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Everything posted by jayjay

  1. I haven't started with dos games yet and prob not going to for a while yet. I dont know how they work. Still got so much other stuff to do. Had a pc melt down, so yeah, sucks... Iv never used steam so dont know how it works. Im guessing you just click a .url? If so its going to be like windows games. Gui, -Caption +ToolWindow Gui, Margin, 0, 0 Gui, Add, Picture, , T:\Launchbox\Images\Controller\Snes Controller.png ;change to image path Gui, Show KeyWait, Joy1, d KeyWait, Joy1 ;change both joy1 to whatever you want Run, path-to-game-exe-or-url-etc Sleep, 1000 Exitapp Change path to image and path-to-game-exe-or-url-etc. Then in LB you would have to change the path in the game launcher tab to the new script. But you would have to do 1 script per game. Depending on how many games you have, could be a bit of a mission. Might be worth waiting for jason to come up with something at some point.
  2. That makes sense. Downloaded logo's fine. Thanks.
  3. I was searching for a gameboy advance clear logo pack here (missing about 200 ) and I came across this: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/38957-clear-logos-scraping-issue/?tab=comments#comment-243769 I created a thread about this almost a year ago lol. Almost the same wording as well. Unless it was fixed since my last posts above, the way to download the images is to select "get information from launchbox" and also "force replace meta and media". Might not be a good idea to do it this way if meta and media have been added manually.
  4. Yeah its only gba. Nds and sega cd are downloading fine. Maybe its something iv done. I have just used the import wizard to download gba and they downloaded fine. None missing by the looks of it. Edit: oh ok, not something iv done then. Makes a nice change.
  5. Yeah. Im working on game boy advanced. I removed all my clear logo images from GBA directory and tried again but same thing happens, doesnt find anything. I also tried deleting the system, importing them again. I DIDN'T try to download the images through the import wizard. I tried highlighting all and use download meta and media under the tools tab. Dont suppose you can try it to see if its just me?
  6. Apologies if this has already been discussed. Im trying to download clear logo's. What I do is... Highlight all roms for 1 system. Then use download meta and media. I choose just clear logo's in both LB and emumovies but nothing gets downloaded. But If I go through the roms 1 by 1 and use the download images through the edit menu, then it finds the logo's. Its become tedious enough for me to ask if anyone as any suggestions?
  7. I think when editing posts it should have the code <> option. Anyway display an image before launching retroarch. Controller image or whatever. Display image and wait for key press: SetWorkingDir T:\RetroArch\ ;change to retroarch directory Gui, -Caption +ToolWindow Gui, Margin, 0, 0 Gui, Add, Picture, , T:\Launchbox\Images\Controller\Snes Controller.png ;change to image path Gui, Show KeyWait, Joy1, d KeyWait, Joy1 ;change both joy1 to whatever you want Run, retroarch.exe "%1%" "%2%" "%3%" Sleep, 1000 Exitapp Display image for 10 seconds SetWorkingDir T:\RetroArch\ ;change to retroarch directory Gui, -Caption +ToolWindow Gui, Margin, 0, 0 Gui, Add, Picture, , T:\Launchbox\Images\Controller\Snes Controller.png ;change to image path Gui, Show Sleep 10000 ;change display time, 1000 = 1 sec Run, retroarch.exe "%1%" "%2%" "%3%" Sleep, 1000 Exitapp In the script change retroarch directory and image path. In launchbox add a new emulator for each system. Point the path to the script. Add the same settings as if you were adding retroarch. (-L "cores\bsnes_accuracy.dll" etc etc) Bulk edit roms and select your new emulator.
  8. Does anyone know... You know how you can use a batch file to pass a rom on to an emulator, for instance... set batch file as an emulator. load game in LB. rom is passed to batch file which does some stuff. Then the rom is loaded with emulator. (Hope that makes sense) Does anyone know how to do this with ahk? Edit: Run retroarch.exe "%1%" "%2%" "%3%"
  9. Edit 2: If it doesnt work and you dont want to install ahk you could also try creating a new txt file and copy the following: #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #SingleInstance, Force #Persistent SetTitleMatchMode 2 Run path-to-first-app Sleep, 2000 SetTimer, ProcessCheckTimer, 3000 Return ProcessCheckTimer: Process, Exist, retroarch.exe pid1 := ErrorLevel If (!pid1) { Run path-to-second-app ExitApp } Return Change the run path-to-app Save it as an example "snes script.ahk" Then go to Launchbox directory and find autohotkey.exe. (Launchbox\Autohotkey\) Copy and paste a new autohotkey.exe and rename it to "snes script.exe". (it has to match the .ahk file name) If you place both the .exe and .ahk in the same folder and then use Launchbox's ahk tab to run it (like in the previous post above). Im sure that should also work. Im also pretty sure using this method makes it portable which is nice for usb drives.
  10. You could give it a try and see how it goes. I stopped using the inbuilt ahk for anything other than simple stuff some time ago. Kept running into issues, cant remember what those issues were, prob my poor coding, like usual. I guess its now become a habit for me not to try with LB ahk. Edit: Im not sure but an issue might be that the script gets closed by LB before it can run the second app. But dont hold me to that.
