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Wonder if anyone can help - after some messing about I got my pause screen working in MAME today (the settings are as they were but they didn't work initially but now they do... go figure!) Anyway, I have another issue - I can't select any of the items with anthing but the enter key - however the enter key is not used on my arcade stick. Is there any way to change the mapping of what selects in the pause menu to something else?
My head is hurthing lol There is some code which I'm trying to parse already included - it seems that this somehow (and that somehow is the key) listens for a hotkey which when pressed does something... not really sure what, but that bit doesnt matter BUT, it's making my head hurt to reverse engineer!! All I need is... if [insertkey here] is pressed, then manager:machine():save("auto") EDIT: sorry - i though that would collapse! Oh well -- license:BSD-3-Clause -- copyright-holders:Vas Crabb local exports = { name = 'timecode', version = '0.0.1', description = 'Timecode recorder plugin', license = 'BSD-3-Clause', author = { name = 'Vas Crabb' } } local timecode = exports function timecode.startplugin() local file -- the timecode log file local write -- whether to record a timecode on the next emulated frame local text -- name of current part local frame_count -- emulated frame counter local start_frame -- start frame count for current part local start_time -- start time for current part local total_time -- total time of parts so far this session local count -- current timecode number local show_counter -- whether to show elapsed time since last timecode local show_total -- whether to show the total time of parts local frame_mode -- 0 to count frames, 1 to assume 60 Hz local hotkey_seq -- input sequence to record timecode local hotkey_pressed -- whether the hotkey was pressed on the last frame update local hotkey_cfg -- configuration string for the hotkey local item_framemode -- menu index of frame mode item local item_hotkey -- menu index of hotkey item local commonui -- common UI helpers local hotkey_poller -- helper for configuring hotkey local function get_settings_path() return emu.subst_env(manager.machine.options.entries.homepath:value():match('([^;]+)')) .. '/timecode' end local function set_default_hotkey() hotkey_seq = manager.machine.input:seq_from_tokens('KEYCODE_F12 NOT KEYCODE_LSHIFT NOT KEYCODE_RSHIFT NOT KEYCODE_LALT NOT KEYCODE_RALT') hotkey_cfg = nil end local function load_settings() -- set defaults frame_mode = 1 set_default_hotkey() -- try to open configuration file local cfgname = get_settings_path() .. '/plugin.cfg' local cfgfile = io.open(cfgname, 'r') if not cfgfile then return -- probably harmless, configuration just doesn't exist yet end -- parse settings as JSON local json = require('json') local settings = json.parse(cfgfile:read('a')) cfgfile:close() if not settings then emu.print_error(string.format('Error loading timecode recorder settings: error parsing file "%s" as JSON', cfgname)) return end -- recover frame mode local count_frames = settings.count_frames if count_frames ~= nil then frame_mode = count_frames and 0 or 1 end -- recover hotkey assignment hotkey_cfg = settings.hotkey if hotkey_cfg then local seq = manager.machine.input:seq_from_tokens(hotkey_cfg) if seq then hotkey_seq = seq end end end local function save_settings() local path = get_settings_path() local attr = lfs.attributes(path) if not attr then lfs.mkdir(path) elseif attr.mode ~= 'directory' then emu.print_error(string.format('Error saving timecode recorder settings: "%s" is not a directory', path)) return end local json = require('json') local settings = { count_frames = frame_mode == 0 } if hotkey_cfg then settings.hotkey = hotkey_cfg end local data = json.stringify(settings, { indent = true }) local cfgname = path .. '/plugin.cfg' local cfgfile = io.open(cfgname, 'w') if not cfgfile then emu.print_error(string.format('Error saving timecode recorder settings: error opening file "%s" for writing', cfgname)) return end cfgfile:write(data) cfgfile:close() end local function process_frame() if (not file) or