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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Retro achievements was on the last community poll and got a lot of votes, so should be coming at some point in the future. Here are the results of the last poll. https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-Y3KQY3CB/instant/
  2. I am not familiar with error codes but, that clearly to me looks like a DirectX issue. Have you tried updating it? Damn you Dos.
  3. Yeah im wondering if plugins that were made when the plugin system was implemented are now broken as Jason has still been messing with it a lot and adding stuff to it.
  4. @kiroscell I just updated and launched bigbox, no issues here. Are you using any plugins?
  5. Because he is probably using OpenPHT not the Plex Media Player. You can add skins to Openpht like Kodi, i think the skin he is using is the aeon nox skin. https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/264209/release-openpht-1-8-0
  6. Hi and welcome, I dont personally emulate DS myself, but i did find this here on the forums. Worth a try.
  7. Cool, glad to help. Enjoy Bigbox.
  8. Also what i always recommend is copying the license and keeping a copy in one drive or google drive as a emergency backup, in case it gets corrupted or your pc dies.
  9. No i meant the actual license windows, never seen them before. lol.
  10. If the xml in the actual email is also empty, you will need to email support@unbrokensoftware.com tell them it was a empty xml and ask them to resend your license.
  11. Wow, never even seen those screens before!!! Yeah you xml appears to be empty 0kb. Try grabbing it from the email again.
  12. OK there is your problem the xml is 0kb, mine is 3kb. Try opening the xml, i bet that it is empty. Do you still have the email?
  13. Not sure what you are trying to show there, but neither link works.
  14. Oh yeah, forgot about the right click!! Doh.
  15. well thats weird, the license is just a xml file that goes in the main launchbox folder and launchbox automatically picks it up when launchbox is launched. So when you open launchbox the name you registered with will be at the top of the window. You dont have to do anything special for it to register, just drop it in the correct location. Here it is on my setup.
  16. As i say it is portable so if you want you can just move the folder to the dektop or somewhere else and it will still work.
  17. Launchbox doesnt "install" as such its a portable program so can be anywhere on your PC. If you did the default install path it will be in C:/Users/yourname/launchbox just drop the key in the root of that folder and it should be registered when you re-open launchbox.
  18. You dont need to select your license, just drop it into the launchbox folder. When you open launchbox it should say registered to at the top right of the window.
  19. If you downloaded them at import then they are in Launchbox/Manuals.
  20. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Acer-Predator-XB321HK-Monitor-Adjustable/dp/B017U8Z61W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1495539011&sr=8-1&keywords=Acer+Predator+XB321HK
  21. Ah, good to know. I just use dpad up and down to open/close and left and right to save/load state and have pause on right thumbstick click.
  22. No probs, obviously you can make that any button you want i just wanted it somewhere where i would't accidentally hit it while i was frantically hammering away at the buttons!! Edit: So essentially up brings up that screen and down closes it.
  23. See i have UI Cancel on dpad down it goes back in those menus, but quits when just playing a game.
  24. Yeah start + back does not work for me either and im also using MAMEUI64. What i did is i use the analog stick in mame so the d pad buttons are free, so i have up on the dpad to bring up the config screen and down on the dpad is set to cancel in the MAMEUI config screen which goes back when in the menus but quits mame if i press while just playing a game. So long story short, i press down on the dpad to quit mame and go back to bigbox.
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