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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. If you're using custom configs you should be using the -C command in the associated platforms tab. Did you not have these previously? Also, updating from the online updater doesn't fully update RetroArch. I tested it out a while ago (so they could have changed that), and the exe's never get updated, so you'll also need to grab those from the site (or the full download again like I usually do). So for GBA as an example, this is my associated platform line: "-L "cores\mgba_libretro.dll" -c "config\mgba_libretro.cfg"". Also yea, backspace and enter happened a while ago in the nightlies, and I came across it in the middle of a tutorial (like usual xD). I think they did it because it makes more sense? As for a change log though, I have no clue if they keep one.
  2. It looks like you removed a platform and didn't remove the games. When you delete a platform now it should ask if you want to also delete the games from within LB, if you did it enough versions ago that option didn't exist. So you might have accidentally hit no, or did it long ago enough that the option never existed? Either way, glad you got it sorted. Didn't know it created an Unknown Platform XML.
  3. Split set is just fine, for the most part, but don't get it for the .182 version. If you're using CLRMAMEPro to update, it might be good to go, but .182 full split set (at least from the dome), is broken. I had to get the .182 non-merged set which is the most compatible set ever made, but it's also double in size.
  4. If you go for the new rom set, make sure to grab a MAME .182 non-merged rom set for best compatibility, because as far as I can tell .182 split is broken. Our Channel also has lots of MAME tutorials as well. The main MAME one is using an older version of MAME and the rom set, but it's otherwise the same and you can plug in .182 where applicable, oh and that it needs to be non-merged (merged also doesn't import correctly in to LB, split is broken).
  5. It doesn't matter what drive letter you use as long as all of your stuff is on the same hard drive. If it's all on the same drive (LaunchBox, Games, Emulators), then it uses relative paths and becomes completely portable. If you have games on a different drive and import them, it must assign a drive letter to those paths and it stops being a relative path and a full path instead. I'm not gonna comment on what to do with RL or how to install it as I have zero clue, but if you leave everything on the same drive in relation to LaunchBox, then it will use relative paths and make your life easier in case you do need to move things to a new hard drive (like a bigger one).
  6. LaunchBox doesn't move anything unless you tell it to. Actually, it doesn't move anything to a fault. So if you set up a platform, downloaded all your media, and then changed the system name, all of the old media is still under the old platform name. You gotta go in and edit the folder names in Images, Music, etc, to the new platform name. So I am a bit confused with the issues you are having, but I can tell you it's not LaunchBox doing things.
  7. Well, are you downloading from just the LaunchBox Games Database or the LBGDB and EmuMovies? Are you also in the U.S.? We've had overseas users report the connection dropping, but that will usually throw an error. 10MBits a second is roughly 1mb/s of data, assuming you got a solid connection the entire time. I also don't know how big your N64 library is, but just my images folder for N64 is 1.45GB for about 313 games. I haven't seen any reports with connection issues for our Database recently though. If you are downloading all the images, and even video, music or manuals from EmuMovies (Music and Manuals are free), you're looking at a good chunk. 1GB at 1mb/s would take roughly (based on a download calculator) 2 hours and 23 min. Images, Manuals and Video takes up just under 4GB for myself. I would try importing your games and only downloading the front box art the first time around, that way you're not stuck in the import and have access to your games. Once you have those, you could then use the Metadata and Images downloader (in the tools menu), to download the rest of the stuff you'd want. Click on your platform on the left, then click on a game, Ctrl + A to highlight them all, then Tools -> Download Metadata and Images. Does any of that help?
  8. If you're on .182, and files should be there that aren't, then that's the exact problem I was having with .182 as well. My post above is about that. Dead or Alive 2 zip in .181 at 108mb, but in .182 3mb.
  9. Sweet, thanks @castle, that is very helpful.
  10. Well Number 1 and 3, we just haven't gotten around to expanding the Genre's, but we do know they need to be at some point soon. As for number 2, yea, that's a bit tricky. If someone requests a change on a submission though, it would have to get reset in the moderation queue and then the original person might take issue? It's hard to say what should be done here. For number 4 though, that is very tricky. Sometimes their names change, they officially drop, add or change stuff around all the time. As an example, we are legally Unbroken Software, LLC; but we might put it down as Unbroken Software in certain locations. Maybe these should be consolidated, but I tend to go with whats on the box, or in the manual, or what the official releasing was released under. Up for discussion about this, but just go with what you can find right now. It's not TOO big of an issue, because even though Apogee has a few different ends, if you search "Apogee" you're gonna find all of them, so it's not technically breaking anything...?
