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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Excellent update as always @slipsystem, i now have clear logo's and theme music in BigBox, thanks again.
  2. Hey @Grila, sorry i know you have been busy lately but i have a quick question if you don't mind? I have imported my Movies and TV Shows into bigbox and am using fundemental, but on my TV Shows i don't have trailers so i just have a big open space in the middle of the screen (see pic) I was wondering if it was possible to edit the xaml to fall back to Fan art Background if no trailer is available. Is this even possible? If so some tips would be very welcome. Thanks again for this excellent theme. Edit: Sorry never mind, i found a workaround by copying the background images to a different image folder and that works fine. Sorry to bother you, carry on.
  3. When you use the add button you will get this window, there is a application path, just use the browse button next to it to navigate to your shortcut. Then at the top right of that window is a platform dropdown change that to windows or whatever you want it imported as then use the search to find the game. look at this screenshot to see what i mean it's just application path, platform and then search for game.
  4. Of course, just use the add button at the bottom right of the window, or drag and drop a shortcut onto the launchbox window, Just make sure you tell it to import to the correct platform.
  5. You can also import the games to launchbox but don't scrape any media as of yet. Then use the audit feature in launchbox on the platform you imported and sort by region, that will group all the games by regions then you can just highlight say all the Japanese games right click and delete. When you have all the games you want removed, just go back to your platform in Launchbox and use ctrl a to highlight them all then search for metadata and images. Doing it this way you will only scrape data for the exact roms you want in launchbox, and wont have any foreign language games in there. Edit: you can also "weed out duplicates, unlicensed, homebrews, pirated, etc." games in the audit form also, just by sorting by those categories.
  6. OOHH there is a couple of you uploading spectrum stuff is there? Awesome i have so much missing art its unbelievable. Keep it up.
  7. Also just to add, i am pretty sure Nintendo Wii U is in the platform list, but if you do import any platforms that are not in that list you can just manually type in the name. Just don't use the dropdown and type a name in the empty box as it is a new system the wizard will ask you what you want to scrape as. For example I am in England and we didn't have the Sega Genesis here it was the Sega Megadrive which is not in the list, so i manually type Sega Megadrive, then the wizard asks me what i want to scrape as and i choose Sega Genesis.
  8. Yeah i got it in a humble bundle as well, i believe with Guacamelee as well.
  9. Yeah and Dust a Elysian Tale is like that as well metroidvania beatemup, but with proper long combo's like 300 hit combo's lol, it also has crafting and quests, and is awesome. Oh and it looks absolutely gorgeous.
  10. Just click the blue "Reply to how to save high scores in mame" link @lordmonkus provided.
    This is a excellent plugin, it scrapes all your Kodi data and imports it all into Launchbox. I am using kodi as the emulator for it and i just double click the movie and Kodi launches and automatically starts playing the movie. It couldn't be any easier to use either. Very good work @slipsystem.
  11. Brilliant!! i just checked out version 1.0 and it worked perfectly, it only scanned my portable kodi this time as it only imported 8 movies, which is all i had added to my portable version at the moment, and it pulled all the artwork just fine. I feel this is what you have been working towards the whole time with your various importer plugins. This one is exactly what i wanted from a movie/tv scraper, works perfectly and is quick and easy to use. Very well done @slipsystem and thanks so much for bearing with me over the last few weeks. You have a very happy user here.
  12. Well i have just taken receipt of my replacement drive, hopefully this one last's a bit longer. They have also extended my warranty on it so i have another 18 months on it Up to December 10 2018, so fingers crossed.
  13. OOH yeah Butcher is a good call there, sort of a 2D Doom clone, not bad at all.
  14. OK @slipsystem, well i just gave your plugin a whirl and it seems to work, however i do have a couple of issues, sorry. I set up my portable Kodi in the launchbox/emulators folder and added 6 movies to it to test. It said it was downloading images and then finished so i hit exit. However it didn't create a movies platform, so i deleted the image folder, then manually created a movies platform and imported again it downloaded images again but still no movie platform, so i am not sure what i did wrong there?? Secondly as i didn't have the platform i went to delete the launchbox/image/movie folder and noticed that i had a lot of images in there, so what i am assuming is the plugin searched for the portable kodi install and then "ALSO" C: drive/roaming folder, when in my particular case i would want it to use the portable data "ONLY". The reason for this is my portable kodi will probably have a much smaller library (due to hdd space) than my main PC library. So ideally i would like it to search for the portable kodi and if it finds that to stop the search and not add anything from the kodi/roaming folder, because as i said i added 6 films to test but had the images for my entire collection in the image folder so about 750 films. I hope this all makes sense and i don't sound to demanding. Thanks again for all your hard work. Edit, I closed and reopened launchbox for a second time and the movie platform appeared, i guess it just took a while.
  15. Lol, i never even got close to finishing Fez, i actually thought that was a long game.
  16. If you are on a mobile device you may need to hit the hamburger menu button at the top of the launchbox site on your device to show that menu. On a normal browser it's just the bar at the top below the URL box that will have home, news, about etc as well as issues/requests.
  17. Well the replacement drive was dispatched yesterday so time will tell on whether it holds up this time. As i said this was the second Seagate Expansion Desk in a row that has died on me, first a 2TB then this 5TB, so let's just say i am a little wary about them now.
  18. Thanks for the update @wyzrd, i need to update my retroarch so ill give it a spin later and let you no if i have any issues. Thanks again for this very useful tool.
  19. Excellent, ill check it out later today, thanks again.
  20. OI, calling me a scouse bastard is ya!!
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