Sony Playstation
40 files
2d box pack Sony Playstation 2D Box Pack - Japan (3911) (2 Versions)
By Robin55
This is a complete collection of 2D Boxes for the Original Sony PlayStation Japan Region. There are two versions. A version with all the covers squared off and a version with all the covers in CD Jewel case templates. The collection is complete and named after the 2019-3-31 ReDump rom set. There are also around 220 extra Boxes in the set that were not included in the ReDump rom set. Please note that some of the original files were not very high quality scans.
This collection was originally a collaboration between @aorin1 , @diskmach and Myself in making the 3D Box set that I have now converted to 2D Boxes for this collection.
- playstation
- japan
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3d box pack Original PlayStation Japan 3D Box Pack - Authentic Set (3919)(ReDump)
By Robin55
It was requested if I would make a set of the PlayStation Japan 3D Boxes using the authentic templates made by @Suprakarma. I have made some modifications to the templates to fit with this set however.
This is a collection of 3693 3D Boxes for the Japan Region Original Sony PlayStation. Only four are missing as original artwork for them is unavailable online because they are demo discs. Also included is a folder with 225 3D Boxes that are not in the ReDump rom set.
The naming convention is based on the 2019-3-31 ReDump set. A Database is attached.
This project was a collaboration between @Aorin, @diskmach and myself and has taken a long time to complete. diskmach was able to work out a way of converting the original covers serial number to real names (with out this the project would never of got started) so then Aorin was able to download and rename the original artwork. I then converted the images to 3D Boxes. Thanks to more help from Aorin, who converted all the covers with missing spines to Japanese names I was able to create Spines in Japanese for about 1200 boxes that there are not scans of.
Any corrections that users find may be necessary please leave a comment and I will make the corrections in later releases.
Sony PlayStation - Japan.xml
- sony playstation
- japa
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disc pack Original Sony Playstation Japan Disc Pack (1021) (ReDump)
By Robin55
This is a collection of 1021 Discs for the Japan Region Original Sony PlayStation.
The naming convention is based on the 2019-3-31 ReDump set.
Please note that in some cases where a game required 2 Discs or more and only one was available the first disc was given the disc 2 tag.
Many Thanks to @aorin1 for downloading the original files and to @diskmach for converting the original serial numbers to proper names.
3d box pack Original PlayStation Japan 3D Box Pack (3919) (ReDump)
By Robin55
This is a collection of 3693 3D Boxes for the Japan Region Original Sony PlayStation. Only four are missing as original artwork for them is unavailable online because they are demo discs.
The naming convention is based on the 2019-3-31 ReDump set. A Database is attached. Also included is a folder with 225 3D Boxes not listed in the ReDump rom set.
This project was a collaboration between @aorin1, @diskmach and myself and has taken a long time to complete. @diskmach was able to work out a way of converting the original covers serial number to real names (with out this the project would never of got started). Then @aorin1 was able to download and rename the original artwork. I then converted the images to 3D Boxes. Thanks to more help from Aorin, who converted all the covers with missing spines to Japanese names I was able to create Spines in Japanese for about 1200 boxes that there are not scans of.
Any corrections that users find may be necessary please leave a comment and I will make the corrections in later releases.
Sony PlayStation - Japan.xml
Marquees - Sony Playstation
By igotdvds
Custom Marquees for the Sony Playstation platform.
Sony Playstation Disc Art
By WallyWonka
Here is a collection of disc art images for Sony Playstation 1 games. All USA and Europe exclusives and some Japanese games too. 1,888 in total. I could not find images for the following games:
NBA in the Zone 2 (USA)
Plane Crazy (Europe)
for NBA in the Zone 2 (USA) I included the pal disc instead. If anyone can upload disc scans of those 3 games that would be great. I included a template for those who want to add games to their collections.
Shro2016 1:1 Pack - Sony PlayStation
By shro2016
This file contains the complete 1:1 cover set for all Sony PlayStation games released in the US/EU regions plus a few extra Japanese releases (1,810 images in total).
All files have been created by myself using the various repositories on the Internet for source materials and all have been adapted to suit the 1:1 file ratio and all have had a custom PlayStation overlay applied so that they appear uniform in the set.
The file format is JPG to keep file size small and hopeful better performance on low spec machines. The file dimensions are all 500x500
1:1 Packs for other consoles will be added shortly.
- playstation
- ps1
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PS1 Disc Images (8 files, see listing)
By Reevesad
Some PS1 Disc images that were missing from my set, taken from the internet. So some are literally just pictures of discs, but does the job for completing my set. I've also dropped in a template for anyone needing additional discs with the correct Template size for Launchbox.
