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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Of course! Glad it's working.
  2. I don't recall there being a way to do this, unless a theme specified for that to be the case. I could be wrong, but there isn't a setting in Big Box for it. If someone else achieved this though, let me know too.
  3. Then I would do a complete re-import. Delete the roms, the systems image folder (not the entire image folder, the system folder inside the image folder), and the other related folders as well and re-import. That would give you the smallest headache I would think.
  4. The one built in to Dolphin and the one I showed off are safe to perform to the iso files. I only showed off the one I did, because that's what I used for a real Wii / vWii.
  5. That would be fairly cool. That would take a fairly easy update from Sony, to make shortcuts that quickly launches a specific game.
  6. Yea, I meant MAME .182. Doing some searching, you can find mame split and mame non-merged rom sets very easily. If you want the latest MAME .182, grab a non-merged set. If you grab MAME .181 and previous (don't go any farther back than MAME .174), then grab a MAME split rom set. MESS BIOS were included after MAME .16x, or somewhere within, so anything lower might have none or some missing BIOS files for MESS, as that's when MESS was integrated. Watch a few of our MESS tutorials (like the one I linked), to get the idea, it's actually pretty short that Vectrex tutorial.
  7. For the best results, I would suggest not archiving disc based games at all. For GameCube games, there are two alternatives, use the built in Dolphin compressor or use a format that I talk about in our compression tutorial (I used this format because I have a hacked Wii that I play GameCube and Wii games on, so I used a more specific console specific compression method.) When you can, which is in every single case, I always stay away from archives.
  8. Chances are the name of the game, or the name on the Database are just slightly off. I do recall this one having issues, but a name revision might help...
  9. I recall someone giving me a solution, but I don't quite remember. I do know by just looking at it, it's a video setting, but I can't remember if it's a v-sync, refresh rate or resolution issue.
  10. If you're not going to play the games, the best idea is to completely remove them, or consolidate them with the rom merging tool currently in Beta (soon to be RC). Past that, you can use the Tools -> Clean Up Images option, but this will only remove images for games that no longer exist. If the game still exists, but you've hidden it, it wont remove the images. If you have a lot, my suggestion is to delete the games from the platform, use the windows search function to find keywords and remove games you don't want, then re-import and don't download any media. Once it's re-imported, all the available media should re-attach, then you can use the clean up images option. I don't think it will automatically attach all of the available artwork to a single game, but, I'm not sure.
  11. You also don't need to run the DOS installer, just the DOS importer, that way the entire folder can be imported really fast. @donarumo got you on the right track though, the conf files will hold special parameters and instructions for certain games, so if you're having issues with them, double check for a conf file and see if you need to edit it a bit. For the most part though, I think they're using relative paths? I haven't dug too deep in to it though, and if it is, you shouldn't need to add a drive letter as that would break portability.
  12. So, that user, if it's even using footage from the emulator, chose a game that is EXTREMELY light to emulate. So it's probably one of a handful of games that even plays, but if that's the sound I hear in the back, I can hear tons of clipping, meaning audio isn't even working. They could also have an extremely powerful PC, brute forcing their way in. Even then, they could just be using editing tricks and replacing the video. It's also not running good by any means, lots of suttering. Just because this person didn't call it Alpha or Beta software though, doesn't mean it isn't, and you don't need to be a Sony person to know that an emulator of very powerful hardware doesn't happen in less than a year. PS1 and N64 are still struggling, an OG Xbox emulator pretty much doesn't exist, a 360 emulator doesn't exist, and the PS3 emulator is only this far ahead because of very very passionate people. However, it also helps that people have direct level access to the PS3 hardware, making it easier to reverse engineer. That's why 3DS emulation is progressing faster than expected too, they have kernel level access. Wii U emulation is progressing fast because it uses the same architecture as a Gamecube and Wii, which are also both blown wide open, and so was the Wii U. Browsing their websites or posts on the subject do reveal that compatibility is super low and that most games don't even boot, let alone be playable.
  13. Yea, you're not stepping on our toes. If you feel inclined, you can let your audience know of our channel and forums, that there is a giant resource available to them if they run in to issues, but we're happy people want to take time and cover LaunchBox.
