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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. The last one I got was about 500GB or so, don't they have new systems in there now?
  2. Well first of all, you chose the import rom files option, that completely excludes the folder scan. as you did not specify a folder. so the first point is user error. Secondly, if you want to scan a folder for added or deleted roms, then you need to tell Launchbox where it is, as it was not specified at import. Yes if you delete your platforms and such you will also lose the things associated with it. There is no need to delete it though, we can tell you how to keep it.
  3. Ha ha, OK , sorry for my short but accurate answers. 2) yes, that is the whole ethos of Launchbox, easy to get your nostalgic games running quickly and easily. (I am of course a mod here, but I am not paid at all) Mame is a emulator like any other, like a snes emulator, but it only emulates Arcade games, so you would need a collection of said games.
  4. Hi and welcome. 1) MAME is a emulator like any other, except it only emulates Arcade games. 2) Not a question, but yes. 3) I'm not a AMD gut so hopefully @Lordmonkus can chime in there. 4) Try them first, they will probably work, but we can advise if not.
  5. Hi and welcome. It depends which ones you want, MAME has a load built in, or do you want @Lordmonkus's ones?
  6. LOL, there are a ton of systems I don't have, but I just stick to the ones I will actually play. I don't have C64, Amiga etc for example, but I have no nostalgia for them as I was a console guy growing up.
  7. Yeah I have those as well as the handhelds, all my Windows/Steam games and the Spectrum.
  8. Oh its worth it, I have all the games I used to put 10p's into in the arcade when I was a kid, all available to me with unlimited credits, and I recently got a arcade stick to go with them, it's heaven.
  9. You will also find with the CHD CPS III games that they will actually ask to install on first launch, you will have to wait for that to finish, as its how you loaded new games to the Arcade cabinet, you only have to do it the first time you launch it, but it can take a while. Street Fighter 3 Third Strike took about 20 minutes to install on my system.
  10. Yeah the chds should just be a folder, not a zip, and yes just drop the folder in the same location you have your roms, nothing needed your end if the chd is there MAME will just load it like any other game, as you need both the zipped rom and the chd. Yeah 6 games is correct, I only actually have 4 in my launchbox so ill have to troubleshoot that. Here is a list of CHD's http://www.mameaddicts.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=605
  11. There are a lot of CHD's in the full set, a lot for games that don't even work in MAME yet, so it is a bit of a waste of space. Your best bet would just be to google the specific CHD's you want and grab them one by one. There are also other games that need them, like Killer Instinct for one.
  12. @WuTangDan you can also get Arcade flyers from here. http://www.progettosnaps.net/flyers/
  13. CPS III games require .chd's to play in MAME. CHD's are basically CD images as the CPS III was a relatively new system the games came on CD, so in order to play those you will need to track them down, bear in mind that they can be quite large files due to them being CD's. Pleasuredome has the full set of .CHD's but that is around 650GB in total, so that's up to you if you want the full set, I personally do have them, just so I can play the likes of Street Fighter 3 Third Strike. As for the scraping that's just the way it is with arcade games, all the well known games should have artwork though, as long as you scraped the games as Arcade you will have everything that is currently available. If you want to remove games with no artwork you can use the audit feature. Just select Arcade on the left then Tools/Audit Arcade, then once the window loads you can sort by various ways, like Front images and such, it will put all the games missing images to the top of the list, you can then highlight all the ones you don't want, right click and hide or delete.
  14. @wallmachine that is a plugin error for the Ao.bigbox.controls in whatever theme you are using, it's not a Bigbox error, I suggest you contact @eatkinola and let him know.
  15. Cause we were helping @WuTangDan above.
  16. No probs, any other questions just ask.
  17. "This Machine" will obviously only set them for that game though, the way I do it is set the general as a general layout, then just do the "This Machine" on games that need a different layout.
  18. Wireless xbox one controller works just fine, but you will need a keyboard to set it up at first. As you said hit tab/input general/player one, just use arrow keys and enter to select buttons then press the button on your controller.
  19. They are the same these days. So personal preference there.
  20. If you get the current set it doesn't matter, all the working games will work in the current version of MAME, so just the one emulator.
  21. Wow, I guessed it was old but damn its even worse than I dared imagine.
  22. neil9000

    bigbox theme HELP!

    All themes are installed the same way, unzip and drop into Launchbox/Themes folder. Then in Bigbox just go to options/views/Theme and cycle through them.
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