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Your Friendly A.I Overlord

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Everything posted by Your Friendly A.I Overlord

  1. Insofar as the usefullness of Vita3K as an Emulator, because of its VERY limited compatibility, I got it working in two ways: First, setup Vita3k and install your game inside Vita3k and make sure the game runs. - Windowed: Add Vita3K as an emulator, with command line parameter "-r" (whithout quotes) and tick "Don't use quotes" and "Use file name only without file extension or folder path". (*Edit* I just noticed that the LaunchBox startup/shutdown screens work better if you tick "Attempt to hide console window on startup/shutdown" aswell.) Then make a textfile with the game's Vita app serial (in your case PCSB00952.txt. Add the textfile as your romfile in LaunchBox. - Fullscreen: When you add the textfile as your romfile in LaunchBox, go to the "Emulation" tab and tick "Use custom command line parameter" and add: "-r PCSB00952 --fullscreen" (whithout quotes). You have to do this per game, because the --fullscreen parameter comes after the rom name. For closing Vita3K use: $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe Vita3K.exe }
  2. For disc games, if you have a .cue file, you must use that one.
  3. I meant the LaunchBox / BigBox startup screens. One thing you could try that I can think of. Do the games run if you try them in CXBX directly? Sometimes an emulator in heavy development has a regression that prevents games that once worked from working. What workes for me: - Setting cxbx-ldr.exe as my emulator in LaunchBox using the /load argument in the command line. - No ahk script except to close cxbx-ldr.exe - Ticking "Use Exclusive Fullscreen Mode" in CXBX videosettings. (I myself use a Display Resolution 3840 x 2160 32 bit.) - In LaunchBox "Manage Emulator" settings for CXBX Reloaded in the "Startup Screen" tab: "Hide all windows that are not in Exclusive Fullscreen Mode" ticked with a "Startup Load Delay" of 3 seconds. One thing to note though, I do not have the games you mentioned as not working. (Blood Wake and Crimson Skies).
  4. In my experience, sometimes black screens are caused by startup screens. Have you tried fiddling with those settings?
  5. Are you using an ahk script to send an Alt + Enter to go to fullscreen? In the CXBX videosettings I have ticked "Use Exclusive Fullscreen Mode". CXBX automatically goes fullscreen and that workes well for me. But i can't say I have tested all games.
  6. I am sorry if I make this a bit OT but I have used Windows + HDR for 3 years now and beside a few hiccups it works very well. For gaming, some games detect a HDR capable display and trigger HDR mode automatically. Some games expect you to manually toggle the HDR switch in the Windows display settings before starting a game. However this can be automated for use in LaunchBox / BigBox using this program https://github.com/bradgearon/hdr-switch/releases/tag/default and a autohotkey script to start and end the program before and after a game. As far as HDR movies go, I myself use MPC-BE with the MadVR videorenderer which can passthrough HDR metadata (HDR10) to your display. Other videoplayer software can also use the MadVR videorenderer and I believe KODI has native HDR support.
  7. With CXBX Reloaded I have set cxbxr-ldr.exe as my emulator .exe. That way CXBX's gui doesn't start and only one window is opend. For closing CXBX I use the following autohotkey script: $Esc:: { WinClose, Cxbx-Reloaded ahk_exe cxbxr-ldr.exe }
  8. Just to add to the discussion. For 4K60 you need Premium High Speed (18 GB/s) HDMI 2.0 cables. Some HDMI cables are sold with HDMI 2.0 4K on the packaging but only have a bandwith of 10.2 GB/s (4K30). If you connect your pc through a receiver your receiver needs to be compatible and connected with 2 18 GB/s HDMI 2.0 cables.
  9. Yes. Xenia works with both, isos and .xex (xbox 360 executable). Also with Xbox Live Arcade games.
  10. This is what Xenia's FAQ says: https://github.com/xenia-project/xenia/wiki/FAQ#input FYI there are two Xenia projects: Xenia main-line: https://xenia.jp/ and Xenia Canary: https://github.com/xenia-canary/xenia-canary The latter with the latest and more experimental features.
