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Everything posted by fromlostdays

  1. Maybe the missing art is for roms from another region (besides USA)? Here's what I do in this instance: same as before, click edit on the game with no art, only this time click the "hide" button. This doesn't delete it from your database but will hide the entry while scrolling. You have to make sure "show hidden games" isn't checked in the LB menu, I think it's under "views" but I'm on my phone and can't double check. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  2. HyperSpin is more "Wheel" centric, what Launchbox calls "Clear Logos". So for HyperSpin stuff like Boxart is a happy bonus you can add to a theme. You might have noticed that LaunchBox is more centered around the Boxart (Although you can set it to view clear logos, etc). For a good many systems, Boxart exists for 100 percent (Think popular systems like Super Nintendo). For stuff like MAME and DOS the Art might not exist at all. There is a few things you should know about scraping media with launchbox. 1: Launchbox has its own database for games, but can also pull from emumovies. If you have an emumovies account, link it. 2: Launchbox is pretty good about matching your rom names to it's database, but it doesn't always find them. So, when art is missing, the first thing you should do it right click the game in launchbox and go to "edit". At the very top of this screen you should see a title and to the right of that, a launchbox game ID number. If you do, this means that LB was able to find the game. At the bottom right you see the download media button. Use it. If you don't see a launchbox ID it means 1 of 2 things: the game isn't in the LB database (This is rare for a lot of the common systems), or LB just couldn't find the game based on your rom name. Try changing the title around a bit and doing a search for the correct game. If you find it, download media as above. Some games might not be in the LB database at all (yet) which as I understand is an enormous WIP. If you can't find the game at all, then 3: You can use media and art from ANY source in LB. Then you just use art from you other front end or downloaded from the net and put it in the correct folder in LB (launchbox/images/box - front) for instance is a common folder. "Clear logos" for wheels. Most of it is self explanatory. Hope it helps.
  3. This might be widely known, in which case I apologize, but I just spent a solid 8 hours making my Windows (PC Game) system look awesome. Apparently there is a whole community of people who like to create steam grid art. Now I got some really old pc games, stuff from GOG that's also on DOS IE. Leisure Suit Larry When I scraped PC games, some of them had no art, some of them had older boxy art, some new art and it looks pretty mashed together. So I decided to try and uniform the look as much as possible by using steam banners. I found this: http://steambanners.booru.org/index.php The Result: There's a bunch of websites like it, as well, you can just google. This particular one has an enormous amount of content, old and new. I'm not sure if it's still active, the last post in the forums was five months ago, but they have a Launchbox and Bigbox banner too. `
  4. Google drive, dropbox.... anything. I'll make it work on my end! Thanks heaps, GuroDragon! Brad, that's awesome!
  5. What's the chances that you'll zip up the images and send them to me? I deleted meagre and everything else a while ago, all I have is the uninstalled zipped set. (I use rocketlauncher and it allows me to launch right from zips, so I actually imported the entire exodos set at roms and set RL as the emulator, but no media pulled). I don't want to redownload the entire exodos set, especially if as SentiBrad said, Exo is working on a new set.
  6. That would be awesome, but in my opinion a little beyond the scope of a front-end.
  7. So with the new audit feature on the loose I've been going through and updating media for certain games that for whatever reason didn't scrape in the past. So right click, edit, make sure the game has an ID from the launchbox database (and the ID number), and then download images and media. When I do this, it for some reason shows the ID number in the game name from then on. Screenshot below. Restarting launchbox doesn't help. Possible important note: This seems to only happen if the game already had an ID number, but for whatever reason didn't pull media on import (I imported a while ago). If the game name was wonky and didn't sync with a LBDB ID, and I fix the name, sync with ID, THEN update media, this doesn't happen. But if the ID is there and I update media, this: New Bitmap Image.bmp Notice that its named correctly in the edit tab. Thanks for any help! Quick Update: I just checked my Nintendo DS XML and the ID Number does not appear in the game name there either.
  8. You didn't following the RL System naming conventions, that's why. It doesn't take long, I recommend renaming your systems according to RL standards, save you a lot of trouble in the long run. Look in the RLUI media folder for the "icons" folder if you're not sure about the proper RL name. The ones that work are named correctly. Alternately, if you click the RocketlauncherUI tab top right, second section down theres a tick box for: Valid Emulator/Modules only If you unclick that, you'll see every module for every system regardless of the naming. Again, I'd rename. Goodluck!
  9. I went deep on trying to rename controllers in windows. Nada. Do let me know if you ever figure that one out.
  10. It happens haha. Both Snes9x and Bsnes have (multiple) cores in RetroArch. Snes9x is easier as some of the Bsnes cores require special roms. You should be able to point RA to your Snes9x core and then to your rom and start playing.
  11. Nestopia is an NES emulator, for starters. Use SNES9x or BSNES.
  12. I've put over a hundred hours in this since launch and haven't used a single mod. (I'm only barely aware of mods having not been a PC gamer). I will say that THE LOADING TIMES ARE GORGEOUS. I always smith and running from breezehome to the Warmaiden to dragons reach for enchantments is most of the reason why I never finished the game the first time around. Every door you went through was a punishment. (Mind you I played on the xbox 360). I mustn't be smart enough to understand why people are mad at this release. I am smart enough to know that from now on, every bethesda game in the way of elder scrolls and fallout will get a nice spot on my SSD and not on my consoles.
  13. Sounds like you're just looking for the Fade In function in RocketLauncher. Works like a charm, and you can actually use it to delay the time it takes the emulator to load, so you can have your fade in screen up for as long as you want. (I use this feature to mimic the way an xbox one launches a game with still art) to my knowledge, no video though as yet. Though it is capable of simple animation (like a spinning disc or a progress bar if you're unzipping a game. Additionally, Rocketlauncher has a pause function you can use any time in game that will display any type of media you want including video, pictures, and music (though the game has to be launched already). You can pause the emulation and scroll through your game manuals for instance. It's not as much of an undertaking as many people think it is, especially now that RL released an updated plug in for LaunchBox, (Note that fade is an inherent feature of rocketlauncher and to do what you want, you'd only need to put the picture you want to display in the right RL folder), but its not as easy as Launchbox either. If you want to go that route, you can hit me up with any questions you have, or ask anywhere on the rocketlauncher forums. I haven't had much time to be on the forums recently, but I'm never too far away.
  14. fromlostdays


    I think we all owe a death and a life filled with unavoidable and sometimes seemingly meaningless suffering (not exclusively but it's inescapable). I think the manner in which you derive meaning from what is essentially incomprehensible is incidental as long as the meaning is there. I think that meaning is personal, be it God, science, nature, nothingness, or all of the above, and while it can be engaging to share the form with others, the act of sharing is comparable to describing a rainbow to a blind person. You aren't intelligent enough to describe it in such a way that will be understandable to someone who isn't equipped to see it i.e everyone but you. You will never be equipped for that no matter how hard you pray or how many times you read Dawkins. I think this is why attempts at forced conversion or coerced conversion to religions, historically and at present, not only dilute the message but open up the form to being a tool for manipulation by people who fundamentally do not understand/see it. I think this is also why this subject is difficult for a lot of people to talk about with any civility. On the flip side, I think to say there is no God requires the exact leap of faith that people take to say there is one. You don't know. I don't know. I don't think the answer to whether there is or isn't is actually as important as people make it. We all have to internalize the incomprehensible, we do it every day, its part of who we are, and I think what's really important is that people give it each other the space and freedom to do that in the way that makes the most sense to them, without fear of being laughed at, marginalized, or murdered. You asked.
  15. Just in case anyone wants 100 percent confirmation, its exactly as neil9000 said. Splash screen for opening the game, then full controller support. Happy days.
  16. I appreciate the responses guys. I'm heartened. If you mean the debate about 30fps vs 60fps, I'm with you, Brad. I mean I can see the difference, but as long as there isn't framedrops (was in 360 dragons dogma) the difference isn't enough for me to really give a shit. I do however have to justify the purchase of this video card haha. Plus, if I game on PC, I'm never but a few button clicks away from Mike Tysons Punch Out haha. The other debate about keyboard vs controller is exactly why I asked here instead of steam. Here most everyone likes to play games and wants to help others play and enjoy. On the steam forums, people get shamed for asking about controller support to the point where I suspect they make up illnesses to explain why they can't/don't want to use a keyboard. I'm an adult, haha. I like what I like, and as with sex politics and religion, I support what you (pl) like as long as it makes you happy. I should amend that to "makes you happy in a non annoying way." haha
  17. I'm taken back to all the horrible ad riddled probably malicious websites I was drawn to for roms before I knew what a torrent was haha.
  18. I had a bin set a while back. It works in RetroArch if I recall. You can actually just rename the sfc extension to .bin if you wanted. The only reason I could think to do that is if you had the bin set and could only find a rom in sfc but wanted your set to have all the same extensions. I'm pretty sure you can do the same from bin to sfc.
  19. From experience, if this is happening with SNES, check the rom extension. If it isn't bin, or sfc, get another set.As to not make assumptions, are your roms zipped? Are they tosec? Some sets will come zipped and have like 5 versions of the same rom in the zip, and that's a problem.
