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Everything posted by Lordmonkus

  1. The emulator is the same, you can assign an emulator to more than 1 platform. Just the platform name or playlist name will be different.
  2. It no longer exists on its own, it has been rolled into the Mame core now.
  3. Make a 2nd RA entry in Launchbox that points to the same install and have that one be your unzipping one.
  4. Right now there is no direct support for bezels within Launchbox, people either have to use them directly through the emulator like Mame or Retroarch or they have use outside software such as RocketLauncher. I did see a thread the other day about a plugin that is being developed by a user that could add support in but Jason has no plans at the moment to do this himself.
  5. You can break them up however you want into new separate platforms and just assign the same emulator to those platforms or you can break them up via playlists. Also nested folders for more organizational options are coming.
  6. What are you trying to do ? Why wouldn't you just download the roms in their already zipped state and use them ?
  7. It's best for Mame to just put your roms where you want them and when you import tell LB to leave them where they are instead of copying or moving. Copying or moving will only do that for the games you imported and won't transfer other files such as bios files. Personally I have all my games setup this way, I have an organized folder to store my roms and tell the importer to leave them. I told you already, FBA and Mame will emulate these games. Both do the job as best as possible currently and doubtful to ever get much better in the future although having said that the latest release of Mame did improve the Qsound effects for the games that used it.
  8. FBA is Final Burn Alpha which is another arcade emulator similar to Mame only it doesn't emulate as much stuff but it does run better on lower end hardware. Yeah you could use the FBA or Mame cores in Retroarch or the stand alone Mame. You could even use the stand alone FBA but it's not quite so frontend friendly, it will work but it's more effort for no real gain. Yeah the extra buttons would be used for different functions but many pictures out there of peoples custom control panels are way overdone and unnecessary. Generally speaking the majority of people will want a 2 player layout with 8 buttons each for gameplay. Then you have the player 1 and 2 start buttons plus insert coin buttons. You can use combo presses to deal with menus and exiting emulators.
  9. Once setup you wont need a keyboard and mouse in BigBox mode though you should have one nearby just in case you need it. I have a Logitech wireless keyboard / mouse all in one for when I need it.
  10. Yeah, you can install your games anywhere you want, just keep in mind though if you are looking to have it be portable the default save game location for many games in the %appdata% or Documents folder on your C drive.
  11. 1. It shouldn't do that unless you messed something up, have you watched the video YouTube guides ? 2. People build cabinets for their own personal needs and setups depending on the games they wanna play. It can have as many or as few buttons as you want / need. 3. Yes, as long as there is a core (emulator) for the system you want to emulate with it. It doesn't emulate everything. 4. Check out the PS1 guide on the YouTube channel. 5. YOu can use Retroarch with the FBA or Mame cores for those games, I use Mame myself.
  12. If they aren't working in RA then it's something with your rom set, do you have a qsound.zip in the same folder as your roms ?
  13. Well at least the missing games problem is fixed. As for the controller and mass launching games goes I don't know what to tell you. I use wired controllers myself though my HTPC setup has a wireless controller but never had that happen.
  14. Something I just thought of, when you did a reinstall of a previous version did you possibly install it to \Launchbox\Launchbox ? Check in your main LB folder and if there is a sub folder also called Launcbox that is most likely why you have missing games now. If this is the case you can delete that sub folder install and reinstall a previous version making sure you do not repeat that.
  15. By the looks of your description something really crazy happened here. I have never experienced this issue or heard of anyone else experiencing this so it is most likely a one off issue that happened for some reason or another. I have forwarded this thread to @Jason Carr so hopefully when he reads it he can help you out. As for your missing games check in your Launchbox\Backups folder, there should be previous xml files in there that you can try rolling back to, hopefully that fixes that issue for you.
  16. I'll tag @Jason Carr so he can maybe respond. I know some people such as yourself were having this issue but it's not one I experienced much with testing (I rarely use BigBox). It was worked on and supposedly fixed based on feedback.
  17. https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/222-default-vertical/
  18. The latest version of LB should have a fix for this.
  19. If you want to hand pick your games to make a smaller set I highly suggest getting the Non-Merged rom set and either picking your games yourself or use my No Filler batch file to pull out a set.
  20. There is no Launchbox.xml, all the xml files are in the \Data folder and its sub folders.
  21. Yeah this is something I have mentioned to Jason recently and it's on the to-do list but no time frame on when it will happen.
  22. You have to tell your games to use the new emulator. Go to your Dreamcast platform, select all the games using Control + A on your keyboard, then press Control + E to open the edit tool, this will start the Bulk Edit wizard. In the first dropdown menu select what you want to change, in this case the Emulator, then in the 2nd dropdown menu chose your new emulator entry for Redream. Finish out the wizard and your games should all now use the Redream emulator.
  23. Well worth the money, I don't even use most of the premium features like BigBox 99% of the time and it's some of the best money I spent on my gaming setup.
  24. Nested folders was on the last poll and got enough votes to make the cut so it is coming, just no date set for when.
  25. You can force the digital pad to do the same overall inputs but you won't get the analog controls, it will simply be on or off, no gradual levels of input.
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