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Everything posted by Undertherainbow

  1. ds4windows yes? Do this. Make .bat file in ds4windows folder. and inside .bat file write this :: Run elevated on logon (via Task Scheduler) for good DS4Windows (exclusive access) @echo off echo [#] Waiting for NvContainerLocalSystem service... :WAIT timeout /t 1 > NUL for /f "tokens=4" %%s in ('sc query NvContainerLocalSystem ^| find "STATE"') do if NOT "%%s"=="RUNNING" goto WAIT timeout /t 3 > NUL echo [#] Stopping NvContainerLocalSystem... net stop NVDisplay.ContainerLocalSystem echo [#] Starting DS4Windows and waiting 5 seconds... START "" /D "%~dp0" "%~dp0\DS4Windows.exe" timeout /t 5 > NUL echo [#] Starting NvContainerLocalSystem... net start NVDisplay.ContainerLocalSystem Now launch ds4windows using that bat file. it will make sure that nvidia overlay doesnt snatch ur gamepad. be sure not to have other app's that might do the same at least not before u launch that bat.. (Steam etc) now u can play ur games P.S nvidia overlay is always active. Its part of drivers.
  2. Maybe emulator doesnt close fast enough , have u tried with latest demul? http://forum.emu-russia.net/viewtopic.php?p=26178#p26178 Also adding this to autohotkey makes sure emulator closes ; This section closes Demul when pressing Escape $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} }
  3. @dragon57 Yes thats it U did more work on yours , adding front/back? covers, logo , cart? Cool.
  4. In app, Online update->content downloader->utilities->overlay editor. This actually worked before , that second overlay is treated as button, one can have as many buttons as they want Editor can then be found in downloads folder in within retroarch
  5. Hey ppl! I know some of u probably had idea to draw additional or multiple layers of image on top of main bezel in retroarch, like MAME or some other console? In my case it was desire to show cartridges of game i am currently playing on top of bezel without photoshoping original bezel. Heres how. First you need CFG file of your desired core RetroArch\config\Snes9x\ it would consist of cfg files for each game, example: Addams Family, The (USA).cfg inside should be what u probably already know , path pointing to your actual bezel work. This is how RA works so this is required. input_overlay = ":/overlays/GameBezels/SNES/Addams Family, The (USA).cfg" Now comes fun part Inside retroarch we have our bezels. example RetroArch\overlays\GameBezels\SNES\Addams Family Values (USA).cfg which is accompanied by its png bezel Addams Family Values (USA).png Basic stuff, just wanted to get it out of the way. And now here is what we do to get multiple images drawn on top of our main bezel In my case i will use one main bezel for every game accompanied by additional images (cartridges for each game) So i write overlays = 1 overlay0_full_screen = true overlay0_normalized = true overlay0_range_mod = 1.5 overlay0_alpha_mod = 0.0001 overlay0_overlay = SNES_PAL_MAIN_BEZEL.png overlay0_descs = 1 overlay0_desc0 = "cart,0.839924,0.813324,rect,0.115484,0.0864266" overlay0_desc0_overlay = "Addams Family Values (USA).png" I did not get permission from author of bezel i did this for, so i cannot show u pictures , but i will help with cfg files and script to write them. Let me explain cfg first. overlay0_overlay = SNES_PAL_MAIN_BEZEL.png This is MAIN Bezel , for screen. overlay0_desc0_overlay = "Addams Family Values (USA).png" This is actual layer image overlay0_desc0 = "cart,0.839924,0.813324,rect,0.115484,0.0864266" This is position of second layer image Some my wonder how to get those numbers for position? Go to Retroarch , Online update->content downloader->utilities->overlay editor. download retroarch overlay editor.(Editor can then be found in download folder within retroarch First click actions and set canvas size. Position elements where u want them and u get position Doing this for zilion games is kinda crazy.. but if u like me just want basic one Bezel and cartridges on top, this will do quick work. (This can also be used for multiple layers on one overlay) Result is very ugly mockup image. and for every game What python script does? it writes info in your pre made cfg files for your games. Feel free to open it up and edit. Put name of your main bezel inside and thats it. Py will write filename.png which will be your cartidges and rest of info. I hope i was clear enough ..you'll have to forgive my English its not my main language.. P.S Python script requires 2.7 Python installed on your PC P.P.S If you want to add more layers, this is how: All you have to do is .. overlay0_descs = X X=update the ammount of layers And then just add new button layers with their position and file name overlay0_desc1 = "new_layer0,x.xxx,x.xxxx,rect,x.xxx,x.xx" overlay0_desc1_overlay = some_layerX.png overlay0_desc2 = "new_layer1,x.xxx,x.xxxx,rect,x.xxx,x.xx" overlay0_desc2_overlay = some_layerY.png @Thatman84 i saw u were asking for this on libretro forums write-in-all-text-files.zip snes_files.zip