  11. There is a long work around for this but I dont know if your like it. Im guessing your using retroarch for snes emulation. There is a work around to make a per system autohotkey script in launchbox. What I have done on my setup is... Add a new emulator in LB. Named it "Snes retroarch". or whatever Pointed the path to retroarch. Bulk edit all or some snes roms to use the newly added emulator. Obviously it will still be using your normal retroarch but now your have an autohotkey tab in LB just for snes. At this point your gonna have to download and install autohotkey. Right click on desktop, new, autohotkey script. Copy and paste the following underneath the other lines. #SingleInstance, Force #Persistent SetTitleMatchMode 2 Run path-to-first-app Sleep, 2000 SetTimer, ProcessCheckTimer, 3000 Return ProcessCheckTimer: Process, Exist, retroarch.exe pid1 := ErrorLevel If (!pid1) { Run path-to-second-app ExitApp } Return In this script you have to change "path-to-first-app" and "path-to-second-app". So the idea with this script is when you execute it, it will run your first app. Then every 3 seconds it checks to see if retroarch is running. If it doesn't find the retroarch process (so after you have exit) it then runs the second app and exits the script. Save as anything.ahk Move the script to somewhere you can store it. Back in LB, edit your new emulator. In the autohotkey tab put: Run path-to-new-autohotkey-script. I know iv prob just wasted my time writing this but anyway it should work.
  12. Its 6am and I have nothing to do... @ckp pretty much covered it. Import persona.exe into launchbox Inside launchbox right click on persona, edit additional apps tab add app give it any name browse to cryptserver.exe check "run before main application" Ok But... Im assuming as @Aevans0001 has created a bat to run his game that you might have problems (difference being he/she is mounting iso). For instance if cryptserver needs a moment to load before starting persona than its not going to work as intended. Also when exiting persona, cryptserver might continue to run in the back ground if persona doesn't close it automatically on exit. Also im assuming like @ckp, that cryptserver only has to be executed and nothing else.
  13. So I installed demul to see what was happening. I learnt that alt and f4 is a windows shortcut to close the active window. I didnt know that. Anyway can try this: sleep 5000 MouseMove, 1920,1080 Send {F9 Down} Sleep 1000 Send {F9 Up} ~5:: { Send {F8 Down} Sleep 1000 Send {F8 Up} sleep 5000 Send {Alt Down}{F4 Down}{Alt Up}{F4 Up} Exitapp } Apparently some games and apps etc need the button to be held down for a second (might need to change to 2 seconds or so). You might also need to play around with your first sleep 5000 command. For me demul takes some time to load and timing needs to be right. Ahk and demul is a pain in the ass.
  14. sleep 5000 MouseMove, 1920,1080 Send {F9 Down}{F9 Up} ~5:: { Send {F8 Down}{F8 Up} sleep 5000 Send {Alt Down}{F4 Down}{Alt Up}{F4 Up} Exitapp }
  15. Alt and f4 exits demul right? Im sure I read that here somewhere recently. I dont use demul. You will have to see if it saves when using alt and f4 to exit. If it does you could use something like: sleep 5000 MouseMove, 1920,1080 ~5:: { Send {Alt Down}{F4 Down}{Alt Up}{F4 Up} Exitapp } Other than that I cant help. Sorry.
  16. I have tested my amateur script over 64 xbox360/ps3 era games. 51 games work. 2 Games work in window mode. 9 games wont work but do have window mode so might work that way, haven't tested. 1 game refuses to acknowledge any script and no window mode. 1 Game always crashes no matter what I try. And as you say about win98 games, I would imagine these figures would get worse the further back we go. I know you and the rocket launcher guys can do better than my amateur skills. But my personal opinion is if I was a paid for app, like launchbox, I wouldn't go down this avenue. Anyway thanks for the reply.
  17. That's good to know. I did read that windowed mode can lower the resolution. As im not really bothered about the whole resolution thing it didnt seem much of a problem to me. Admittedly Iv only tried it on 2 games, duke nukem forever and need for speed shift, just to see if the script would work. But sounds like I might actually need to play the games. I always do things half assed. I did try one of these borderless window app things but, again doing it half assed, didn't work out well. I'll give gedosato a look. Thanks. Maybe its about time I got a second screen for my pc. Its hard to justify spending the cash on something I dont really need. Especially when I could spend the cash on another hdd instead or a new gfx card or... i could go on.
  18. Am interested in seeing if you can come up with something. Iv been trying something similar with windows games. But trying to force an application to open over the top of some games results in the game crashing. The only thing I have managed to come up with is putting the game in window mode. And adding a script to additional apps to maximise the game with no title bar, gives the appearance of full screen. Some games, as an example: assassins creed revelations, don't have windowed mode so cant do anything with it. Maybe if you can magic us up something, you could explain how it works?
  19. Per platform script would be good or bulk additional apps. Per emulator script is available already in launchbox. The Additional application settings are in Launchbox\Data\Platform\*.xml. Scroll to bottom of xml and your find "<AdditionalApplication>". You can tell which app belongs to which game by the <gameID> field.
  20. jayjay

