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Everything posted by Lucoshi

  1. Gotta say I love your work, the ultima themes and Coverbox are inspirations for my playlist themes!
  2. Please could upload more?
  3. I didn't find any Custom Fields.txt also here are some ideas for custom options
  4. I really love all the N64 Spines!
  5. What you are doing with themes is awesome! I want to learn how to do it to make coverbox themes for my playlists and Categories
  6. Lucoshi

    New Fields

    GameFolders option - This is a good idea to be an easy way to organize the games look for information take a look at: Artwork & Assets - You know you can use anything like use for the concept from Retrocatman0712 (see more on the link below), parts for a more detailed completion tracker, buttons for Controls Info, and more. I want to use to give a Rare Replay vibe and to stop those people from using the artworks with a white background as background. Game Decompilation, Recompilation & Disassembly - Imagine if LaunchBox could read the coding of the gaming, Catalog Game Elements like Characters, Places, Items, game engine, etc: You know i'm using custom fields for placeholders. Won Awards Press Critics Score Fansites/Websites Fanwiki Link to buy on gog / eBay etc. Keywords DLCs also on xxx System Tips & Tricks Spine - Left, Right, Up, Down Mostly for those old box games i want them to be perfect look perfect
  7. Is there a way to disable the auto-writing the GUIDs in the next beta update? When i go edit the metadata it always writes GUID i'm not a big fan of it!
  8. Do you plan to add Encyclopedic Features like the possibility of cataloging more websites for the games like their pages on the fan wikis or the official website, cheat codes, or game Characters?
  9. Meanwhile me i have 19040 in total of media (Including Tv Shows, Movies Magazines, TV Shows and Much More!
  10. Sup, everyone! Would anyone be able to make a package of Mascot horror game book media starting with Five Nights at Freddy's
  11. It gave me an idea! Why don't use the save management to make a progression viewer? Like in this Rayman Utility?
  12. Lucoshi


    I found a new emulator named DREAMM the question is how to add it to LaunchBox? https://aarongiles.com/dreamm/
  13. Say C-Beats how about adding customization on the playlists and their Categories?
  14. This one is the annoying one!
  15. @JereBearThanks
  16. Not bad, but too many custom fields if I were you I suggest making various playlist categories and playlists and using platforms and series to categorize and put the year after 01/01/ insisted of a custom field.
  17. Thanks so much!
  18. Nice Clean-up! I'm thankful!
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