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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Not to warn you off, it has its place, just not one I can help with is all, I don't use. so.....
  2. Yep, i'll help where I can, that's not one as I have zero experience, on that end.
  3. I have to be careful what I say, but I don't need RL for anything I do on Launchbox. If its for you, great . Not for me though.
  4. Where they our tutorials?
  5. Correct, but you may need to specify where the other media is, videos for example, Launchbox will look to a specific folder, you just need to point it elsewhere. Which is very easy to do.
  6. But I personally like a image/video rich Bigbox theme, so I keep most of that on my fastest drive, but as I said a USB 3.0 is just as good most of the time.
  7. For roms, it makes no difference.
  8. Yep, wasn't saying otherwise, just stating my personal system, I have all the heavy stuff like vids and roms/isos on my hdd, but I have the program on my ssd for snappines. I have also run the whole thing from a USB 3.0 external drive and that was also pretty great.
  9. I keep my emulators there, but all my roms and game videos are on another HDD.
  10. I believe so, although it does depend on where you are thinking of importing them too. There is a checkbox on import to overite exsisting games, but it is off by default.
  11. I personally have my Launchbox program folder on my ssd, i keep all the images there as well as all my bigbox themes and such. I keep my game video snaps on a HDD elsewhere on my system.
  12. Also I unchecked the skip games that don't work in mame box, as I wanted the sega games and I changed the emu for them after the fact, just wanted Launchbox to create the playlist, so it was a easy bulk change emulator after.
  13. I may of imported clones also on mine. I forget it was a while ago now.
  14. Yeah, mine is 3717, but that has all the sega stuff as well, Naomi sgtv, etc.
  15. Yeah I have Sega Mega Drive on my system that is set to "scrape as" Sega Genesis, and it is working just fine for me. The only thing I can think of is that the way the .xml in the data folder worked was changed a while ago and maybe that is causing a issue. Have you tried deleting one of your custom platforms and re-importing it with the same naming you are using now? It will only take a minute or two as you can uncheck all the media downloads as you will already have all the media for that platform.
  16. I have never recorded videos my self, but yeah that should work, just name the file the same as the game and drop it into Launchbox/Videos/*name of platform*.
  17. Yeah all the images are free but the videos are not, at least directly through Launchbox. You can however download the videos for free directly from the Emumovies website, but doing so you will be limited to a daily 1.5GB download amount and a limited download speed, but that is a good way to go if you don't want to pay.
  18. OK, something strange is going on there. Most of my platforms those videos are playing just fine, but in some platforms they are not playing at all. SNES and Megadrive play the videos just fine from the game details view, but none of my PS2 game videos will play. I then switched to WMP and they all played with no issue, so it looks like a VLC issue of some description. I am going to tag @Jason Carr on this one to see if he has any insight on it. Sorry I can't help you more, but at least we do have 2 confirmations of the issue now. I had never noticed this myself as I have the game details screen switched off in the options, and I have never used the view full screen option before.
  19. Ah, well that's not what you said. OK ill go and check the game details fullscreen view on mine give me a sec.
  20. Its working just fine for me as you can see I have a f-zero video playing, try matching your video settings with what I have below.
  21. @CriticalCid, the download button doesn't list a version 2.2, do I just grab the normal v2 version?
  22. This thread was originally about Launchbox not Bigbox, hence @DOS76 reply. What theme and view are you using in Bigbox? Not all themes and views support background videos, some have specific areas in the views for videos not full screen, others want you to have the background videos unchecked in the options in order for the video to show.
  23. Do you have a premium account over at emumovies? The image downloads you can get with the free account but for the videos you have to pay, I'm guessing that is why you are not getting that option. Also what he is doing at the 6 minute mark is the way to manually add images and videos if for some reason they were not matched up during the import. You can do that in bulk with the way I described in my original reply.
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