  11. Xenia's config files in are probably in your Documents folder. In the "xenia.config.toml" file change hid = "xinput" to hid = "sdl"
  12. https://github.com/xenia-project/game-compatibility/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Astate-playable
  13. If you feel comfortable enough there are more advanced ways of giving individual programs you trust admin rights without an UAC prompt. Look here: using RunAsInvoker http://woshub.com/how-to-disable-uac-for-specific-applications/#h2_2 or using Task Scheduler: https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/57690-create-elevated-shortcut-without-uac-prompt-windows-10-a.html
  14. To automatically download game videos you need a paid subscription to EmuMovies. https://emumovies.com If you have an EmuMovies subscription they should appear in the EmuMovies tab of the metadata/media download window (If you entered your EmuMovies login credentials in the LaunchBox > Tools > Options > Integrations > EmuMovies menu. Otherwise you can always manually add videos, i.e. by downloading them from youtube or finding other sources.
  15. If both players don't work it's probably not LaunchBox related. You could always try installing new graphics drivers or run a Windows System File check. Open a command prompt or Powershell window and type: sfc /scannow
  16. I have had the same problems with the Flycast core. See if disabling "threaded rendering" in the Flycast options makes any difference. https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/56619-retroarch-flycast-atomiswave-threaded-rendering/
  17. I can set the startup screens "Startup Load Delay" to higher then 5 seconds. Ticking "Hide All Windows that are not in Exclusive Fullscreen Mode" depends on the game. But I guess that has got to do somithing with the fact I'm using TeknoParrots "--startMinimized" command-line parameter. That way TeknoParrotGUI starts minimized and doesn't interfere with startup screens.
  18. Off the top of my head: x360ce, Universal Control Remapper (UCR), Virtual Controller, reWASD. But there are many more.
  19. Rpcs3 actually has a --no-gui command-line parameter. I used it in the past but I ran into some problems, although I can't remember what it was.
  20. It could be due to image scaling (stretching) and bilinear filtering. Try using integer scaling without filtering. Or maybe you are using a bluring shader of some sorts?
  21. Try going to LaunchBox > Tools > Options > Media. Pick an image group you don't use, i.e 3D Carts. There set Banners as your first priority. Then select 3D Carts as the image group for your platforms. Don't forget to refresh your images.
  22. Xbox (360) emulation is sadly far from perfect. While both use Xbox controllers by default, for Xenia try opening the "xenia.config.toml" file in the install folder with a text editor. Try changing the line: [HID] guide_button = false # Forward guide button presses to guest. hid = "xinput" # Input system. Use: [any, nop, sdl, winkey, xinput] from "xinput" to something other. *Edit* I just realised I have a "portable.txt" in my install folder witch makes Xenia's install, well portable. You may have Xenia's config files in your Documents folder.
  23. Or for a more opensource alternative, I myself copy the youtube url and open it with MPC-BE (videoplayer). It can play and download youtube video's (also 4k). Then I cut a 1 min. video of that using MKVtoolnix because thats what I allready have installed. While on the subject I want to add I have a lifetime membership of Emumovies, but it's quite frustrating they concentrate on older systems. With a name like Emumovies and a membershipfee I really expect them to put in a little more effort. *Edit* While the post I reacted to just got deleted and it seems I necroed and old thread, I just want to point out you can download youtube video's with software you may already have installed.
  24. Try switching between different rendering API's (Vulkan, OpenGL, D3D) in the Retroarch/Flycast video/driver settings and make sure your Intel graphics drivers are up to date.
  25. I am a 100% pc guy, I don't even have a laptop lying around to test with. If I connect speakers to my pc it uses the onboard Realtek audio device. If I switch to my av-receiver, using HDMI, windows switches to the nvidia HDMI audio device. I am not sure that what causes Virtua Tennis 4 to crash for me is also the cause for your chrashes. You didn't state how your external speakers are connected. But if you connect your display, have you checked which audio device is being used?
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