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Everything posted by TheMadMan007

  1. Any tutorials on how to use it? I got the 1.21 file, opened it up, and it's really a terrible interface, looks like something that was designed by committee back in 2007. I figured out that the rom needs to be unzipped and the emulator needs to have each game configured and it told where the exe for the game is. Once that was done, I chose to boot up Chase HQ 2 and it comes up with error "cannot find parrotloader.exe". I searched through the directory and can't find it. and I searched online and no help is given. Any advice? EDIT: It seems as though the Teknoparrot got picked up as a really bad file by windows and quarantined it. I restored it, but I hit another snag. Now when running the program it comes up with an error saying I have another emulator running (I don't) and it also wants me to remove a bunch of files in the game directory, but I can't find them.
  2. Yeah, it was due to a certificate error on Libretro's site earlier today, but it is fixed and Stellar is working perfectly fine.
  3. Glad to hear that this hasn't completely died! I hope v3 releases soon!
  4. Any update on this? This is one of the big issues for me since I want to play Retro games with my friend in Texas, and I have set him up with LaunchBox and the games and its nice and easy for him, but the Netplay just is a hassle.
  5. There is no dupes. Games like Actraiser and Star Fox don't import at all. But I'll give that I try
  6. I'm having trouble with importing some games. Normally with a 7z set of Super Nintendo games, I have 789 games and it imports them all properly. Then I was messing around with unzipping them and just having the raw .sfc files and importing them instead and when importing them, it only imports around 760-773 now. While importing the entire folder it imports 766 and when selecting all 789 files and importing them, it imports 773. Also I'm having an issue where sometimes the Super Nintendo Entertainment System is in the list of platforms to scrape as, sometimes it's not. Really strange. Anyone have any ideas why this is happening?
  7. I'm wondering if it is possible for LaunchBox/BigBox to have a way to show favorites for a system in a subfolder of sorts? I'm not really sure how to describe it properly, but back in the original modded Xbox days, the emulators had a section where you could mark favorites, and it would keep it in the main games selection menu but basically copy it to a subfolder for favorites where you could pick it there from the main menu (yeah, I know you can do favorites in BigBox now, but they way it does it now is that it removes it from the alphabetized menu and moves it up top with a star next to it, which I really don't care for, I think a separate menu would be much cleaner and still keep everything organized and alphabitized) I'd love to either see it where we could easily have a favorites folder for each system where from the push of a button, I can visit the favorites folder for that system and have the main games that I have Favorited show up. Or possibly a filter option to where a button press will filter out only Favorited games (I remember the MAMEOX emulator on the original Xbox did this with the black button and it filtered out only favorites or a couple other different options, like working only or a parent only ROM or clones excluded or whatever.
  8. Any reason these are in PDF? I would have loved to have these as PNG or even JPG, since I'm missing tons of box art and I'd like to use the adverts for missing box art instead of blank images
  9. Seems like I've been out of the loop with CHDs... I only know them as hard drive images for a few MAME games. There are CHDs for other systems? Is it preferred over the unzipped files for like Playstation?
  10. Haha, yeah. I'd love to have a good ZX Spectrum version, I never got to mess around with that system at all when I was younger. I think you'll love Amiga Forever though, it's seriously one of the most robust emulators I've ever used
  11. I"m not sure exactly why it's happening, but it definitely is something wrong with my PC, I tried it on a couple other PCs of mine and it ran at normal speeds. I don't know how well Amiga forever and C64 Forever work together, but they seem to recognize each other and have all the files for each program in each other as well. I'd suggest giving it a try since they are both very very good products. I rarely suggest software, but these programs are amazing and work extremely well and take a lot of guesswork out of some of these systems that I never really grew up with. If you are on the fence about it, I'd say either download the free version or just bite the bullet. It's only $30 and is basically turn key.
