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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Yes, use the fullset importer and all clones/revisions will be combined, and it only imports working games with the default settings.
  2. In Bigbox go to options/image cache and "refresh platform logos". Also its worth noting the logo must be named exactly the same as the platform is named in launchbox/bigbox.
  3. Launchbox doesnt have a "core list" the dropdown just shows the cores you have in your retroarch/cores folder. So if a core isnt showing, you dont have it downloaded in retroarch.
  4. https://www.dosbox.com/wiki/Usage
  5. You really think a ARM based notebook will be anywhere near as good as a desktop PC? That's dreamland you are living in there. Somehow i dont see a ARM based GPU worrying my RTX 2080 Super any time soon.
  6. This was fixed in the first 10.15 beta.
  7. Startup videos go in a Launchbox/Videos/startup folder, they can be named anything you like and a random one will play each time.
  8. It does work you need the fix like already stated. Its in the comments of the download.
  9. Well the point is as Jason said in his original post, that emulation in general may no longer be possible on Android full stop. Short sighted would be continuing to invest time and money into a platform, that come the next release of Android may no longer support the functions that a frontend requires to actually be usefull.
  10. Just run the fullset importer again and uncheck all media downloads.
  11. The fullset importer assumes you have a fullset and adds all working games, regardless of if you have them or not. It doesnt actually scan and check your files as its specifically for fullsets.
  12. I use one of these, it supports xinput, dinput, macOS and switch. https://www.amazon.co.uk/8Bitdo-Wireless-Bluetooth-Nintendo-Raspberry/dp/B01ND166P6/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=8BITDO&qid=1588415360&s=videogames&sr=1-6
  13. Sorry i thought this was referencing the screenshots in the game details. The only option is to not have "show subline" active.
  14. There is a option to not show Origin after gameplay in its options.
  15. You need to change the name in the associated platform tab to MAME also, the associated platform needs to match the name you gave it in Launchbox.
  16. That number of games is about right. I have 2842, but i also skipped mature.
  17. Launchbox will use either the rom name or the name given in Launchbox for media.
  18. Sounds like you used the "fullset importer" without a fullset. You will need to add your few roms via the normal "add roms" import wizard.
  19. There is, use the MAME Fullset importer, it only imports working games.
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