  11. Hubz and I have been talking about this. Originally I stumbled across their website and wanted us to be able to use it for our Database, there's a tremendous amount of good stuff in there, and now we're getting pre-packaged Torrents! So all your Database nuts out there (there are a few of you who LOVE to upload stuff), please feel free to start using the metadata and media where the Database needs it. Like Hubz said, hopefully we'll get other systems that are lacking in the mean time. Any general user can use the package too, just drop the appropriate images in to your ../LaunchBox/Images/<Instert Console>/ folders. Refresh your cache or restart LB, and as long as the images are in the right location, match the game name in LaunchBox or your rom file, you are good to go. Obviously, we would love it all up in the end, but in the mean time, there ya go!
  12. Well, I don't want to say were infallible, but Jason does try really really hard. Thank you very much for the kind words.
  13. So I ran across this issue when creating the tutorial for today, and that's because something is very screwed up now. Either things have changed, and nothing else has caught up, or it was in error. So in the Naomi tutorial I stated, several times, that you must get a Non-Merged set now, at least for the time being. Reason being, Merged sets wont work in LB, and the Split set is straight broken. Several games were not correct. Non-Merged is double in size, but it's the most compatible pack out there, and wont give you any trouble. It's a combination of Split and Merged. I would guess that is the most likely reason why, something is missing, and it's due to error I believe. As far as I know, the BIOS haven't changed, any error I've seen on .182 is the actual files missing in a rom. As an example, doa2 for Naomi, is a 108mb zip file normally. In the split set, it was 3mb. Something is very wrong there, and all but 1 file out of 10 or 11 was missing.
  14. Sweet! I am very happy to hear that. I will sometimes put a lot of extra info in the descriptions, or as comments and pin them to the top of the video. It's a pain in the ass sometimes, but in situations like this, unless I remake an entire video for one extra line, it's just generally hard to keep up when things can move so fast sometimes. That's not to say I wont also remake tutorials, I've done that plenty of times, but when a majority of the tutorial is still good to go... it's hard to decide what to do.
  15. I wouldn't get any roms from that site anymore, quite honestly. That was where I started originally too, but no, god no. Especially discs based systems, they have A LOT of bad rips... a lot. I would go for No-Intro, TOSEC, Trurip and then Redump sets. Don't go for Good Sets, they have too much crap in them. No-Intro is the set we suggest for every system that has a No-Intro set, hands down. That websites forums have some good threads for No-Intro sets if you want, but you can google around easily enough to find them. They're really not too hard to find. If you find a No-Intro set made within the last year or even two, then chances are you've got quality rips and most of the games. If you want to break away from RL + HS, just try LaunchBox for a bit, go over some of the tutorials and see what comes of it. RetroArch is only tricky because it requires command lines to work, but it needs those command lines to know what system or core you are trying to load, same deal with MESS. So once you have the Command Lines set up in the Associated Platforms tab, the names match, the core name is correct and downloaded in RA, you get an idea for the process and it becomes a lot easier.
  16. Also, if you click after an image, or your cursor is right next to an image just press enter to make a line, and you can type in there.
  17. Which staff member did you message? Also, did you manually check the Database or EmuMovies if they had the entry? A game can also not be on the Database but be found on EmuMovies, these are two completely separate systems, LaunchBox just reads the API for EM. Either way, it would be best to contact Circo over at EM and get them uploaded on to their FTP if they meet their standards. They may also have a bunch of video that is not public, but just like us, their list gets longer by the day too I bet. I am sure @circo would love the help though, and of course it benefits us as well.
  18. What are the specs of your PC? Is Big Box still caching images? Otherwise try and follow some of the steps here:
  19. No need to start fresh really. All of your images are on the same hard drive as LaunchBox, which means they use a relative path. So you can move your LaunchBox install to a different hard drive, and as long as they're still in that same folder structure, they work. If your games and emulators are on a different drive, then it must assign a letter to that path so it knows where to look. If they're on the same drive, they also get a relative path. Images just happen to be inside the LB install, but as long as anything you import in to LB is on the same drive, it uses a relative path, meaning as long as everything stays in the same folder structure you can move it to any hard drive you want as it doesn't care what drive letter you are using, it's a relative path. It just assumes that what ever you're loading is on the same drive. It only becomes an issue with moving things if you have absolute paths and a drive letter gets assigned. Does that make any sense? I hope I made sense.
  20. Go to Tools -> Manage Platforms, double click your platform then go to the folders tab. You'd need to do it for all of those folders though, so I would suggest moving your entire LB install to your new drive.
  21. Yea, I needed to update myself, just checked 1.4.0 and it's there for me.
  22. SentaiBrad

    2-disc game

    Like I said, rename them exactly how I had it, how Monkus has it. It does read Disc 1 of 2, but like I said it needs to be done in a very specific way. Night Trap (Disc 1 of 2), Night Trap (Disc 2 of 2). No-Intro has been around for at least a decade, and TOSEC has been around for a quite a while. They're the best sets to start a collection from. Edit: Oh yea, now I see. Yes, the files need to be named that, and them imported that way. LaunchBox wont do it after the fact. Sorry, missed that part.
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