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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Sorry to wake you old man.
  2. Yep. Are you trying to set the exit emulator button combo? its in a different menu, its controller automation.
  3. Yeah it is nearly always another program causing the issue, there was a time when msi afterburner did it also.
  4. Agreed, and if I have to input a URL anyway I prefer the one i already use which lets me download at 4k and at mp4 or mkv, and as a bonus lets me rip audio from youtube videos, which is great for live concerts as well as game audio.
  5. OK that's fair enough, I have been prompted for the restart on the last 3 betas and always said no and suffered no ill effects when launching Launchbox. Good to know though, cheers @ckp.
  6. This feature is in the current official version, just pick the media you want and it will be remembered for the next time.
  7. Thing is though, I say no to the restart and Launchbox has updated and is working just fine. So it doesn't "actually" need the restart it say's it does. So it doesn't seem to be a file it can't replace as it works just fine without the restart.
  8. Yeah me too, I actually linked it further up this page.
  9. It was this plugin, Basically I was using the "one click download" part of it. You could right click a game with no video and click the "one click download" option and it would download a video from youtube and place it in your video folder. It had issues though if it wasn't a very well known game, I had many issues where it downloaded a movie trailer, or a video that was not game related at all but had a similar name. I also had cases of it downloading 3 hour long lets plays of games. It mostly did what you wanted but could be improved to make sure it only downloads files up to a certain file size or length, or to add the terms "game" and the "platform" it is for to the search string so it wouldn't download completely irrelevant videos.
  10. Yeah sure I will pm you my data folder in a sec. Thing is though, they did work 2 or 3 betas back this is a recent issue that may have been introduced when you fixed the background loading issue me and omen were having, I just didn't notice it at the time, but it has been in the last couple of betas.
  11. @Jason Carr just got this error when clicking a megadrive/genesis game, appears that bug is back in beta 6. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. App: LaunchBox Version: 7.15-beta-6 Type: System.NullReferenceException Site: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Unbroken.LaunchBox.RetroAchievements.Game] (System.String, System.String, System.String) Source: Unbroken.LaunchBox at (String , String , String ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.RetroAchievements.RetroAchievementsApi.GetGamesForConsole(String username, String apiKey, String consoleId) at (String , String , String , String ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.RetroAchievements.RetroAchievementsApi.GetGameInfoWithProgress(String username, String apiKey, String gameName, String platformName) at (<>c__DisplayClass80_0 ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.Drawing.GameDetailsGui.<>c__DisplayClass80_0.<RefreshImage>b__0() at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() Recent Log: 10:54:45 PM Music.Pause Start 10:54:45 PM Music.Prepare Start 22:54:45 Music.Kill Start 22:54:45 Music.Kill Finished 22:54:45 Music.NotifyTrackList Start 10:54:45 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke 10:54:54 PM Music.Pause Start 10:54:54 PM Music.Prepare Start 22:54:54 Music.Kill Start 22:54:54 Music.Kill Finished 22:54:54 Music.NotifyTrackList Start 10:54:54 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke 10:54:56 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 10:54:56 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 10:54:56 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 10:54:56 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 10:54:56 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 10:54:56 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 10:54:56 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 10:54:56 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 10:54:56 PM Music.Prepare Start 22:54:56 Music.Kill Start 22:54:56 Music.Kill Finished 22:54:56 Music.NotifyTrackList Start 10:54:57 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke 10:55:03 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 10:55:03 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 10:55:03 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 10:55:03 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 10:55:03 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 10:55:03 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 10:55:03 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 10:55:03 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 10:55:05 PM Exception
  12. There are lots of programs that will let you download from youtube, I use this.
  13. Yeah me too, just had it again with beta 6. I just said no and launched as normal.
  14. Yeah the arcade platform and the arcade playlists are the same, and yes it is not all games, images show for some, although not very many. If I had to guess I would say around 90-95% don't show images even though I have them. They show in Launchbox and also in all other themes I have used, so it seems specific to nostalgia. Yeah I have the Arcade platform as well as the playlists as that is the way Launchbox does it by default. I had issues with the Arcade platform showing that dell monitor also as it is the default for if there is no image for a platform. I also had issues when I added the line of code to the index files, as for some reason when I did that it would affect all my playlists, I would still have the correct backgrounds in the platform list but when I went into a arcade gamelist it was always the arcade background instead of the correct one from the previous platform wheel. The way I fixed it on my system was to make the arcade background the default. So I deleted the default background, copy and pasted the arcade background and renamed it to the same as the default, then had to edit the index file in order to copy and over right the video placement location as the Arcade is different to the monitor placement. This works fine for me as all my other platforms have background images, but if you had other platforms without a image it would show the arcade instead of the monitor.
  15. Thanks @eatkinola, I can confirm that creating a empty background folder does fix the issue. However one little issue I am having with the arcade Flyers/Boxes, a lot of them are not showing for me. As you can see in the below shots in Launchbox I have boxes/flyers for all the Capcom 194* games, but they are not showing in the theme as you can see from the other images. All other platforms are working fine, just seems to be anything Arcade related for some reason. Thanks again.
  16. Getting exactly the same error @eatkinola, it happens on every view so the theme is unusable at the moment. It just throws the error and displays the default theme instead. I see it is looking for background music in the error message, I don't have any and that option is turned off in the Bigbox settings on my system. Edit: In fact I do not have a Background folder in the music folder period, I believe the user has to create the folder if they want it, so maybe that's the issue?
  17. You will still need it enabled in retroarch, Launchbox only shows your achievements it does not unlock them that is the emulators job, in your case retroarch.
  18. Not really from a rom set that old, you would need about 150 different update packs to bring it up to date. It would be much much easier to download a new set than update what you have.
  19. Ah, that I don't know. I haven't used a MAME version that old, you would simply have to boot up MAME and try setting your controls.
  20. You can simply name the systems slightly differently when importing and point them both to the same emulator. The default in the dropdown is "Commodore 64" so use that for your full set, then for the other instead of using the dropdown you can actually type into the box. So for example you could call it "Commodore 64 New Games" and as that is not a default system name you will be asked what to scrape it as, just say Commodore 64 again. So you would then have two C64 systems imported, one called "Commodore 64" and another called "Commodore 64 New Games" (or whatever you want to call it).
  21. I would assume so, I personally have no experience with that particular controller, but again you set the controls in the emulator so you could probably set the dpad and the analog at the same time without even needing the switch.
  22. Launchbox has nothing to do with controls in emulators, that is down to the individual emulators, launchbox does not "passthrough" anything control wise. All launchbox does is open the emulator and tell it what game to load, nothing more. As for the version Launchbox suggests, it just that a suggestion, and its simply suggesting that version because it is newer. The thing you have to remember with mame is it is update constantly, as are the game zips themselves. You may find that as your games are so old that a lot of them simply will not work with the current version of MAME. That's why I suggest using the matching version, or simply getting more recent roms and then the matching version of MAME to go with them.
  23. Generally speaking you want to be using Xinput if you can, there is much better support for it on Windows as it is part of DirectX. All your emulators should be xinput compatible, and as you mention all actual PC games from probably the last 10 years or so will also support it,(if they support controllers at all that is). I use xinput for everything on my PC with no issues.
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