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Everything posted by Retrofrogg

  1. Nice one vaderag
  2. @polygonslayer@TheHillbillyGamer Thanks - don't forget to vote for these features on the bitbucket link above.
  3. Many thanks for implementing my request!
  4. Another issue with the 3D model box; the resolution on the back is too low to read the text on many games. The "back" image is of sufficient resolution, but when it gets put onto the model the resolution seems to drop a lot.
  5. It would be great if the 3D box model could be maximised from the carousel, just like the other image types can be. For such a cool feature, the carousel window is a very small viewing platform. You can vote for this feature here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/7376/allow-maximise-of-3d-box-model-from
  6. Done @Retro808. Apologies if those comments shouldn't have been in this thread; as the 3D model box is currently a feature being actively developed in the current beta, I saw these issues as relevant to that ongoing development rather than as separate feature request to be looked at at a different time.
  7. For those of us that like to invert vertical mouse on our FPS games, it would be nice to have that option when rotating the box models - as currently the vertical rotate is counter-intuitive. You can vote for this feature here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/7375/allow-invert-mouse-look-when-viewing
  8. Could we have the option to remove the 3D model box for a platform? For example, in "arcade" I would rather not have the 3D model box in the carousel as there weren't 3D boxes for arcade, and the auto-generated ones therefore don't work. You can vote for this feature here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/7374/option-to-remove-the-3d-model-box-from-the
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  9. The "spine" image type is a great feature, in particular to allow Launchbox to generate the new 3D model boxes. However, a lot of boxes and cases had a different image on the left and right spine. Please allow Launchbox to differentiate between left and right spines - i.e. have an image type for both. Vote for this feauture here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/7373/spine-images-please-allow-for-both-left
  10. When looking at the "3D Model Settings" in the Edit Platform window, there are only 2 model types - Box and DVD case. Could we have CD case and cassette case too please? And ideally Megadrive cases? Or, best of all, allow us to make our own 3D models to import? There are a lot of different shapes and formats of media boxes/cases out there. Please vote for the feature here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/7372/3d-model-box-types-more-please
  11. CTC only does themes for BigBog, not Launchbox, no?
  12. Would be great to have this as a standalone app to make banners for Launchbox!
  13. Since you have the correct spines with these, and there is now a "spines" image category in Launchbox, could you release the spines pack please?
  14. Just tried out the 3D box models in Launchbox....very very cool!! Thanks!! A few things: - I can't seem to maximise it from the carousel window, like you can with the other artwork. Could this be made possible? - Would it be possible to have left and right spines? For many games they are different. - When looking at the "3D Model Settings" in the Edit Platform window, there are only 2 model types - Box and DVD case. Could we have CD case and cassette case too please? And ideally Megadrive cases? Or, best of all, allow us to make our own 3D models to import? - Could we have the option to remove the 3D model box for a platform? For example, in "arcade" I would rather not have the 3D model box in the carousel as there weren't 3D boxes for arcade, and the auto-generated ones therefore don't work. - For those of us that like to invert vertical mouse on our FPS games, it would be nice to have that option when rotating the box models.
  15. Nice marquees, thanks. Prefer these to the taller double ones.
  16. Could you do Atlantean?
  17. Sounds great. If we have accurate 3D models for games, perhaps all the other static box views (front, back, 3D) could be generated by Launchbox from the 3D model? That would negate the need to download multiple images, for those that would prefer. I suppose that might require some sort of cache to save resources. The models would have to be support different dimensions so that the original box dimensions for a particular system can be used. I guess that the models should also be allowed to be made in an external rendering program and then exported to Launchbox. I’m thinking in particular or cassette based games, which would have to appear in a jewel cassette case, single or double depending on the original format. I haven’t looked at the boxes in detail, but the user should be able to make/submit to the Launchbox database the 3D box using scans for all sides of the box, as far as possible. If no scan exists for a side then Launchbox could auto-generate that side, as I think BigBox does just now for spines. How to get them into Launchbox….I guess they could appear in the carousel, and also in the image list when you maximise the game artwork. Ideally we could freely rotate and zoom in/out of the 3D box model in Launchbox using the mouse. The sides would need to be of sufficient resolution to be able to read the small text on the big box games. There’s a good example of this online where some guy made a bunch of PC big box 3D models. Just some food for thought!
  18. Playing around with the 3D box feature in BigBox...looking good! Please let this come to Launchbox, for those of us that don't use BB much!
  19. Worth checking the latest poll and the 3D model boxes item. Might be a good way to direct your work...
  20. Nice to see some love for this niche platform!
  21. Thanks @dreamy - but I'm keen to have an OR, not an AND. I want the banner to appear, and if there is not banner then the clear logo. And if there is no clear logo, then just the game title. I don't want to have the clear logo appear on top of the game banner, it just looks messy.
  22. You have been busy with all these sets Stuart!
  23. If you're going to do bezels, I think this is the way to do it! Only comment would be to improve the wooden plank that the TVs are sitting on to make it look more realistic.
  24. @C-Beats Today I found the same issue with the video thumbnail:
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