  6. P.S Can't use VMU with theme for rocket, because RL draws VMU on top of bezel. So only separate VMU would work
  7. Well , maybe for future, flycast can have VMU on side like demul core, so it wouldnt hurt to have one that is inside theme. But right now ,VMU that is separate but styled as theme would be awesome
  8. Cant change image size, rocketlauncher requirement (Demul). I would move to flycast if developer would give greater control over VMU's , unfortunately they are drawn over game screen there. Thanks
  9. @Mr. RetroLust Do you think u could manage to fit this VMU into your darkened room theme for DC? It stands out too much this bright. Not as part of theme, just to match the theme
  10. Your tool is monstrously slow , compared to chdman using command? i can compress 2 games using chd while with tool i can barrely compress 1 game in same time
  11. @Aevans0001 Just open ahk under emulator in launchbox and paste $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} Process, Close, joytokill.exe } when u press Escape it will close both emulator and joytokey
  12. just use something like this to close joytokey and emulator in same time $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} Process, Close, joytokill.exe }
  13. u should replace joytokeykill.bat with something like this: start "" /WAIT "somegame.exe" Timeout 1 taskkill /f /im JoyToKey.exe By using start WAIT, "somegame.exe" can be name of emulator or.. most easiest maybe would be to put all on escape? $Esc:: { Process, Close, joytokill.exe } or u can use if WinExist("ahk_exe someprogram.exe") DO.. @Aevans0001 P.S just remembered , there is also little hard way to check if process is active then Do.. TIMEOUT /T 3 :while1 FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %GAMENAME%"') DO IF %%x == %GAMENAME% goto FOUND goto FIN :FOUND TIMEOUT /T 5 goto :while1 :FIN taskkill /f /im joytokill.exe define emulator as %GAMENAME% set "GAMENAME=someprogram.exe" Anyway there are bunch of choices to deal with it
  14. How do you control when will target start doing its animation movement? I understand it activates on triggers, but can i actually delay function to execute? <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetProperty="(UIElement.RenderTransform).(TransformGroup.Children)[3].(TranslateTransform.Y)" Storyboard.TargetName="CoverImage"> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.0" Value="-4320"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.9" Value="0"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:1" Value="-150"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:1.1" Value="0"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:1.15" Value="-30"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:1.2" Value="0"/> </DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames>
  15. Version 1.0.3


    This is made for theme i am working on, but will also work for any BB theme that uses same/similar layout , video on left like Retrotastic by @faeran Work in progress... Just copy files to your desired theme. It uses same folder format as Retrostatic Images/Game/Background Images/Platform/Background Platform collections themes done so far 97 files: And few game themes: Metal Gear for PC and Doom Troopers More to come as i get more time. Have fun!
  16. Background for Collections - Playlists View File This is made for theme i am working on, but will also work for any BB theme that uses same/similar layout , video on left like Retrotastic by @faeran Work in progress... Just copy files to your desired theme. It uses same folder format as Retrostatic Images/Game/Background Images/Platform/Background Platform collections themes done so far 97 files: And few game themes: Metal Gear for PC and Doom Troopers More to come as i get more time. Have fun! Submitter Undertherainbow Submitted 09/27/2019 Category Platform Backgrounds
  17. Same thing, text starts with first line gone https://youtu.be/PEyk6RhjW-Q 10.2.4 beta
  18. Nah ,clean theme ,didnt touch a thing. i guess ill try and get it again
  19. Weird, image is how starts for me , i switch to next platform same thing yeah its definitely starting with first line gone for me, there is no "lag" or smth ,transition is instant,weird
  20. @Jason Carr I see u are using ? built in scroll able text? xmlns:wpf="clr-namespace:Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows;assembly=Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows" But how do u control starting position of text? In ur theme Converter={StaticResource NoNewline}}" FontFamily="{StaticResource FontBebasNeue}" FontSize="40" Foreground="White" Height="45" ScrollSpeed="95" /> i dont see control for that? Right now text starts with first line already gone
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