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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. We have talked about this before, but bigger isn't always better. That's why the first Batman is my favourite it's just more focused with less fluff.
  2. Yeah the first game remaster is totally fine, it's not really a remaster per se as it was good on pc originally, the console versions are remasters cause they were 720p 30fps, the PC was always a good version. I didn't really like the Diablo aspect of the sequel to be honest with you, something about it just didn't jive with me. Maybe i should go back and have a look, as since then i bought Diablo 3 on PC, which was my first Diablo and actually really quite enjoyed it.
  3. LOL, OK i am actually going to disagree with you there @Zombeaver i much preferred the first game personally. I also got the remastered version free on steam, and it's a great version of a great game. If you haven't played it @Patham it's a really violent Zelda clone with God of War style combat, highly recommended.
  4. Pretty much any game will run in 4K if windows know's it is plugged into a 4K display. Hell i only have a 1080p TV but can run older games at 4K and it get's downsampled to my 1080p TV
  5. Oh my, @Patham has just gone on a "like" spree!!
  6. Yeah to be fair though it is obviously doing a bigger search now also as it's looking for different names as well, it may just be something that comes with the territory now, or maybe it's something @Jason Carr can improve on. Bear in mind this has just been implemented, and is only in the beta releases also. So maybe it will be improved upon in future, only Jason will no the answer to this, and he will be live streaming in 90 minutes so maybe someone can bring it up there.
  7. When and if the game you are importing is added to the PS2 database, all you would do is edit that game and hit the little x next to the database id there and search again and it will pull the new PS2 metadata rather than whatever you originally used. It wont break anything at all, the game description will probably be the same regardless of console (it's the same game after all), so that will be correct regardless of the platform. Regarding why you can choose a different platform at all, well Launchbox will search for the game you are importing and prioritise the platform you are currently in, but if it draws a blank there it will offer up the other platforms as a backup essentially, you don't have to pick one but i personally do because as i said the description, number of players, release date etc should be the same across platforms. As long as you change that dropdown back to PS2 after picking a different version for the data it will import to your PS2 library, it will just have different box art, but as i said you can just google the PS2 box art and replace the version you have.
  8. Yeah im just manually importing PC games at the moment, and it is taking much longer. It took over a minute to find Starcraft 2, which is a very popular game and has a lot of images (it downloaded 29 of them) so i am not sure why that takes so long to find.
  9. Hi, i am just importing myself and had the same issue. I was trying to import Jade Empire PC, but the database is only showing the xbox version. What i did is choose that version, then at the side of that window where it says platform, that now said xbox, i just used the dropdown and changed it back to PC. So the game imported but has the xbox box art, of course you can always use google to replace that image after the fact. Hope that's what you meant and it's some help.
  10. Ah fair enough then, yeah it's gorgeous on PC, i only have a gtx 770, but i run it maxed at 1080p and lock the frame rate to 30fps, which is all it is on consoles anyway, but it looks waaayy better.
  11. If you have only played the Witcher 3 main game, then Blood and Wine is well worth getting it's a great expansion. And if you have the hardware it looks gorgeous on PC.
  12. Well i really don't know what else to suggest for you unfortunately. I'm really sorry that we couldn't get this sorted for you.
  13. The import windows games only imports games that are in the windows start folder, so if your game is not in there it won't get picked up. The easiest way to add them is manually, use the add button at the bottom right, in the add application browse to your .exe. Also make sure that you tell it the correct platform towards the top right of the window. Like this.
  14. My seagate was 8 months old and came with a two year warranty, so yeah it went back today. Only problem being is im obviously going to get a seagate replacement and im not sure if i have big enough balls to actually use it!!
  15. Well i just RMA'd my 5TB Seagate Expansion Desk drive today, so i would also say avoid Seagate.
  16. When you download them manually from emumovies they will be in zip packs, so you will get like 100 per pack so it's not as bad as it sounds.
  17. Well i have a old windows tablet in a drawer so i would be interested as well.
  18. Game video's are in launchbox/videos/nameofplatform But if you are talking about the 30 second video snaps they are not from launchbox, they are from Emumovies and you need a emumovies premium license to download them from within the launchbox ui. You can download them for free from the emumovies website but you will be limited to 1.5GB worth of downloads per day.
  19. No problems at all, yeah all themes have several views some for video some for box art etc, you can bind the change view button to controller or keyboard button if you like, i have it on the y button on my controller so i can just hit that to switch views.
  20. This plugin support was a awesome idea @Jason Carr if we are going to get plugins like what @pytsharp is proposing here. I'm looking forward to more news on this one for sure.
  21. No they are in the correct location, launchbox know's where they go You can also put them in that other theme location but they would only work in that theme so best to leave themwhere they downloaded to. It looks like you are using the metalic theme, like i said above not all the views use the video's so you may need to switch the view in options/views.
  22. Also also You may need to go to options/videos and check the boxes to enable background platform/game videos, again these are theme dependent so you may need to check which way the theme you are using want's the video's setup.
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