manager.machine.paused then return end if write then write = false count = count + 1 show_total = true -- time from beginning of playback in milliseconds, HH:MM:SS.fff and frames local curtime = manager.machine.time local sec_start = curtime.seconds local msec_start = (sec_start * 1000) + curtime.msec local msec_start_str = string.format('%015d', msec_start) local curtime_str = string.format( '%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d', sec_start // (60 * 60), (sec_start // 60) % 60, sec_start % 60, msec_start % 1000) local frame_start_str = string.format('%015d', (frame_mode == 0) and frame_count or (msec_start * 60 // 1000)) -- elapsed from previous timecode in milliseconds, HH:MM:SS.fff and frames local elapsed = curtime - start_time local sec_elapsed = elapsed.seconds local msec_elapsed = (sec_elapsed * 1000) + elapsed.msec local msec_elapsed_str = string.format('%015d', msec_elapsed) local elapsed_str = string.format( '%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d', sec_elapsed // (60 * 60), (sec_elapsed // 60) % 60, sec_elapsed % 60, msec_elapsed % 1000) local frame_elapsed_str = string.format('%015d', (frame_mode == 0) and (frame_count - start_frame) or (msec_elapsed * 60 // 1000)) -- update start of part start_frame = frame_count start_time = curtime local message local key if count == 1 then text = 'INTRO' show_counter = true message = string.format(_p('plugin-timecode', 'TIMECODE: Intro started at %s'), curtime_str) key = 'INTRO_START' elseif count == 2 then total_time = total_time + elapsed show_counter = false message = string.format(_p('plugin-timecode', 'TIMECODE: Intro duration %s'), elapsed_str) key = 'INTRO_STOP' elseif count == 3 then text = 'GAMEPLAY' show_counter = true message = string.format(_p('plugin-timecode', 'TIMECODE: Gameplay started at %s'), curtime_str) key = 'GAMEPLAY_START' elseif count == 4 then total_time = total_time + elapsed show_counter = false message = string.format(_p('plugin-timecode', 'TIMECODE: Gameplay duration %s'), elapsed_str) key = 'GAMEPLAY_STOP' elseif (count % 2) == 1 then local extrano = (count - 3) // 2 text = string.format('EXTRA %d', extrano) show_counter = true message = string.format(_p('plugin-timecode', 'TIMECODE: Extra %d started at %s'), extrano, curtime_str) key = string.format('EXTRA_START_%03d', extrano) else local extrano = (count - 4) // 2 total_time = total_time + elapsed show_counter = false message = string.format(_p('plugin-timecode', 'TIMECODE: Extra %d duration %s'), extrano, elapsed_str) key = string.format('EXTRA_STOP_%03d', extrano) end emu.print_info(message) manager.machine:popmessage(message) file:write( string.format( '%-19s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n', key, curtime_str, elapsed_str, msec_start_str, msec_elapsed_str, frame_start_str, frame_elapsed_str)) end frame_count = frame_count + 1 end local function process_frame_done() local machine = manager.machine if show_counter then -- show duration of current part local counter = (machine.time - start_time).seconds local counter_str = string.format( machine.paused and _p('plugin-timecode', ' %s%s%02d:%02d [paused] ') or _p('plugin-timecode', ' %s%s%02d:%02d '), text, (#text > 0) and ' ' or '', (counter // 60) % 60, counter % 60) machine.render.ui_container:draw_text('right', 0, counter_str, 0xf0f01010, 0xff000000) end if show_total then -- show total time for all parts so far local total = ((show_counter and (machine.time - start_time) or emu.attotime()) + total_time).seconds total_str = string.format(_p('plugin-timecode', 'TOTAL %02d:%02d '), (total // 60) % 60, total % 60) machine.render.ui_container:draw_text('left', 0, total_str, 0xf010f010, 0xff000000) end if file then local pressed = machine.input:seq_pressed(hotkey_seq) if (not hotkey_pressed) and pressed then write = true end hotkey_pressed = pressed end end local function start() file = nil show_counter = false show_total = false load_settings() -- only do timecode recording if we're doing input recording local options = manager.machine.options.entries local filename = options.record:value() if #filename > 0 then filename = filename .. '.timecode' emu.print_info(string.format('Record input timecode file: %s', filename)) file = emu.file(options.input_directory:value(), 0x0e) -- FIXME: magic number for flags local openerr = file:open(filename) if openerr then -- TODO: this used to throw a fatal error and log the error description emu.print_error('Failed to open file for input timecode recording') file = nil else write = false text = '' frame_count = 0 start_frame = 0 start_time = emu.attotime() total_time = emu.attotime() count = 0 show_counter = false show_total = false hotkey_pressed = false file:write('# ==========================================\n') file:write('# TIMECODE FILE FOR VIDEO PREVIEW GENERATION\n') file:write('# ==========================================\n') file:write('#\n') file:write('# VIDEO_PART: code of video timecode\n') file:write('# START: start time (hh:mm:ss.mmm)\n') file:write('# ELAPSED: elapsed time (hh:mm:ss.mmm)\n') file:write('# MSEC_START: start time (milliseconds)\n') file:write('# MSEC_ELAPSED: elapsed time (milliseconds)\n') file:write('# FRAME_START: start time (frames)\n') file:write('# FRAME_ELAPSED: elapsed time (frames)\n') file:write('#\n') file:write('# VIDEO_PART======= START======= ELAPSED===== MSEC_START===== MSEC_ELAPSED=== FRAME_START==== FRAME_ELAPSED==\n') end end end local function stop() -- close the file if we're recording if file then file:close() file = nil end -- try to save settings save_settings() end local function menu_callback(index, event) if hotkey_poller then if hotkey_poller:poll() then if hotkey_poller.sequence then hotkey_seq = hotkey_poller.sequence hotkey_cfg = manager.machine.input:seq_to_tokens(hotkey_seq) end hotkey_poller = nil return true end elseif index == item_framemode then if (event == 'select') or (event == 'left') or (event == 'right') then frame_mode = (frame_mode ~= 0) and 0 or 1 return true end elseif index == item_hotkey then if event == 'select' then if not commonui then commonui = require('commonui') end hotkey_poller = commonui.switch_polling_helper() return true elseif event == 'clear' then set_default_hotkey() return true end end return false end local function menu_populate() local result = { } table.insert(result, { _p('plugin-timecode', 'Timecode Recorder'), '', 'off' }) table.insert(result, { '---', '', '' }) local frame_mode_val = (frame_mode > 0) and _p('plugin-timecode', 'Assume 60 Hz') or _p('plugins-timecode', 'Count emulated frames') table.insert(result, { _p('plugin-timecode', 'Frame numbers'), frame_mode_val, (frame_mode > 0) and 'l' or 'r' }) item_framemode = #result table.insert(result, { _p('plugin-timecode', 'Hotkey'), manager.machine.input:seq_name(hotkey_seq), hotkey_poller and 'lr' or '' }) item_hotkey = #result if hotkey_poller then return hotkey_poller:overlay(result) else return result end end emu.register_frame(process_frame) emu.register_frame_done(process_frame_done) emu.register_prestart(start) emu.register_stop(stop) emu.register_menu(menu_callback, menu_populate, _p('plugin-timecode', 'Timecode Recorder')) end return exports
I've started down a rabbit hole now... if I hasn't seen that save script you sent i may not have done, but if i could just bind those actions to a keypress (rather than a menu) then I'll be golden! Struggling to find any reference in MAME to the emu.register_ options tho
Nice - will give that a go when I have 10mins or so and report back!
Interesting... leaning towards the AHK option - will the running script be active while running - I understood it as 'at launch' but that's probably my misunderstanding! I have no idea what an lua script plugin is... but i might investigate!
I posted this in the media thread for LightsOut Bezels but no luck and thing it might get lost there... hoping someone can help I'm using bgfx in Mame to get scanlines using the cre-geom-deluxe chain - this works great with the bezel project that I downloaded through Launchbox However, if I try use the LightsOut Bezels, then it seems to disable/turn off/not work and no real idea why... Literally the only change I'm making is switching the artwork directory between the bezelproject and lights out - no other changes Anyone advise?