  14. In the comments of that video I replied with how to do this. The emulator is... quirky, but it's one of the best. My comment: " It's backwards, but go in to the Options -> Resume screen, and check the box "Resume Window." Set it to fullscreen, then close out of the emulator. Now, when you launch a game it should start in full screen. " I think part of the issue comes from that this emulator wasn't translated by someone who knew Japanese all that well, or they used Google Translate.
  15. I'm sorry, but this thread is for Tutorial requests. This is the wrong place to ask for features, I don't control any of that. It would be best to create a thread or, ideally, make a BitBucket request ticket by clicking Issues/Requests at the very top.
  16. Yes, the MAME rom set should ideally match your version of MAME. If you have a slightly older rom set, like .178 using MAME .181, it will most likely be alright, but if your romset is from .173 and previous, and you're using a newer version of MAME, that can cause some issues.
  17. I haven't done an Intellivision one, but if you watch the latest MAME/MESS one, follow all the instructions but replace the console name with the Intellivision one, and the command line paramter with the one you've gotten from here. The MESS Command Line parameter list linked in the description is also a life saver. Two big key components, make sure you have a MAME rom set that matches your MAME version inside your MAME/roms folder. So if you have MAME .180 grab a MAME .180 split rom set, and if you have MAME .181, grab a MAME non-merged rom set (.181 split seems to be broken). Then, make sure the Associated Platform name matches the name you gave your platform and that the command line is correct.
  18. You can change it back, but just note that there is a check box during import "Force using mame importer", so you also don't HAVE to have mame as your emulator. That check box comes in handy for several systems. Click on a game in your Arcade platform, Ctrl + A, Right Click, Edit, then choose emulator from the drop down and the one you want. We have a MAME Data file on hand, which is how LB internalizes the names and even knows how to label some games in shorthand. It's a bit outdated, but it still works, there hasn't really been any reports of issues with it. So out of the 10k roms you have in that folder, 2643 are being used as imported games in LB.
  19. You run a regular importer, and if your platform is using an emulator called MAME it will automatically happen, otherwise you check the box to force using the MAME Import. It will then internalize all the shorthand names and import according to your preferences.
  20. I would do a re-import first, using the MAME Importer. By default fruit and casino games are not imported. Even with music games imported, your library should be less than 2k.
  21. Well thank you! I appreciate the kind words, and I am glad I can help!
  22. Well, it's more the nature of DOS to be fair. The only reason the eXoDOS collection is much easier in comparison, is because eXo did all the hard work for everyone. When finding DOS games online randomly, or when installing them from media that you may have, there is a little bit more work than just turning it on, but again, that's more of an extension of DOS it's self. LaunchBox tries to go a long way to help, making configuring easier, but it's still not too simple in the long run.
  23. Yes, right click -> edit a game, and check the top right of the edit page. If there is a blue link, that means it was attached, and so you should click the bottom right button to download media. If it was found, then the game attached but didn't download media for some reason. If no media is found, then the entry exists, but not it's media. You can change the name, or make it shorter (like cutting off sub-names), then click search, then a selector will drop down and show you what it finds. You can then click on the entry to apply the metadata, then download media with the same button in the bottom right. If a game wasn't found, you can try changing the name a bit some more, or manually check the database from the site. If you are finding metadat and media for games manually, I would instead ask that you add these to the Database so that everyone can benefit from your findings. Just please make sure to follow the Submission Guidelines, and if you have questions, you can make a thread in the Database section or in our Discord server.
  24. Yes, I imported the games with the default import wizard. Some games want to be pointed towards the conf file, and the basic importer isn't built to handle the eXoDOS collection specifically, but as a quick workaround the games do work. Some games I point towards the custom conf file provided in the collection, and sometimes the exe and bat that's selected doesn't always work, you may need to change it to another one. You might also meed to run a games set up / config exe / bat's from time to time, as they might need to be initialized. The last 2 things (changing exe's and running setups) is something you'd need to do from time to time when importing already installed DOS games anyways.
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