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Launchbox does not import all MAME ROMs


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8 minutes ago, lfan said:

What is the MAME db version in Launchbox? I'm losing 83 roms on import. ?


Do you mind sharing the names of the missing ones (I would like to check them on my end to see if they were imported or missed as well)? What happens when you try drag and dropping one of the not imported zip files individually into LB?

When I imported MAME I had a decreased number of games in LB compared to my folder containing the zips, but it was because a lot of games got combined into the same one. If you are testing with your MAME list and dont mind messing with it, try selecting all the games from the list, right click, and expand; see if that reaches to the same number as your zip files. 

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13 minutes ago, Kondorito said:

Do you mind sharing the names of the missing ones (I would like to check them on my end to see if they were imported or missed as well)? What happens when you try drag and dropping one of the not imported zip files individually into LB?

When I imported MAME I had a decreased number of games in LB compared to my folder containing the zips, but it was because a lot of games got combined into the same one. If you are testing with your MAME list and dont mind messing with it, try selecting all the games from the list, right click, and expand; see if that reaches to the same number as your zip files. 

Olá, @Kondorito!

Eu não sei o nome dos jogos que não foram importados. Poderia ser mostrada uma lista com o que não foi importado.

Usei o front-end Emu Loader (muito bom!) para filtrar minhas roms (split) e copiá-las para as pastas horizontal e vertical. Só há roms que funcionam e originais (não-clones). Quando as importo para o Launchbox, desmarco todas as opções de filtro e deixo marcada a opção de importar tudo, mas, mesmo assim, não funciona.

Minhas roms são 0.198.


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14 minutes ago, lfan said:

Olá, @Kondorito!

Eu não sei o nome dos jogos que não foram importados. Poderia ser mostrada uma lista com o que não foi importado.

Usei o front-end Emu Loader (muito bom!) para filtrar minhas roms (split) e copiá-las para as pastas horizontal e vertical. Só há roms que funcionam e originais (não-clones). Quando as importo para o Launchbox, desmarco todas as opções de filtro e deixo marcada a opção de importar tudo, mas, mesmo assim, não funciona.

Minhas roms são 0.198.


Tenta deixar marcada tambem a opcao de "Forzar a importacao de roms duplicadas" (o algo similar).


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7 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

LaunchBox currently only recognizes up to either the 0.174 or 0.175 set so any games add to MAME after that are not recognized by LB any games promoted to working since then will still be seen as nonworking

I am not at home to do a proper test, but if I grab for example one of the zipped games added to the MAME db after .180 and drag and drop it in LB, and select to force import, uncheck all skips, and import all, should be imported anyways, right? Even if it does not find any info about it or if it is labeled as nonworking, I could potentially run it. Am I correct, or just saying none sense? 


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7 minutes ago, Charco said:

That is correct.

Cheers Charco. So the MAME db match up embedded in LB matters in terms of metadata, and not the actual import of games.

I told lfan to select all his games and right click expand, as maybe he did not "loose" games in the importing, but some got combined because of their meta.
At least when I did my import (which was pretty similar to his), I saw that the imported number was diminished, but then realized that it was because a lot of games got combined.


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29 minutes ago, Charco said:

I've forced LB to import a few games, Major Title 2 just yesterday in fact. Once @Jason Carr updates the MAME list this should not be an issue. 

Well depending on how he updates it might be an issue later down the line as in if he does it the same way he originally did it.

1 hour ago, Kondorito said:

I am not at home to do a proper test, but if I grab for example one of the zipped games added to the MAME db after .180 and drag and drop it in LB, and select to force import, uncheck all skips, and import all, should be imported anyways, right? Even if it does not find any info about it or if it is labeled as nonworking, I could potentially run it. Am I correct, or just saying none sense? 

I'm not sure on that but Charco said he's done it so I assume so (unless he means he added them manually one at a time) not sure how LB will handle naming games that weren't on the list at the time may just give them the short name may not add them at all as they don't exist in the version of MAME it is using even in unchecking everything may get you no results for games it can't identify at all but like I said I really have no clue on how that goes as I've never tested it.

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44 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

I'm not sure on that but Charco said he's done it so I assume so (unless he means he added them manually one at a time) not sure how LB will handle naming games that weren't on the list at the time may just give them the short name may not add them at all as they don't exist in the version of MAME it is using even in unchecking everything may get you no results for games it can't identify at all but like I said I really have no clue on how that goes as I've never tested it.

Thanks DOS.
I used the LB import tool and got weird results, so I cleaned it all, and simply did a drag and drop of all the desired zip files in LB; doing that did the trick. Don't know what could be the difference between both ways as they should be the same process. Nevertheless, let's wait and see how the MAME stuff evolves.

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The way I solved this on my end, as I've noticed this problem occurs on a number of Arcade based systems, such as Sega Naomi, is on the final step of the import process, selecting all of the text in the fields and pressing ctrl+C to copy, then pasting it to notepad++. Then I back up a few steps in the import process, and disable importing as arcade, and on the last step, you get just the ROM names. I then do the ctrl+C thing again, and paste it to a second window of Notepad++, then I use find+replace with regex/extended epxressions to be left with only the ROM names. Then I compare both (using the 'compare' plugin), and I'm able to determine which ROMs got skipped, then I can add them manually.

Yes, that is quite a hassle. But I want all of my games imported.


I really hope the way MAME games are imported is improved. You should not be losing games on import just because they're not in the database. I've enjoyed LaunchBox/BigBox so far, but some of the hurdles I've had to overcome importing games has been a huge time waster and letdown - with Commodore Amiga being the other notable PIA.

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On ‎6‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 10:09 AM, TonyRamirez said:

I use this for MAME as Launchbox skips many games the most glaring is the Batman Arcade game from 1989.

Emu Loader is the best to filter MAME roms and copy/move to a specific folder. I classify in horizontal and vertical.

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Wouldnt it make more sense for Mame to import games based off a full .XML file generated from MAME itself. The reason i say this is that it would be easy to use the -listxml command in terms of updating your newly built mame set when you import/update with each new mame build right? If this were part of the automation process when you "Scan for added roms" it coould read the xml file and grab what it needs from your roms folder to update your set. then if media is available it would grab as well just like when you import a set. I dunno, just an idea.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have had trouble with my MAME set in LaunchBox upon upgrading my set from 0.195 to 0.198. I did not use update packs but instead just downloaded the complete 0.198 set. I deleted everything Arcade wise in LaunchBox then reuploaded my newly acquired and complete 0.198 set. After doing so I found that there were lots of my favorite games missing. I had chosen all the same option as I did when adding my 0.195 set. Games like DoDonPachi did not add but were there previously. I was just mucking around with the import wizard and the only way I could get them to be included was chose to force import and import ALL clones (which I did not want to do), or chose to prioritize region as "World". I though when prioritizing a region it would still add games outside that region when the priority region has none. Anyway, I had no problems when adding my 0.195 set months ago but 0.198 for unknown reasons was a pain in the bottom. I certainly wouldn't expect or look down upon LaunchBox and it's staff for not being always up to date with the latest MAME release/database but just out of curiosity, is it?

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No it is not LB is either using 0.174 or 0.175 version of the database and as someone who has multiple installs of LB I can tell you MAME importing isn't 100% at all as using the same filters I've seen different results when importing games to them. Its one of the small things I live with and then if I notice a game I want is missing I'll find out the name of it and import it manually.

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