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Everything posted by CriticalCid

  1. Version 0.3


    This is a loose port / interpretation of the Aeon MQ7 skin for Kodi. It’s one of my absolute favorite skins for Kodi and was a huge inspiration for my first BigBox theme: CriticalZone After @NJDave71 already brought Aeon Nox to BigBox I thought it would be time to bring Aeon MQ as well. This theme was designed for 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratios and tested on 1920x1080 and 1920x1200 resolutions! This is just an early preview version that I built last September. Due to my new job I hadn’t much time to finish it up as an extensive theme like CriticalZone. I used the holidays to polish the Views that I already had as I don’t want to just sit on it any longer and I have definitely planned to add a ton of new Games Views to this, but I don’t know when I will find the time to do it. So for now just take it as it is and tell me what you think about it and what do you wish for potential updates. This theme currently features 4 Platforms and 3 Games Views. How to install: 1. Just download the archive and extract it to: “..\LaunchBox\Themes\” 2. Go to the “Plugins” folder inside of the extracted folder and right-click on of the .dll file. Choose Properties -> Click on “Unblock” at the bottom of the window. Close the window. If the "Unblock" button isn't there than you are already good to go. 3. Open the Options menu in BigBox -> go to “Views” and change the Theme to "Aeon MQ7". IMPORTANT: This theme requires at least LB v9.4 to work properly! Showcase video of the Game Views by @pipes78 I like to thank the following persons for their indirect help to create this theme: @eatkinola for his guide on how to add fonts as a plugin And of course everyone who was working on the original Aeon MQ skin! Known issues: - The navigation for the game boxes doesn’t work in the Horizontal Wheel Platforms View 1 - The available space for the horizontal scrolling text gets smaller the higher the DPI settings are on your PC.
  2. I’m a digital hoarder (I have over 3.5k Games on Steam alone *cough* *cough*) as I see my FE setup more like a digital museum of video game history but it’s indeed a problem to find all games worth your time in a huge collection. That’s why I love the playlist feature as it allows to easily create “Best of” lists. I’m currently working on 2 giant playlists projects called “Best Games of All-Time™“ and “The Top 100 notable games of every year” which will hopefully be my own compass to navigate through every worthwhile game in video game history. The best games lists will be a merge of various other lists of that kind and will feature a final ranking for every game. This playlist will then serve as base for my second project which will be a merge of hundreds various top lists with different focuses (and not ranked as it also includes not so great, but still notable for one reason or another, games). I also include remakes, remasters, notable ports and “definitve” versions of every game if something in that regard exists. With that said, it’s a tremendous and time consuming work to get through hundreds of lists which will hopefully cover the entire video game history in the end. I’m working on it since over 1.5 years, have currently over 5.4k different games in my work sheet and went through over 200 lists/podcasts/videos so far and there is still no end in sight… Sorry for the big tease but I just wanted to tell you guys that a (play)list like you have in mind is in the works. I'm also gonna make it to my New Year's resolution to finish these projects in 2018
  3. Hey Grila, I recently played around with your plugin and it works like a charm But nevertheless I have a few requests if you don’t mind: 1. Show C or F behind the ° 2. Being able to change the font and text color of the temperature 3. Show the name of the currently set up location
  4. Sure. Replace this file with the already existing one in your Views folder: TextFiltersView.xaml If it’s too dark for you just open the file with a text editor of your choice, go to line 54 (TEXTLIST GLASS BAR) and reduce the opacity value. I haven’t set it to scroll as I really don’t like it at all when both columns scroll asynchronous when one of them hit the end and start to scroll back. But yes, this decision also saved me some headaches that you are currently run into as well. The scrolling text is a beast to get it working as you want as there are a few things that tie in to that feature. For instance I never could get it working right with the DPI fix.
  5. Sorry if I was misleading. When I said that it’s not possible I meant that it’s not possible with the native BigBox theming options and requires programming of a custom plugin for that. If somebody else has already came up with something for their own theme I suggest you ask the creator of it on how to use it in a different theme. According to your error message does the View look for the BackgroundVideoOnly version of BlueBox but you have the default version of it installed. I just downloaded and checked the default BlueBox version and all file paths in the theme code are correct, so I'm not sure what's going on. I suggest to try to download it again but you should delete your current instance of CriticalZoneV2 - BlueBox first to make sure that you have no faulty remnants of a previous version left that could cause trouble. Sorry, haven't thought about that, my bad. You have to copy all plugins files from the CriticalZone folder to the plugins folder of your new Default theme as well.
  6. Looks like you have renamed the theme folder and therefore the Views can't find some of the files as the path is now wrong because of that. Just extract the theme again and leave the name as is. That's also a tipp in general: Don't ever rename custom themes or plug-ins Unfortunately it's not possible at the moment to differ between those two inside BigBox. Yes it’s possible. 1. Make a copy of the Default theme 2. Copy the View you want from the custom theme folder to your copy of the default folder (overwrite the existing view in this folder). In this case it’s the Wheel2GamesView.xaml from CriticalZone (you can find it in the "Views" sub-folder. 3. Open the “ThemeSettings.xml” file inside your Default theme copy and activate your copied View by changing the value of the correct View from true to false. In this case change this <DisableWheel2GamesView>true</DisableWheel2GamesView> to this <DisableWheel2GamesView>false</DisableWheel2GamesView> 4. Change the theme inside BigBox to your copy of the Default theme.
  7. Like I said, I don’t think it’s possible to change the text settings inside the wheel. BigBox automatically shows the game title inside the wheel when it’s set to Clear Logos and can’t find a logo for that game. On the other hand it uses these grey boxart templates with the LaunchBox logo in it for any other image types set in the wheel. You also can’t force BigBox to use these templates for missing Clear Logos instead of the game title either. So I fear that you are currently stuck with these white texts if you can’t find the matching clear logos for your games.
