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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. lol, no probs, this is a direct quote from what I said in the previous thread where you were discussing this plugin, If you upload the file to our third party apps and plugins section of the downloads, a support forum thread will be automatically created, with a link directly to it from the file download page.
  2. Yeah my guess there is a windows scaling issue, 300% is a massive offset. You can try right clicking the Bigbox .exe go to properties/compatibility and check the box to override high DPI scaling, scaling performed by the application. This may or may not work though.
  3. @Jason Carr i see VLC 3.0.0 is out now, any thoughts of integrating it? https://www.videolan.org/vlc/releases/3.0.0.html
  4. I wouldn't of thought it would be down to the emulator to be honest all its doing is receiving controller inputs. You could try some thing like what I link below, if you have a long USB extension you ideally want a "active repeater" built in as this should amplify the data and power over longer lengths, also if the hub doesn't plug into the mains I would suggest one that does, at the moment you are trying to send power and data over 10 foot to a single USB port, USB ports don't supply a huge amount of power and yours is having to travel 10 foot and then power 4 devices at the end of it. I have a 4 port USB hub that is not powered and I don't really use it as when I plug more than one thing into it, or add a USB hard drive it doesn't send enough power to power the drive, and that is without adding a extension to it. https://www.amazon.co.uk/UGREEN-Extension-Amplification-Keyboards-loudspeakers/dp/B00B2HP2UI/ref=pd_sim_23_4?_encoding=UTF8&refRID=SAJ0BTX20C5MAP5JX4WD&th=1
  5. I would guess this issue is a combination of the hub and the extension cable. USB extensions of that length are usually pretty bad as data and power has to be transmitted down the cable, so the longer the cable the more degradation you will get. Also is the hub powered? if it just runs off of the usb power that will also cause issues especially with a 10 foot extension cable.
  6. Windows has a built in screenshot tool, just hold the windows button on your keyboard and press print screen, they are saved in pictures/screenshots.
  7. OK I have just done a completely new install of Launchbox and imported Sega CD, working just fine for me.
  8. OK I am going to ask the same question that was asked in that thread, did you have Launchbox move your roms?
  9. OK, I just deleted my Sega CD platform and re-imported it, and its working just fine.
  10. No I already have Sega CD setup, just tested and it still works. Also the latest Retroarch is 1.7.1.
  11. OK, if you right click a game and "Launch with" Retroarch does it load?
  12. Are those two platforms named exactly as they are there on the left list in Launchbox?
  13. Yes this is correct, the theme has to be specifically coded to pull that information and if I recall this theme was created before we even had platform categories in bigbox at all. Sorry I cant help with the coding at all as I know nothing of XAML.
  14. Correct the playlists are just that playlists not platforms, all the arcade playlists images/videos and such will be pulled from there respective "Arcade" folders.
  15. Can we se a picture of your associated platforms tab for retroarch please, wit the two platforms you are having issues with.
  16. It's there for me, and they should all be set like that by default also.
  17. Hi and welcome to the community. You need to bulk edit your roms, Default Emulator is for new imports only. Click a GC game then ctrl a to highlight them all, then ctrl E to open the bulk edit wizard, choose emulator from the dropdown then dolphin from the second dropdown.
  18. @ckp I think Jason is referring to this, this is my "Background" priority's and I have screenshots in there as well so that would likely display the same image twice.
  19. I just just looking this up and found exactly the same info.
  20. I would like this, I first synced my collection a long time ago and there are platforms there that I simply don't have anymore, I also have a much more curated list now, but the sync only lets me add to, not remove. So a fresh start there would be great,
  21. sometimes when Retroarch gets updated yo need to get the updated "Redist" package as well as some .dll's get changed or added. There is a option in stellar to grab the Redist as well, so if it doesn't load after a update that is probably why, in that case grab the redist as well and it should work.
  22. What are you saying was taken from you??
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