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Everything posted by faeran

  1. Themes can now be downloaded from within the app itself using the Theme Manager. Here's more info about it: If you mean Platform videos, here's a video about them:
  2. faeran

    Big Details

    Yeah, that wouldn't really be possible without making your own custom theme changes to the theme. If you wanted to take a crack at it, let me know and I can try and point you in the right direction.
  3. Is this a Big Box question or a COMMUNITY Theme Creator question? I wasn't able to tell. If you can also clarify what exactly you are wanting to do (screenshots go a long way), that could help as well.
  4. Rlad is right that you are confusing the 3D Box Images with the new 3D Box Model. This theme uses your Box - Front, Box - Back, and Box - Spine images to create a 3D Model of each game that you can flip and rotate around. The only thing is that since this is a Theme specific 3D Model implementation, there's no way to turn it off in the options. If you don't want to download 2D Images for your games, you'll have to use another version of Unified.
  5. It's definitely possible when I circle back around to this one. Not entirely sure when that will be, but I'll keep these platforms in mind when I do. If anyone else wants to take a stab at them in the meantime, I wouldn't mind either 😉
  6. Any changes to the interface that you make will save the next time you close LaunchBox. LaunchBox runs a whole bunch of shutdown processes when you close it out, and your layout is one of them.
  7. If you are happy with the way things are working, then there's never really a need to update anything. If you do end up updating LaunchBox, there shouldn't be any reason to update your metadata or run any of the other tools in LaunchBox.
  8. If I had to guess, it probably does work, but not sure if it does it gracefully. I ran a quick test on one of my monitors and it seems okay. Everything fits, and you can resize the game details panel and the box sizes and such. It's not perfect, but it does seem to work okay.
  9. faeran

    Platform Icons

    Awesome. Can always immortalize your pack in the downloads section here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/category/226-custom-sidebar-icons/
  10. faeran

    Platform Icons

    Pretty sure it was mentioned earlier in this thread that in the icon file name you can simply replace the apostrophe with an underscore and you should be good to go.
  11. faeran

    Big Details

    Thanks. I think that's just more in the way that LaunchBox works, and less about this particular theme. You can check this by changing to the default theme and seeing if it has the functionality or not. You can right click any game and go into Media > View Manual. I may add manuals and other docs to appear in the Game Details panel in a future update, but as it is right now, it currently does not.
  12. Thanks @Self-Mao. Yes, it's possible. I'm guessing you mean the clear logo inside of the banner, which is all custom code. I haven't taken a look at it in a long while, but you would essentially create a text block displaying the game's name in the same position as the clear logo, set the visibility to collapsed, then create a data trigger that says "if the game has no clear logo, set the visibility to visible".
  13. Pretty sure with that theme the quality level is determined by your CoverFlow Image Quality setting. Go into your Big Box options, under Images > CoverFlow Image Quality and adjust to your liking. After you do that, you may need to refresh your image cache under the Image Cache options.
  14. Sorry to hear, although there has been multiple responses from us within this very thread. The only reasons LaunchBox would keep asking for .NET to be installed would be either: You have the incorrect version of .NET Core Runtime that's required for LaunchBox to operate (there's so many different versions, and so many variations of the same version that it's easy to mix them up) Some Windows files are corrupt and cannot tell that you have the correct version of .NET Core installed. Here's the link to the correct version of .NET Core 3.1: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/3.1 You should be downloading the x64 link under the header: .NET Desktop Runtime 3.1.32 (middle part - right hand side) If you would like to know which versions of .NET Core you have installed, you can do the following: hit Windows Key + R (for run) type cmd and hit enter type: dotnet --list-runtimes If Windows files are corrupt, you can do the following to try and fix it: hit Windows Key type cmd, right click on "Command Prompt" and choose Run as Administrator type: sfc /scannow There are also tools out there that can try and repair or uninstall different versions of .NET that may be conflicting, but I believe those tools are more advanced and you should use them at your own discretion.
  15. faeran

    Big Details

    You would have to create a custom theme and remove that part of the code from the Game Details View file. It's possible in the future I could create theme specific settings for a few things like this, but it would be a ton of time and work, so not sure when I would ever be able to get around to something like that.
  16. It was not clear whether you actually did this or not, but you will need to download the latest version of Default Plus in order to get the new icon support. You can do this in LaunchBox by going into Tools > Manage LaunchBox Themes Then find Default Plus and hit the Update button. The theme should be on version 1.4
  17. I believe the latest update to Drastic changed enough to make it break inside of frontends. We'll be looking into what we can do to fix this issue for the next update.
  18. Thanks for the insight. It does appear to be an intermittent issue, but either way we'll get it fixed. Thanks, yes, I'm assuming that since it's an intermittent issue, it was tested in a way that it wasn't failing on our end. Now that we have a way to reproduce it, we'll be able to get it fixed.
  19. Thanks for the report. Looks like I was able to see the sorting issue, but only when auditing all games. When auditing a specific platform it works as intended. However, I was unable to recreate the issue of the image not opening when you click on one of the entries. Each time I tried it would open the spine image just fine. Maybe you can explain more specifically what section of LaunchBox you are in when entering into the Audit window and how you enter into it. Any other details you can think of would be helpful as well.
  20. On the <controls:PlatformIcon> element, add the property ScalingMode I believe you want to use the HighQuality value. So it would be: <controls:PlatformIcon ScalingMode="HighQuality"> Here's a link that explains other options you can play around with: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.media.bitmapscalingmode?view=windowsdesktop-7.0
  21. Just thought I'd bring up that you can manually add games to LaunchBox that you don't have by either clicking the Add button, Right clicking and choosing Add, or through Tools > Import > Manually Add Game That will open the game window where you can type out the name of the game, and search for it in our database. If a result is found, it will auto-populate the games metadata, and you can then optionally download media for it. Once all your games are added, LaunchBox would provide you with more organization and customization options than the web would do, like editing/changing your game's metadata/media, arranging your games in different ways, advanced filtering options, dynamic playlists, related game suggestions, etc... You'll end up with an offline database of your games vs. an online one, which has its pros and cons. In the end, both ways are viable, but I thought you should be aware of your options.
  22. This is due to the differences of older CTC versions vs. CTC 2.5. The main one is that the CTC now supports a different style wheel, and has removed the ability to create the older wheels that this theme was based off of. You would have to play around with the new wheel templates to get the same effects as the original theme. It also does look like you may be missing some fonts. If you feel you have installed the fonts from the Fonts theme folder properly, you'll need to restart the CTC before it recognizes that you have them installed.
  23. Beta 5 is out with the following: Fixed: Rare error when right clicking a GOG imported game Fixed: Image Grid freezing (introduced in beta 4) Translations added @bundangdon you should be good to go.
  24. Here are a few reasons you may see this happen: The hard drive you have it installed LaunchBox on does not support symlinks (filesystems like exFAT, FAT32...) One of the folders within the path to LaunchBox contains a symbol
  25. Make sure you have .NET Core version 3.1 Desktop Runtime, installed. You can get it from the following link: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/3.1 Download the x64 link under the header: .NET Desktop Runtime 3.1.32
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