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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. It depends on the settings you use, as well as the region you specify, but i have 2852 imported.
  2. when you say beat em up are you talking a side scroller like Final Fight, or a 1 on 1 like street fighter?
  3. Launchbox doesnt care what version you have. It could be the default commandline though as its such a old version, you may need to remove the line in the below image.
  4. Tools/Options/Updates, enable betas then restart Launchbox.
  5. In fact all cores in that image say they are missing, have you actually downloaded any cores from within the Retroarch UI?
  6. Well it clearly says it is using nestopia, and that that core is missing. Which core are you trying to use? If you double click where it says nestopia that is a dropdown and will list all your downloaded Retroarch cores, just select the one you want to use from the list.
  7. I dont see a picture for the Retroarch associated platform tab (its the second tab in your first image). Thats where you tell Launchbox which core to use for which platform, so you likely have the wrong core selected to what you actually downloaded.
  8. Nope its just the nature of it. If programs could just decide to use less RAM then every single program ever made would do so. There is no magic switch to use less resources than are required, the larger your collection the more resources are needed.
  9. Im afraid you wont receive any help here on the official forums for a pre built build you downloaded off of the internet. Its a theme issue, try another.
  10. Not removed, still there as always on the premium version.
  11. All themes will have several different looking views you can switch to.
  12. Thats simply a different view. Either go into the options and change it, or set a key/button to "change view".
  13. Those are all related to a plugin you are using, not Launchbox itself. Every single error has the path Launchbox/Plugins, which is where third party plugins are placed. Try moving all plugins out of that folder then launching Launchbox.
  14. Are you using other plugins as well? Its working just fine here on 11.5 Beta 2, but i have seen evidence in our Discord of it not working if you are also using the Playtime Tracker plugin. So i would remove all plugins and see if it works. If it does work simply add plugins back one by one and test until it stops working to isolate what is interfering.
  15. Mine is also a merged set as you can see from my file paths. So i have no idea why the other versions dont show for you, all three set types have all the versions, they are just packaged differently. Did you actually use the MAME fullset importer?
  16. I have rev 3 here under additional apps just fine.
  17. Yeah this is a really strange one as i have never seen it anything like that, and i update every single beta. This has been open about twelve hours at this point. C-Beats and Jason Carr are the only devs here, and for the record, all moderators are volunteers, so we reply when we can, but we all have lives/jobs/family's, and we squeeze this in when we can.
  18. To be honest with you im reluctant to say, it may be your HDD that is the issue, so im not gonna recommend you delete a large platform like that of its media.
  19. Well that is exactly my point. The images in the database are just fine as usual, nothing corrupted there at all, but yours are. So, that leads me to believe its a issue on your end. If it was us, we would have thousands of different users screaming at us right now cause there images are bad. Instead we have just you. Pick a small platform, like 32X and delete the whole Launchbox/Images/Sega 32X folder. Then click one game in the UI and CTRL A to select them all, then Tools/Download Metadata and Media, and check the media items you want. What do you get when you download them?
  20. That is something i have only ever seen with corrupted video files, and it happens in real time, its not a straight up image. Very strange. https://www.google.com/search?q=vlc+green+screen+curruption&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjtvt_DvtDrAhUS1eAKHXQxCEIQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=vlc+green+screen+curruption&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECAAQHjoECAAQGFCDLli1R2D6SWgAcAB4AIABQ4gBmAWSAQIxMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=f7dSX62DKZKqgwf04qCQBA&bih=981&biw=1920
  21. Im not sure im understanding here, its not a problem that hay are combined, its about the sorting method?
  22. This part confuses me off the bat, care to elaborate? Yes, yes there is. Highlite the games, tools/download metadata and media wizard.
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