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Everything posted by ALIE

  1. Super cool.. oh please make a view that looks like the old PS1 memory card manager.. ok I know it wouldn’t be easy but damn those small animated icons for some games.. Oh that takes me back.
  2. Beautiful work
  3. Hey I have been inactive in the community for a while so feel out of the loop current updates and possible discussed advancements and such.. But wondering if the EU forcing Apple to allow apps to be downloaded from websites outside of their marketplace could open up doors for IOS and TVOS versions of LB.. of course there’s the development side. Not a developer so can’t speak on how easy it would be to make versions of these.
  4. Beautiful very different from anything else. great Job
  5. Just wondering with EU forcing Apple into allowing side loading of apps is an IOS version something that would be up for reconsideration ?
  6. Arhh shit😪 what did I miss.. is it true support is ending?.. I wouldn’t mind supporting further development.
  7. That is awesome huge update... Of course I can't help but wonder @faeran if Dave will be able to bring the community creator to the Android themes?.. If you have any inside knowledge 😉
  8. Looks promising.
  9. Wasn't gonna add my my two cents. But after your last comment I have to. This isn't like buying a closed system like an Xbox or Playstation . And The themes are literally made by the community for the community. In that sense they aren't part of the product you pay for. Comments like yours is probably why big companies like steam or Sony never would go for it and need too tidly control their systems. If you ask nicely the community would gladly help you. But with that shitty attitude
  10. Beautiful 🤩
  11. Yah maybe a high quality overall platform fanart to fall back on? but yah theme looks stunning
  12. Looks really good. Definitely trying it out soon
  13. Damn this looks epic..
  14. I like Salli.. Dwarf creeps me out 🤣
  15. Fun 😃 ..Maybe Christmas and new years themes could be of interest when the time comes around.
  16. Oh yah i even voted for it.. guess i forgot 😄but exciting stuff
  17. WOW i didn't think the RetroArch part could be done.. wasn't the team over there against it ?
  18. Phantom Pain. Bottom right corner
  19. just got time for trying it. But when i click the link on my phone, it says at the bottom of the page. "The page you requested could not be found" I See I was too late
  20. Just put out a mail.. Glad to see the android version return Out of curiosity will themes and even plugins eventually be able to be transferred from their desktop counterparts ?
  21. Android Coming Back?
  22. Sounds cool next time there's a poll make the suggestion and it will have my vote as well.
  23. Thought things looked a bit different ? its nice.
  24. ALIE

    The Covid Game!

    Loved it which i rarely say for something i played on mobile with touch.. funny and yet being able to throw in a classy moment for Floyd.. Even made a small donation that is how good this was
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