  12. So I bit the bullet and got both the Amiga Forever and Commodore 64 Forever programs. Man... everything just works. FINALLY!!! It's so easy. This is aboslutly worth it if you have any issue playing the commodore systems. The way I have used it with launchbox is this. I've pulled a chunk of C64 games from my roms folder and unzipped them. .d64 and .tap files will now be associated with C64 during installation. So double clicking the files will open up the program and create a new .rp9 file (stands for RetroPlatform I guess) This is basically the image of the game. Now you can just throw those into a new Rom folder and import the .rp9 files like any other game and platform import and add the emulator like normal and it'll all work! The only issue I've run into so far, is with the Amiga Forever 7 program now, when loading up games, they run and a really fast speed, like 2 or 3 times as fast as they should. I've checked the options but am having a hard time with getting it running normally.
  13. Sweet! Thanks!
  14. Could you be able to explain a bit on how you set it up? I downloaded Project 64 and the Bios but I have no clue where in the options to make the N64Bios selected.
  15. Awesome! I did some more research, it seems like it's basically a virtualization environment specifically for Amiga (like Hyper-V for Windows) This sounds really intriguing. Hopefully I can give it a go, I've always been stumped with Amiga and C64 stuff. Hopefully the roms I have will work with it. I think the issue with me is more filtering out the games to make sure that I don't have 25,000 games for one system and half of them are revisions or copies or hacks or software.
  16. I've never even heard of this program before. I looked it up, but wasn't really sure if it's legit or not. Have you tried it? I'm interested, and if it works really well. I might even go in for a purchase.
  17. That's such a bummer. I rather use RetroArch for everything since I have it set to have all my save files and states in my onedrive folder and have it sync through all my PCs and also the interface is much easier to use for LaunchBox, and just configuring things on the fly.... Hopefully the RetroArch team is able to improve some of these cores soon (I really don't see why they focus more on adding RetroArch support to things like Windows 98 and things like that)
  18. When loading up certain games for Dreamcast, (Through RetroArch's Reicast core) some of them will play totally fine, and some of them will go into the bios and play it as an audio cd. These are .cdi and .gdi images and it seems to be a couple games in particular. Toy Commander is one of the big ones, where no matter what rip I have of it, I can't get it to play. Anyone have any suggestions?
  19. Any way you could share that config file? I just started messing around with it too.
  20. RetroArch is by far the easiest "all in one" emulator. 1. Download it from Libretro's site, extract it and load it up. 2. Go to the core updater and download the cores for whatever systems you want. 3. Add the emulator in LaunchBox, add the roms to launchbox, 4. Edit the emulator platform in LaunchBox to use RetroArch for the systems that you want and use the core's that you downloaded. 5. Launch a Game and play. In Retroarch you can use the quick menu to change and save control configurations. There are ton's of video tutorial on setting up all sorts of systems, and it's pretty much all the same, I use RetroArch for 90% of all my systems. It's just the easiest and updated frequently, instead of using a emulator that hasn't been updated since 2006 or something
  21. I like using RetroArch for as many systems as possible, easy to configure with the xbox guide button as a quick menu for controller customization and save/load states, and the Final Burn Alpha core allows for UniBios, which is always nice too.
  22. Yeah, the all killer no filler is a really good base, I ended up adding a few more games to it and have a solid set of around 900 MAME games that are cream of the crop. Thanks for that monkus!
  23. Honestly it's just easier to to the lifetime for $50. It's worth it and not ever having to worry about it, is a huge reason why I just bit the bullet and bought it outright. I'm pretty warry of buying software, especially if it's some frontend, but Big Box alone is easily worth the $50 asking price.
  24. I think I finally figured it out. During updates to beta 7, something broke along the way where it corrupted the emulator field of RetroArch. I verified on 4 different PCs that if updated to beta 7, Retroarch for MAME and Neo Geo games, they could not launch from LaunchBox, but retain playbliity from within Retroarch. Once I deleted the Emulator from LaunchBox, re-added it, added in the cores and default emulator status, MAME and Neo Geo games worked again perfectly. I'm not sure exactly the reason why this happened, and Playstation is still not working after updating to Beta 7, but one small step in the right direction is enough for me at this moment.
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