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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. This is looking good. The subtle transition from the game fanart to the video is nice. Just the right amount of fade/transition speed. Have you messed with the Text List View any? I am typically not a wheel user for game level and prefer text list (I do use wheels on platform and playlist level). So very curious how you might approach that view if you do at all.
  2. Cannot see the playlist at all or cannot see it first. Does it show correctly in LB? Can you post a pic of what you see in BigBox and also edit the playlist in LB and share a pic of the Details Tab and the Parents tab.
  3. Themes do not typically contain the game and platform artwork. Such as game play videos, box art images, and so on. Those are downloaded when you import games or you can copy over any artwork you may have downloaded from our forum or anywhere else. Themes simply display that artwork in a nice graphical layout. Some themes may come with some artwork, but most likely 90% of what you need for almost all themes you would download during import of your games. So when you import a game as you get to the media pages in the import wizard that is where you want to be to get the images you need that themes will use. You do not set up the artwork. That is the purpose of the theme. It sets up how the artwork you downloaded is displayed. Once you download images during rom import and then download a theme the theme will take care of the rest. There may be some tweaks you need here or there, but overwhelmingly you will not need to set anything up. You just need to select a view in the theme that uses the wheel. All themes are designed with several view styles. Vertical Wheel, Horizontal Wheel, Text Only List, Wall View. It just depends on what the theme creator chose to design views for. The easiest way to change views to get to one you want is to go into BB settings to the keyboard or controller mapping section and bind a key or button for the option to "Change View". Then when you back out of the settings page and go into the actual theme (where you can see the games) hit the button you bound and it will change the theme's views real time.
  4. If you are having issues with controls on game that has nothing to do with LB. All that is handled by the emulator. So DS4 Windows may be affecting the emulator directly. I would start by looking at your in emulator controller bindings and see if DS4 messed anything up directly in the emulator.
  5. Right click and edit the playlist. In the "Details" tab use the "Sort Title" field to give the playlist a sort name that will make it show first. Somethings like "01-Best of Amiga".
  6. Please stop posting on various threads asking for someone to post this image pack. One post is sufficient.
  7. CTC is the Community Theme Creator and is available on our forum. If a user publishes the theme development files (different than the actual theme) for a theme created in the CTC any user can download those files and edit the theme directly to create their own custom look.
  8. This may depend on the view you use in LB. The creator of the playlist may not have playlist set-up to work with your view if you use "Platform Category" as your main LB view. In the left hand pane of LB change the view to "Playlist" in the drop down box and it should now show those playlists you downloaded. Once the playlists show right click one of them and edit. In the "Details" tab if "Include this Playlist with Platforms" is unchecked this could be one reason it is not showing in other views. The second reason could be looking in the "Parents" folder. If there is nothing checked in the "Parents" folder LB would not know where to place it other than making it available in Playlist view. Check the box for where you want playlists to be viewed in your LB set-up.
  9. There is no documentation. Forum is really your best information source. Youtube videos help but many can be outdated. Random Playlist and Platform videos is currently not an option. BB will play only one video in its current developed state.
  10. Yes, Startup folder has been in place since around version 7-something. So been in place since about 2017.
  11. When you import the games in the media download screens uncheck the boxes for items you do not want. .
  12. See C-beats post at the end of this thread and try what he advises.
  13. There is no setting to tell LB what specific file type to install. When importing a bin/cue style game the best method is to open Windows folder and drag and drop the .cue files for all the games for that platform into LB. This way only the .cue gets imported.
  14. You need to open the theme. Go into "Themes" folder and in there you should see a .sln and .csproj file. You can open either one of those in VS and the theme will be available. Go into the "Views" folder and edit the xaml of the view you are using in BB.
  15. Can you share a pic of what you see in VS? You just need to make sure you open the xaml file for the view you are using in BB. You also do not necessarily need to use VS you can simply use Notepad++ to edit the file. Though using VS is nice as you can see grid layouts and other items directly in VS.
  16. You cannot. BB does not see each controller as unique. Such as Joy1 and Joy2. It just sees 2 controllers. So the bindings work the same on both. Even if you hit 1 button on one and the 2nd button on the other.
  17. Probably a couple ways to do this. One way is to add a control to the TextBlock. Here is an example. <Canvas x:Name="NotesCanvas" ClipToBounds="True" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="0,10,0,0"> <controls:ScrollableTextBlock Name="ScrollingNotes" Text="{Binding Path=SelectedGame.Notes}" FontSize="28" Foreground="White" TextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow" Width="{Binding ElementName=NotesCanvas, Path=ActualWidth}" ScrollBeginDelay="6" ScrollSpeed="2" ScrollAutoReverse="True" ScrollEndDelay="6" ReverseScrollSpeed="0.5" ScrollDirection="Up" > </Canvas>
  18. There are several threads on this. There is a service many users have running known to cause these graphical issues.
  19. What options are there are all that can be bound. You cannot edit a config file or a theme's code to alter that. These have been the options for quite a long while.
  20. You set 1 button to "Hold Key" and then the second to "Close Active Window". You do not try to set both for "Close Active Window".
  21. If you are talking abut navigating BigBox then yes. There is a keyboard automation and keyboard mapping section in BB settings. You would use the mapping section to set keys for BB UI navigation and use the Automation section to set your buttons for closing out of a game back to BB. To exit games be sure to map for the option to "Close Active Window" and not for the option for "Exit" as "Exit" is for exiting from BB to your desktop.
  22. If the game runs in Mame but not through LB then you likely have a set-up issue in LB. Since you have the rom in 2 locations which rom location is LB pointing to? If it is pointing to the one in Games/Arcade and you did not tell Mame (you did not set that rom path in Mame) than Mame will not be able to launch the game.
  23. In LB or BB? Can you provide a pic of what you mean?
  24. Did you look in the 3D Box Front image folder and confirm that game does indeed have a 3D Box image? If it does I would confirm the name matches the game's name in LB. If the image was downloaded by LB during import it would have named the file for that specific game 007_Blood Stone.png or possibly 007_Blood Stone-01.png. You can also try and refresh your image cache. Highlight all the games and then right click and select "Refresh Selected Images" or just hit F5. If the game does not actually have an image in the folder just select all the games missing images and rerun the Metadata and Media download process. Also, in case you did not know. LB has media priorities. So you can set fallback image options in cases where games may not have an image type present. In LB go to >Tools >Options and look for the Media section. Each of the Image Types that have a priority setting you can set fallback options. Just check the box for the types you want. You can then use the move buttons to move each option in the order you want them.
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