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Everything posted by vaderag

  1. Thanks for this - just what I was looking for! The second style of clear logo seems missing from the download file? You seem to be missing Puzzle / Sports / Vs Fighting - any chance you could add?! Also, your Hack & Slash says Hack & Slay - unsure if this is a mistype or just how you refer to it, but would be great if you could do a variant! Thanks
  2. Just checked - you're right on qbert - it's not there. But LEDBlinky will pull from MAME Controls.dat and Colors.ini So you can import it manually if it's not saying the right thing per the box in the controls editor Re. Rampage - I see two versions in my LB setup but only one in my rocketblinky created xml - I don't want to change mine but it's possible that the listed rampage in your xml isn't the same as your default
  3. Thanks for that, but I don't actually have the HS playlist any more... (the list I have is just in a txt doc) I'm not sure that's going to work anyway, since i believe it would still just import the grouped parent, and running will launch the default for that grouping, rather than the clone I'm looking to play - this is the key thing i'm trying to overcome
  4. Assuming your controls editor is connected correctly to the rest of your setup (which it should be if everything is working) You need to restart LED Blinky for the changes to take effect.. I've done this a few times where I forgot and thought it wasn't working Re. Qbert I'm pretty certain it's there if you used rocket Blinky. Could always do a find in the XML to double check
  5. When I was over on Hyperspin (seems like an age ago) I had a playlist of "MAME Clones worth playing" and I'd like to replicate this on Launchbox I have all the clones (I think...) and can select the ones I want manually, but I don't know how I can create a playlist where the default for each game is different... is there a way to do this? Thanks
  6. Just to add I've just tried to replicate here and I'm not seeing that behavior either... I have a mix of playlists being manual and autopopulated and I get the correct output every time. I do recall seeing an issue where I was getting a mix of Windows vs Computer when running windows game (and I see this in my LED Blinky unknown games and think I nailed that down to being the platform name which i changed halfway through import by accident. I don't recall my exact fix, but once I aligned them all then it worked - so, double check your system names, ensure that you've got them correct, check scrape as aligns etc
  7. So I think I'm getting somewhere here after a bit of googling but still hitting some snags... I'm using Solar War pinball (just because it happened to be one I noticed it on) - grabbed the file from here and dumped it in the artwork directory It works - I get the backdrop, but it shows _over_ the game - so I can't actually see anything How can I fix this?
  8. Thanks for the playlist! This is _slightly_ off topic but I notice in the screenshots that some of the vector games have "backgrounds" (I guess they were originally printed on the glass) and I don't seem to have these - can anyone advise how you add these to MAME?
  9. Oh wierd - must have clicked the wrong download link...
  10. I'm trying to get my MAME Vector games looking as best they can... can anyone help? I've seen some vids etc where they have backgrounds emulating how they'd have looked in the actual cab, and better HLSL settings than I have, but struggling to find a solid source of how to do this... Anyone direct me?! Thank you
  11. Was looking to find some good vector settings and came across this, but the download seems to be missing the vector.ini - any chance you could up?
  12. Hey @MadK9 I'm struggling to find any of these but the ones you've posted above - can you tell me where you found all the rest?
  13. Having the same issue as @Brainz - fullscreen gives me black screen, windowed gives me a load of weird scaling / taskbar / need to alt-tab @pudge69i8 can you give a bit more detail on your suggestion? Any other fix?
  14. So, I've got a coin mech AD-81P I'm trying to hack for my Launchbox setuf... I found https://wiki.arcadeotaku.com/w/AD-81P_Coin_Acceptor which it looks like I will be able to adjust to take some tokens etc, but actually what I really want is to be able to accept the reject shoot. I know that makes no sense really but I just want the kids to be able to ram in whatever they want and take it back out of the reject shoot without opening the machine I have some switches which I'm prepared to glue / attach / 3d print something to hold on there but what I've found is that there are too many places that the reject shoot can be reached from and the exit is too wide to catch... Long shot, but anyone found a good spot to make this work? Or have any other thoughts...