I have 8 buttons on my arcade stick and typically I run it in a configuration as below 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 8 Which works for the vast majority of games However, for neo-geo games I would like to have 1 2 3 4 1 x x x to represent the layout of the MVS I know I can do this (relatively easily) on a per game basis, or a global basis, but is there any way to do this on a system basis (or even a Launchbox Playlist basis, which would be perfect!) Thanks
I'm giving up on the rewind - pretty certain that it's just a debugging feature However, I really need to get the save / reload working - I don't think it was a script because I'd have seen the window pop up quickly which I never did Perhaps it was an older version of mame thing... Seems someone else has it working here: How do you save a game state in MAME? (arcadecontrols.com) EDIT: I also don't recall re-compiling mame to do this, but this might be an alternate option - combine AHK with hiding the Load/Save dialogue as explained here: Solved - Need diff to disable load state messages (arcadecontrols.com)
No and yes (as in I hadn't, but had in my previous setup which was not setup via LB). I've now tried it both ways in the new setup. Behaviour is the same, but when you save it asks for a slot. Previously it never asked for a slot so presumably I'd set it to default to a slot somehow. It may have been something I did with AHK, but... I don't remember! It's not actually on at the moment. My keys are being passed and step forward works, but I can't rewind... From a bit of research I'm now but convinced it can work well with Mame, but would like to know for sure!
I'm re-setting up MAME using the default import in Launchbox... Before, I had a single key which saved and a different single key which loaded a save state to a slot, but I can't seem to find a way to do this... am I missing something Is there a way "quick save" and "quick load" without having to go through a dialogue... sure I had it set up before... Also I'm trying to get MAME rewind to work - in theory - if I Pause, and then press Shift-` ¬ then it will rewind. It tries to but it fails and says see error.log - there is a major problem with this... I cannot find an error.log file anywhere...! Can anyone advise how I can get MAME rewind to work? Thanks
Just wondering if anyone has found a decent bezel set that is designed for 16:10? I know I can (and do) use the 16:9 bezels, but the cropping is a little ugly Really sorry if this is posted somewhere, but searching for "16:10" is... erm... tricky!
Is there a way to disable high scores in the UI if I installed Mame via LB? I'd rather use the save state than hi score and I didn't realise they weren't compatible before installing... EDIT: FWIW I discovered this issue from the below thread... Thanks
Agree with this entirely Same setup here and I find it works well (well, worked, my motherboard died so I'm currently without a machine!) I think the Servo stick definitely takes the concern out of which version to be using and does make a difference but to your point it's subtle compared to some 4 way sticks. I'm happy enough with it and I don't think there is a better more seamless solution
Well, if voting is how the future development decisions are made we should ABSOLUTELY fuss over it. I still cannot see how to vote. That's not just a mess, that's broken. Maybe it works on desktop, but I'm not near a desktop to check... I'd like someone to tell me where to place a vote on mobile.
We've all seen how well voting works in the real world in the latest years... Not to mention that the bit bucket is not widely linked from the forums, prioritizes new items and I've honestly just spent ten minutes signing up and trying to work out how to vote and given up! I mean really, where the hell do you vote?
Is there a database of original control layouts and button colours anywhere? I'm (slowly) re-doing my cab and want to build an LED Blinky colors.ini for all the games I have... I've reduced my games to an all-killer list of ~2000 games and while some come in the built in LEDBlinky config but many dont seem to - wondering if anyone is aware of a database of the above info (ideally listed out nicely so I can do this programmatically), but honestly I'll take anything at the moment so I don't have to google 2000+ different control panels! Thanks
Omg that was it! Thanks so much!
Okay, a long shot. I'm 99% sure this was a Dos game but it could also have been Amiga 500 It was a 2D jeep game on rails (camera behind the jeep) in the dessert and you had to dodge pyramids and... And that's all I can remember 🤣 I do remember it being formative for me tho, would love to find out what it was called!
I'm having an odd issue... Big Box used to be slow for me but I upgraded ram and reduced my systems to just arcade and its become fine. However, today I've been using it for a few hours at my son's party and it would be fine for a few games but get gradually less responsive after each game Is there anything that might cause this?
I see options to hide everything else in the game menu settings but there doesn't seem to be an option for this... Trying to make my cab kid friendly... Any ideas?
Ah okay, that probably answers the question I think!
Are there some details somewhere on keeping things up to date with the new model? (And a link to the new GitHub??)
Nintendo DS not downloading metadata correctly?
vaderag replied to vaderag's topic in Troubleshooting
Thank you - that did the trick! -
Just imported my Nintendo DS roms and they don't seem to import correctly... my set is named by number "0002 - Need for Speed - Underground 2 (U)" etc Everything just imports as it's name and doesnt seem to get any additional metadata Can anyone advise why and how I might fix?