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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. Pause themes work perfectly fine for this. All my control images I created are stored in the Arcade Controls image directory for each system and my pause theme I use currently displays that image. it does suck for systems like NES that all games have the same layout to have to make so many images. But a simple batch process made it easy.
  2. It is still there. Shows up when you drag and drop a file as always.
  3. There were tips mentioned in other similar posts that have helped some users have you tried any? There was even one mentioned here have you tried it? The more feedback we can get on what worked or did not work helps a lot more than just knowing it is happening to someone else.
  4. You would have to write code into a theme to get this to work. There is not an option or image priority you can set. Jason did state he will eventually get to upgrading marquee support.
  5. Try changing the canvas grid height and width to match your lcd’s actual dimensions.
  6. Can you share the xaml file and a screen shot of what you are seeing.
  7. By reducing the rows you now need to reduce the Grid.RowSpan It is currently set to 4 and you have only 3 rows.
  8. Its position in the poll is not relative to what order or how soon/how long before it gets implemented. It is just how it landed in total votes. However, I believe Jason is only working on the top 20 and that screenshot feature did not make the cut at 25. Currently there is not a way to do what you are asking.
  9. Does it do this with any other themes? Also try deleting the InputBindings.xaml and then rebinding your controls.
  10. Are you on Windows 10 and by any chance using RivaTuner or MSI Afterburner?
  11. I know there is troubleshooting still being done. This issue comes if Jason cannot replicate, it makes it hard to know what exactly to fix.
  12. I'm just here for the entertainment.
  13. Have you tried to remap using the controller mapping options? That same option exists in BigBox as well.
  14. Settings under Options>General then check the box for Skip Game Details Screen.
  15. Vertical Wheel 4 view in Unified and Unified Redux should give you full screen video without needing to select "Use background video". That is the view I use with Redux and I do not have that check box ticked. There is a background fade option at the bottom of the view settings you can try setting that to 100 if it is not. I have it set to 35% and still using the Vert Wheel 4 it does not affect that view since that view is for full screen.
  16. Yes, I use the app as well and it likely does not work well with vector games since the lights are pulling the largest colors visible in the scene. With black taking up so much of the scene this is likely the issue. I set a shortcut in the settings so I can switch to audio sync on vector games. Works well enough that way as an alternative.
  17. Try removing the input binding xaml (I do not remember the exact name but it is clear which one it is) from the data folder. Just move it somewhere else. Dont delete it. Then go back in Launchbox and rebind and test. Maybe something is corrupt in that xaml. If it does not work you can then paste back the original to get those setting back. Try it all though without Steam. If that does not work not sure what else to try.
  18. OK so L3+R3. Also what type of controller. And I forgot to answer your question. Yes my cabinets run 2 displays.
  19. That top one is simply you selecting to use the Launchbox Pause feature itself. By unchecking it you turn off the Pause feature in Launchbox. Your exit is set to button 9+10 what are those buttons specifically on your controller?
  20. I do not use Steam but considering many of our members do and have been for quite a while I am going to take and educated guess and say no it would not get you banned. Launchbox is not illegal software it is just a program that allows you to organize your games and present them in a clean fashion. Hopefully one of our Steam users can chime in and help troubleshoot.
  21. It is not true. Which is why I advised the controller automation simply sends Escape to all emulators. There is no default exit hook/hotkey for the actual emulator settings when it comes to the controller and keyboard bindings. If someone mentioned that it is likely referring to those defaults in the Pause Theme tabs. Those are needed for when you are in the Pause screen Launchbox will use the emulators bindings for things like Save, Load, and for Exit. To be clear it is only using the emulators Exit hook to Exit from within the Pause screen and if there is a script needed for that it is placed in the Exit AHK Tab. That tab is specifically used for Exiting from within the Pause screen. Not to be confused with how it exits during gameplay.
  22. That's also what I meant by It does just shutdown the exe. It doesn't have to use the emulators command if there is one. Controller/key automation sends Escape to shut it down. Dos was giving you an alternative in the meantime until you can figure out your problem.
  23. This is a rather small community so unfortunately sometimes posts get missed. Even though it shows views maybe those who viewed it did not know the answer and those with the answer missed viewing. Are your encoders seen as controller buttons or as keystrokes?
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