  15. Thanks, don't quite know how I missed that in the search!
  16. Thanks for this - worked a treat! OOI, do you have an decent image set for the tables? Found for Pinball FX2 but that's missing some
  17. Just tried this but it doesn't seem to work - presumably because it never gets to the bit below ExitApp?
  18. So... a little troubleshooting... - It seems that if Steam is NOT open (in taskbar) then LEDBlinky works as expected... if Steam IS open, then it fails... not a clue why I have managed to create a workaround... so far works from Launchbox and timings are okay, no idea if this will still be okay once I start using Bigbox or not, but nevertheless In case anyone is looking I have created two AHK scrips - one with the key remapping and one with the functions to handle the various needed actions - I'm sure this might be doable as one file but I couldn't find a way to have them both. Note, they both run before launch BackToBed.ahk: 1::f a::Space c:: send, {Wheelup 6} d:: send, {WheelDown 6} s::f BackToBedExit.ahk: WinWait, ahk_exe backtobed.exe ; wait for the exe to load Sleep 5000 ; wait 5 seconds to allo for the random re-opening Run, C:\Users\Arcade\LaunchBox\LEDBlinky\LEDBlinky.exe BACK_TO_BED WINDOWS ; Run LEDBlinky with the correct ROM WinWaitClose, ahk_exe backtobed.exe ; Wait for game to close ; MsgBox Closed Back to Bed ; here for testing - ignore Run, C:\Users\Arcade\LaunchBox\LEDBlinky\LEDBlinky.exe 4 ; Tell LED Blinky game has closed Process, Close, AutoHotKey.exe ; Kill all AHK processes to ensure keychanges revert ExitApp
  19. Sounds like exactly the same issue as I have... Will investigate deeper when I get back to the machine tomorrow Btw, I have never got the post launch script to work with steam, but I have got t LEDblinky to work. On these troublesome games they flash (sometimes inpercievably) and then revert to my frontend LEDs It's exactly the same issue as in the other thread... Not sure how to solve for LED Blinky even though eventually I can likely will solve for ahk What I really need is a way for LB to wait before it tries to detect the game running
  20. Nope. I'm running the steam: (I used the steam importer) Fwiw I have also tried the exe and same issue
  21. I'm trying to set up a steam game (Back to Bed) which I'm having some odd issues with I need to run an AHK script to remap some keys at launch so I have that file in the run before, and an exit AHK in the run after. Basically, it gives me the exit screen and runs my post-game file before the game is even open. From what I can tell during launch the game quits itself and re-opens itself for some reason I also use LED Blinky and while the preview works it never kicks in during the game (presumably due to the above) I've tried messing with some of the startup settings, but nothing seems to affect how it works, nor does changing the steam launch to the exe itself Can anyone give me some additional troubleshooting steps? Or is it just destined not to work EDIT: Just tried a different steam game (Bit Trip Runner) and same issue... works with some steam games tho (Arcade Moonlander)
  22. +1 For the original requestor if not already solved, you can pass a controller map file to ipac using WinIPAC as an additional app on launch (I do this for injustice) I would still like AHK to be able to clear some games that have mandatory 'launcher' to select the resolution etc
  23. Well, I got it sorted for Injustice. Rather than remap to Dinput / Xinput I've remapped the keyboard entirely based on image I found over on Arcadecontrols Froum Doing this means that it does it quick enough to not be an issue (or at least seamlessly due to not actually changing the input type) Still going to investigate other ways for the other games tho!
  24. Well Dinput or Xinput (I'll be using Dinput for LEDblinky) but the two I have at this stage are Injustice Gods Among Us (it does work with keyboard but is a nightmare as it has some hard coded buttons - there are a few threads about it) and Castle Crashers (will only allow one keyboard) There are a couple of others but lower priority I am using shift, but not extensively
  25. Actually the keyboard is only used for setting things up. My control panel doesnt have everything mapped so tricky to do things. And x360ce for some reason kills my keyboard (and mouse) making it impossible to set things up I use LEDBlinky so Xinput isn't an option and 99% of the time the cab is used for Mame and I have that all set up with keyboard mode I'm going to continue to look for other options, simply because like you I'm not trusting of the mode switch on the board
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