  8. Now you’ve confused me. None of your screenshots have green game titles inside the wheel and the second screenshot is basically the same as the one in your first post, just with a different game selected.
  9. I'm not sure if it's even possible to change the font settings of the text for missing wheels.
  10. Yes, the version in the download section. It currently has some stability issues when you use VLC as your video engine, so beware of that.
  11. It would be possible but would take WAY more time to build that. V2 has some info like the year and the manufacturer in this View but I won't add any more to it.
  12. I've made a quick edit of the theme with no auto fade for this View. Here you go: CriticalZone_NoFade.zip Hm... they are looping perfectly fine on my end. Are only these videos affected or any videos in general? Have you tried to change the video playback engine in the BigBox options?
  13. So I’ve tested the latest version of the plug-in 5 times since my last post. I let it ran with WMP 4 times with around 10 to 20 hours on each run and it never froze. I also let it ran once again with VLC and ... it froze. Based on the frozen clock that must've happened roughly 7 hours after I've started Attract Mode. Here’s how it looks like every time for me when I find BigBox frozen. As I've said it must happen while changing between Views as I always see 2 different Views overlapping each other (enlarge the image to see it)
  14. The memory leak fix is public as I’ve released it with the just recently updated CriticalZone V2. The only thing missing in there is your latest addition of a try-catch block for another issue we’ve talked about (which was the original reason why I’ve tested it for stability in the first place). So yeah, it also freezes with the most recent versions. I’ve only tested it with VLC so far, so I will give it a try with WMP but I doubt that it will change anything as the versions that Aeon Nox and CityHunter are using are all pre-VLC integration. Also no error messages or anything. As I just let it ran over night each time I can't tell how it behaved right before the freeze. The only thing that I noticed is that it apparently happens when switching between Views as I can see parts of another View overlaying the currently active View, will make a screenshot when it happens again, Oh and @Jason Carr you were right. The star ratings weren’t the issues as it still froze after I’ve removed it.
  15. I’m kinda torn apart about this. I’ve had worked with eatkinola for months to get this plugin working and polished as I needed it and it’s hard to let go after such long time and I certainly don’t want to just throw it away, may it just be out of respect of eatkinolas dedication and hard work he had put into this. Also he wasn't online since saturday and probably doesn't even know about this issue, so I want to give him the chance and time to fix it. Also we just have discovered this issue very recently and CZ V2 is out for what now? 4 months? So either it isn’t as big of a problem for most of the users as it appears to be or very recent changes in the LB Beta caused this behavior, it’s hard to verify that without extensive testing. But I also agree that a native solution for this would be the best on the long run, so I highly appreciate that you want to add it! As V1 is still freely available and just misses a few additions and fine-tuning compared to V2 (if you ignore the whole video engine) I’ll just put up a warning in the download description and wait until either eatkinola found the issue or you have added native support for these features, which hopefully shouldn't be too long EDIT: It just came to my mind that it may be related to your latest changes of the star ratings as I also use the plug-in to display my own star rating banners inside the GamesDetailsView. I’ll remove that and let it run again through the night to see what happens.
  16. Yes, I've tested it with the two most recent versions. Originally I let it run to check if another issue that I've found last week was gone after eatkinola had fixed it but instead I came across all those freezes.
  17. So I let BigBox ran in Attract Mode with CriticalZone V1 and the latest LB beta for roughly 20 hours and absolutely no freezes at all on my end. I’ll do some more testing to confirm that but as of now I’m highly tending to say that the plugin from @eatkinola causes the freezes.
  18. You can also add the font as a plugin to your theme so that the users don’t have to install it on their system first. I’m not entirely sure how you do that as I never needed it but I’m sure that either @Grila or @eatkinola can help you with that
  19. No, it's the multi-background video plug-in.
  20. You could test other themes that don’t utilize the Themer plug-in by eatkinola and see if you experience the same freezes with them. Afaik it’s currently used in CriticalZone V2, City Hunter V2, Aoen Nox and Nostalgia.
  21. I see. I’ve run the latest version of CriticalZone V2 in Attract Mode overnight the last few days to test its stability with the latest version of @eatkinola's themer plug-in and BigBox was frozen 3 of 4 times for me in the morning. So all the themes you are using use an older version of his plug-in as well, so it’s good to know that it's definitely not something that he had introduced recently. But I have yet to come to the conclusion if it’s related to his plug-in at all or if it’s an issue of BigBox itself. Can you say on which version of BigBox or theme you started to experience the freezes? Anyway, thanks to your info I have a better idea of what I need to test to identify the problem
  22. As a content creator myself I completely understand how much time can went in to this stuff but it’s a very thin line we have to walk here. We have hundreds of submissions to the database every day and it would be impossible to back check where they all originally came from as the huge majority all of the art and metadata comes from somewhere else in the internet. Of course it would be great if we had the permission of every artist but sometimes it’s very hard to tell who created it in the first place because there a lot of sources where you could potentially find artwork. For example there are tons of artwork packs out there (just think of alone the huge amount of different pre-loaded Raspberry Pi images), or the artwork was uploaded by another user to a different games database and it where taken from there, Google Search, etc. The longer the artwork is out there the harder it gets to identify the creator and at some point it’s even impossible. On top of that a user also created a LB plug-in where other users can easily upload artwork and metadata directly from their LB installation. So if a user has completed his setup with stuff from all around the internet or a user switches from HyperSpin/any other FE to LB they might just upload their whole collection to fill in all the blanks in the DB because they want to help out the community. These are just the downsides of an open database were everybody can contribute and I hope you can see in what position we are. Finally, if you see that work of yours was uploaded to our database without your permission and you want us to remove it than we will be happy to do that.
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