    dual screen

    #SingleInstance Force Process, Close, app.exe Exitapp Change app.exe to your new apps .exe. Or SetTitleMatchMode 2 WinActivate, windowtitle Send {Alt Down}{F4 Down}{Alt Up}{F4 Up} ExitApp Change windowtitle.
  21. That's fair enough. I was just being noisy lol. The above script wont work because no$gba closes on key pressed but I put a wait for key release. I dont have any problems with it either. Esc:: Process, Close, NO$GBA.EXE Again I dont know how it will work out.
  22. A while ago I started writing a script that when the xbox 360 home button is pushed it would minimise the game. I could access the start menu and bigbox etc and when home button pushed again it would maximise the game. There where 2 issues I came across. The first one was having to write the script per game to be able to recognise what game was playing and what window to minimise. The second issue was that when pressing the buttons outside the game it would still interact with the game. So you would be googling something using the controller then maximise the game and your dead lol. Now I know more I could prob sort it properly but its so much work. My suggestion is maybe get another screen so you can dual screen. Game on one side, maps and pics etc on the other. I doubt we will see anything like pause for some time. Or you could use pause.
  23. jayjay

    dual screen

    There might be betters ways but I don't know any. But this should work. Google, download and install autohotkey. Right click anywhere, say desktop. New. Autohotkey script. Right click on new script. Edit script. Copy and paste the following underneath the lines already there: #SingleInstance Force SetTitleMatchMode 2 WinClose, Paint Exitapp Save as anythingyouwant.ahk Right click on it, compile script. In launchbox choose a game. Right click, edit. Additional apps, add app. Give it any name. Point the path to the the compiled script. Check the "run after main application" box. Ok. With this you will have to add it to all your games. But you only have 80 games so not to bad. What the script does is it looks for a word in any window title. If it finds that word it will close the window. In this case its looking for the word "Paint". It is case sensitive. It will only close one window with a matching word.
  24. jayjay

    dual screen

    What program are you using to view the image? Photos or windows photo viewer or ?
  25. Are you saying you want esc to send alt+x? Just out of curiosity why? If you use esc, pressing alt+x isnt to different. Esc:: { KeyWait, Esc Send {Alt down}{X down}{Alt up}{X up} } Obviously this will conflict with the emulator, you will need to change the escape key in the emulator settings if you can. If you want to use a different button to send alt+x change the 2 instances of esc to ctrl or alt, etc etc.
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