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Ultra God Azgorath

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Everything posted by Ultra God Azgorath

  1. Hi guys. Just a quick question on a little situation I'm having. So currently I'm downloading and importing every single rom that is compatible with retroachievements (yes this includes multiple regions and hacks for the same game etc) and the folder structure is made so that each game entry on the RA website is a folder and inside each folder is 1 or more "linked hash" roms in zip format. Now, when I'm importing into LB, I make sure to tick "Use folder names instead of ROM file names for game titles" and "Combine ROMs with matching titles into a single game" and for the most part this works very well. However I've hit a snag with the pokemon games and I'm sure this will affect other games with similar names too. So I have 2 folders. Folder 1 is called "Pokemon Red Version ! Pokemon Blue Version" which has 10 RA compatible roms in it and folder 2 is called "Pokemon Red Version ! Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Bonus]" which has 4 RA compatible roms in it. Now, because the game names are very similar, when I import them into LB, LB will combine all 14 roms into 1 game entry called "Pokemon Red Version ! Pokemon Blue Version" instead of importing them into 2 separate game entries, named the same as the 2 folders respectively and combining 10 roms into 1 entry and 4 roms into the other entry. Is there a way I can import these 2 folders as 2 separate entires without changing any names or is this a feature that isn't implemented and thus I should add it to the features bitbucket wishlist?
  2. It's the launchbox metadatabase that names your roms in LB. So basically in order for LB/BB to show achievements, the game name in LB MUST be identical to the game name on the RetroAchievements (RA) website. So for example, lets say you import a N64 rom called "Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers.z64", the LB metadatabase will detect and name the game in LB as "Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers" but LB will say "This game has no achievements" because on the RA website, the game is listed as "Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers | Donald Duck - Quack Attack", so you MUST manually rename the game in LB to "Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers | Donald Duck - Quack Attack" in order for LB/BB to show the achievements. Also if your game name in LB has "&" in it and the RA website has it as "and" or vice versa, rename the game name in LB to the one that is on the RA website. As long as the game name in LB is exactly the same as the name on the RA website, letter for letter, number for number, special character for special character, the achievements will pop up.
  3. Ok you're right it's working fine now. Must've been a problem with my old LB setup. Thx again.
  4. The latest 13.0. If it's working, maybe it's my LB setup. I'll reinstall LB and start from scratch and try it again. Will keep you updated. Thx.
  5. Hi Faeran. Yes I always select the option to use them in their current location. Whenever I download roms I first put them in a specific platform directory on a different hard drive than my LB drive and then I import them in LB from that directory and keep them in the same current location during import but adding a new platform defaults the folder location to the "Games" folder within the LB folder instead of the "Roms" folder on my other hard drive where I store my roms unless I manually edit the games folder location.
  6. Hi guys. I'm not sure if this is classified as a feature request as it's merely a suggestion for a minor change in a current LB setting so apologies if this isn't supposed to be here. So currently whenever we import a new platform in launchbox, the "Game" folder path under the "Folders" Tab under the "Edit Platform" window is set to "Games\*Platform Name*" by default, regardless of the directory that we imported the roms from and as a result, when we tell LB to scan for added roms, no games will pick up unless either our roms are in the "Games" folder in the LB folder or we manually change the game folder path to where our roms are. Would it be possible to change that in a future update so that the game folder location in LB settings will be set to the directory that we imported the roms from when we first imported the platform by default instead of having to change each and every platform game folder location manually?
  7. Glad it's not just me. It's probably just a small bug with DINPUT devices. Until it's been fixed in the future, what I do is assign the left analog stick to rotate the 3D boxes and assign the dpad to navigate the menus.
  8. Awesome theme. The 1 wall view reminds me of going to a game store and vertically flipping through their games on the shelf. I would like to suggest a small future change if I may. On the platforms view, at the bottom right hand corner where it says "**/** GAMES", I suggest changing it to "SYSTEM **/**" or "PLATFORM **/**" or something similar as the "GAMES" part could confuse some users. