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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Also i notice in your image you are using Mame 0.78. That is a very very old version, Launchbox is using the current MAME database files, so i guess that game is now working but wasnt in the old version you have.
  2. Dont use the fullset importer if you dont have a fullset.
  3. There is a pack here, and you can use your own by placing them in the correct folders.
  4. Where is your best Atari 2600 list for the Sega Master System?
  5. lol, a full @DOS76 sounds really disgusting and something i want no part or knowledge of.
  6. This sounds possibly like a mame fullset import without actually having a fullset issue. Hence only some games working, and sometimes not the parent rom.
  7. Try removing the "Arcade" from the video name, the nested name is just "Capcom Classics".
  8. The video needs to be named the same as the platform, its not in your image. You also dont need to specify the video in that window, just add them to the Launchbox/Videos/Playlists folder and name them correctly.
  9. neil9000


    Also the auto update DOES work.
  10. Just by using those settings in my image, didnt do anything else.
  11. Why do you even want that window when launching games from Launchbox? You should set your settings once and never really need to look at them again.
  12. I was replying to you, not to him.
  13. neil9000


    Launchbox doesnt need or care about CHD files, its MAME that does. So put them wherever you want them, but tell mame that path.
  14. It re-sizes with every press of the arrow key for me, as i think it should. If i hold the key down the box art doesnt re-size until i release the key.
  15. Slow equal better there, as its fine tuning. I dont want that very fast at all, no point overshooting and having to edge back. Also depending on your resolution, the slider by itself is impossible to be accurate with. Im at 1440p, or 4K with a relatively i would think normal mouse dpi setting and using that to fine tune is out of the question.
  16. Yes, dont import them to Launchbox, it doesnt need them, its the emulators that need the bios files, and in the case of megadrive, they are not needed at all. As i said though if you move on to other systems, mostly CD based ones, they will need the bios files.
  17. This is exactly what i do, once the slider has been used to get to the rough size, as long as you dont click somewhere else you can then use the left and right arrows to fine tune.
  18. You dont need them for megadrive/genesis either, (but will for mega CD) generally bios files are unzipped and go in the Retroarch/Systems folder.
  19. That error says you are loading Bigbox, not Launchbox. They are not the same thing, but if you have issues with both then something horrific is wrong somewhere. Go to your Launchbox/Updates folder and run the newest installer and install over the top of your current install.
  20. Move, just want to test if it opens with default settings and theme. Are you using a user created theme or the default?
  21. Those are theme related errors in your image. Move the settings.xml out of the Launchbox /Data folder and load Launchbox, it will load with default settings.
  22. Thats a problem with your romset more than Launchbox. Looks like you have manual renaming to do, or get games that actually have the game name in the title.
  23. Dont uncheck LB metadata, but uncheck all media, should only take a couple of minutes to import.
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