  20. Hey guys, so I finally invested some money in my PC, got a GTX 1060 at least, and its making me want to move the bulk of my modern gaming to PC. This seems all well and good, especially as that means I can slowly retire my xbox and ps4 except for exclusives, and with LB don't have to take my hand off the controller. I game in the living room on the couch, and I'm so used to 30fps (I didn't realize this until recently) that 60 fps actually looks weird to me, haha. I bought a copy of Dragons Dogma on steam, which I also own on the 360, specifically for this comparison. Anyway, needless to say, I'm excited about Skyrim Remastered (I've never actually beaten the game even with over 100 hours in it previously on the box). I figure its just the game to get me used to that good PC 60fps look. BUT What is partial controller support? There doesn't seem to be much info about even how the old skyrim played with a controller, much less this one. I've read stuff about other games, and apparently it could mean anything from "you just use the keyboard to type your name" to "you need to use the kb/m for pretty much everything but moving the character." The former being mildly annoying since the controller functionality exists as the game is released for both consoles, The latter being unacceptable to me. I was just wondering if anyone here had any ideas how the old one places with the pc controller combo or any info on how this one will. Also, I'm kinda curious why PC wouldn't have full functionality for both kb/m and controllers, but I'm more interested in the former. Thanks!
  21. This can be easily accomplished with a keymapper. Xpadder or Joy2key. I do something similar (Hybrid type controls) for RocketLauncher as the + key opens up RL Pause menu. So I just leave Xpadder open, Lefthumbstick in activates my hotkeys in RetroArch, for instance. I also map that same button to "select profile 2 while held" in Xpadder. On profile 2 in xpadder, just mapped the start button to the + key. So in Xpadder those are the only two buttons I map. It just stays open. Possible conflicts if the buttons you're mapping are natively used by the game, but no reason I can think of this shouldn't work for the escape key. I realize that's poor instructions haha. But if you want some clearer ones just hit me up. GL
  22. As per the handle, I'm a huge fan. This is great! Also my name is Walter, which is weird.
  23. I suspect that new installs of launchbox might not generate a "Launchbox.xml". There would be no reason for it to, so I'm guessing this is a new install? I updated LB and it never actively deleted my launchbox.xml so this might be why some people don't have one. I'm not totally sure how to write in xml either, but try this: In your main launchbox directory create a text file and name it "LaunchBox.xml". (While the text file is open go to save as and type "LaunchBox.xml" just like inside the quotes. This file will be blank, so go ahead and type: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <LaunchBox> at the top. Now, with it still open, go into launchbox/data/platforms You'll see a bunch of xmls named after your systems Pick one system and paste it under the above text in the text document you created. Save that, and see if that system doesn't show up in rocketlauncher. If it does, just open up all the other platform xmls and paste the contents into your new launchbox xml. Let me know if it helps!
  24. Temporary fix from the RL Forums, user Rebelone: To do this you need to copy the code for the new platform in platforms.xml and the games in the corresponding [platform].xml into LaunchBox.xml. If LaunchBox crashes check for double entries. And yes, the RL Devs are updating the plugin. Unfortunately, as always since this is a hobby, no ETAs at present. As a little background, RocketLauncher's LB plugin is used to looking at the file "launchbox.xml" to populate its systems and games list. In the recent LB release, LB no longer uses that file to populate its own lists (and I'm not sure but it probably doesn't update that file at all anymore, it might be useless to LB at this point). Instead, LB (I think rightly) now gives each system its own platform.xml. Copying the info that is now split into these xmls by system back into your LaunchBox.xml will allow RocketLauncher to read your systems and games list again, and it'll be necessary until RocketLauncher is programmed to look in the new locations.
  25. I didn't think Mugen was an emulator, so I'm not sure if you can run it. You can run mugen games though. There may be an easier way to do this, but I: Drag game.exe (for instance Aliens vs. Predator.exe into LaunchBox. Pick Mugen as Platform Pick any emulator you want* It doesn't matter you're not going to be launching them through an emulator. Let LaunchBox search for metadata etc. After import, right click imported game in Launchbox Choose "Edit" Navigate to "Emulation" tab. UNCLICK "use an emulator to play this game" (Unclicking this tells LaunchBox that it should treat this file like an .exe) Done. I'm a little behind the times so I'm not exactly sure what the new LaunchBox versions are capable of Artwise. I'm pretty sure you can shell windows to open directly into LaunchBox, but I'm not sure how. Someone else will have to speak to the rest. GL!
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