list, I'd like to use left and right to navigate the list rather than change the platform. As it is right now, I have to use up and down arrows to navigate the recent list even though it's displayed horizontally. Anyone notice quality degradation using ReignStumble Console Artwork in CoverFlows? I've tried changing the CoverFlow quality, refreshing cache, and closing BigBox with no luck.
  22. Here is a comparison of importing it via Image vs CoverFlow: https://imgur.com/a/rKFO9 <Image Grid.Column="0" Source="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Test/Images/Platforms/Device/Arcade.png" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" /> VS. <coverFlow:FlowControl x:Name="FlowControl" ImageType="Device" CurveAmount="0" CameraZPosition="3" ItemZPosition="1" SelectedItemZPosition="1" Spacing="2.4"> <coverFlow:FlowControl.CoverFactory> <coverFlow:HorizontalWheelCoverFactory /> </coverFlow:FlowControl.CoverFactory> </coverFlow:FlowControl>
  23. Thanks Jason; however, I've already tried adjusting the setting "CoverFlow Image Quality: Highest (Slowest)" and refreshed all image caches. No luck - still blurry. I tried taking out RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" from my code as well as changing ImageType to "Clear Logo" and moved the associated images in the correct folder. Edit: in fact the quality doesn't change at all when I adjust the Image Quality via Settings.
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