International Track & Field 2000 / International Track & Field / Nagano Winter Olympics 98 / Newman Haas Racing / Ready 2 Rumble / Roll Away / Sensible Soccer / Supercross Circuit
CP78 Sony Playstation Videos For Launchbox
By Colpipes78
35 Sony Playstation videos with spinning cases and discs. Only the best games!
I plan on adding more games and and adding more systems. 1080p @ 30fps
You may need to change the name to match the name of your games.
A full preview is here:
parasite eve ii Parasite Eve II Video Theme
By IceLancer
Parasite Eve II Video theme, 1080p 16:9
I give up of attempt to upload files here. Upload just doesnt work for me here. 1 out of 10 files upload others get stuck.
Sony PlayStation Game Themes (16:9)
Moving on to the PlayStation. I'll be uploading themes for games in my collection (around 80ish). If you are looking for themes for any of the PlayStation Final Fantasy games, I have themes for all of those available here:
Just an FYI: I won't be uploading themes for Crash Bandicoot or most of the Mega Man games since @hevenik uploaded video themes for most all of these already. I have, however, modified the videos I'm using from his collections to be 16:9 (added a wallpaper with a blur to fill up the black space on the sides) and incorporated music from the game instead of sound effects of the game since this is what I prefer. If there is any interest in those, I will upload them here; just let me know. Otherwise, Hevenik has you covered for practically all Mega Man and Crash games. I will be doing a theme for Mega Man 8: Anniversary Collector's Edition since that is about the only thing not covered in his set.
1. The Adventure of Little Ralph
2. The Adventures of Lomax
3. Alundra
4. Alundra 2: A New Legend Begins
5. Arc the Lad Collection
6. Blaster Master: Blasting Again
7. Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
8. Brave Fencer Musashi
9. Breath of Fire III
10. Breath of Fire IV
11. Bushido Blade (@SNAK3ATER)
12. Bushido Blade 2 (@SNAK3ATER)
13. Castlevania Chronicles
14. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
15. Chrono Cross
16. Contra: Legacy of War
17. Darkstone: Evil Reigns
18. Dino Crisis
19. Dino Crisis 2
20. Dragon Valor
21. Dragon Warrior VII
22. Einhänder
23. Fear Effect
24. Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix
25. Front Mission 3
26. Future Cop L.A.P.D.
27. G-Darius
28. Gradius Gaiden
29. Grandia
30. Harmful Park
31. Heart of Darkness
32. Hellnight
33. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
34. Koudelka
35. The Legend of Dragoon
36. Legend of Legaia
37. Legend
38. Legend of Mana
39. Loaded
40. Re-Loaded: The Hardcore Sequel
41. LSD
42. Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
43. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete
44. MediEvil
45. MediEvil II
46. Metal Gear Solid (@SNAK3ATER)
47. Mortal Kombat Trilogy
48. Omega Boost
49. Parasite Eve
50. Parasite Eve II
51. The Raiden Project
52. Rapid Reload
53. RayCrisis: Series Termination
54. Resident Evil: Director's Cut
55. Resident Evil (Standard version)
56. Resident Evil 2
57. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
58. R-Type Delta
59. SaGa Frontier
60. SaGa Frontier 2
61. Silent Hill
62. Skullmonkeys
63. Strider 2
64. Tales of Destiny
65. Intelligent Qube (this was a special request for @RetroHumanoid)
66. Tales of Destiny II
67. Thousand Arms
68. Threads of Fate
69. Vagrant Story
70. Valkyrie Profile
71. Vandal Hearts
72. Vandal Hearts II
73. Wild Arms
74. Wild Arms 2
75. Wipeout
76. Xenogears
77. Mortal Kombat Trilogy (version 2)
78. Pepsiman (@SNAK3ATER)
This wraps up themes for PlayStation, aside from any special requests that may come along. I'll either be doing PlayStation 2 next or filling in the holes I have for Super Nintendo; haven't decided. When I do get to Super Nintendo, those themes will be at 1440x1080 so they have a 4:3 aspect ratio since the majority of the themes I already have for that system are 4:3 (will make versions of the Final Fantasy SNES themes to match this too sine the ones I made before are 16:9).
PlayStation Underground - Box Fronts
By ReaperZer0
I found all the various PSU covers floating around the web and did my best to clean them up, in case anyone wants to add these to their Launchbox collection as I have.
- playstation
- playstation underground
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Sony Playstation carbon style buttons
By marcoooo
1142 pcs carbon style buttons for playstation games
PS1 Silver Ring Clear Game Logo Set
viking is the original creator of the silver ring set i just put the games in it.
more coming soon!