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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. The version does matter, but not for you, its pre 0.173 that dosnt work. Do you have this command-line in your MAME entry?
  2. There is no "one size fits all" when it comes to the pause screens, different emulators will need different settings. Pause does work in MAME also if its setup correctly. You can check this google doc to see if emulators have been tested and if they work with pause or not. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wuGiwg8I5QqulDncQvGBZP83BVDSXpbSOzdYqDrsCxI/edit?usp=sharing You can also watch this video which shows setting them up. And finally these are the settings i have for MAME, and i also use "P" for them.
  3. neil9000


    Its simply not possible on windows games, they are not roms and they are not being emulated. As i said i dont use DOS so cant speak to that really, but i would assume the same there, you save with there in game saves just like you would back in the day.
  4. Just install the same way you would any drive. I will warn you though performance will probably be awful. USB sticks are simply not designed for constant reads and writes, they are for storage, not for running programs from.
  5. neil9000


    The emulators themselves have to support save states, this isnt on Launchbox to do. I dont use DOS so cant speak to that, but standard windows games will have there own way of saving, and if they have quick save and quick load buttons you can add those, of course they will likely be different for every game. No Windows games have save states in the way you are meaning here.
  6. As long as your platforms are named the same as the artwork they will show. If you are using different naming to the artwork included you will need to rename the image files to match.
  7. You cant do that with CHD, it will be one CHD per disc.
  8. Well this will be because when you imported those into Launchbox you only imported the .cue files, which is the correct method. So Launchbox only has data to export those specific files. I can see that being a bit of a issue though, although im not sure how that would be solved with the current method as Launchbox essentially does not know those files exist.
  9. Hey @dragon57, is there any chance you could do a PAL version of your SNES boxes using the PAL version of the SNES as the image instead? Also could you do a version of the PAL SNES cart also, as we had the same carts as the Super Famicom, not the boxy ones you had in the states. Thanks again.
  10. I dont believe so in its current form, it requires a existing windows build to export from to start with. This is only the first beta however, so who knows in the future.
  11. You can add any category you wish my right clicking a existing one choosing new and specifying where it shows in the parent tab. Here is a quick test one i just made.
  12. 2019-08-18 12-13-12.mp4
  13. I just deleted Goldeneye from my build and re-imported it with no issues at all. 2019-08-18 12-01-24.flv
  14. There is nothing wrong with Launchbox and it works absolutely fine. When you say 45 minutes what are you referring to? Do you mean the media downloads? If so that sounds like a issue connecting to the database on your end, as the database is up and working fine. I have both Goldeneye 007 and 007 The World Is Not Enough imported just fine for N64, so as i said this sounds more like a issue on your end, is your firewall blocking Launchbox from connecting to the game database?
  15. As i said Launchbox only supports metadata in English. I doesnt matter what Recalbox does, Launchbox isnt Recalbox.
  16. Not from our database no, if its from another program you would have to ask on there forums, we only officially support our database and Emumovies for media.
  17. If you are Having Launchbox copy the files at import then it is only copying the .cue file so thats why they dont work. Either copy everything to the Launchbox folder first, or tell it to leave the games where they are.
  18. The Launchbox database is English only.
  19. Then its likely your cue's are wrong and have the wrong data in them. Also you are not having Launchbox move them when importing are you?
  20. This is probably down to the new startup/shutdown screens if its been a long time since you updated. you can try adjusting the startup/shutdown settings or just turn them off completely for those emulators in Tools/Manage emulators/name of emulator/startup screen tab.
  21. I have a recent phone with a 6 inch screen which has a fast CPU and 6GB of ram that will play up to GameCube. I also have two controllers that have phone clips for a perfectly decent portable emulation system.
  22. I think you are confusing two different things here. The startup themes are what you see when loading a game, not what you see when starting the program.
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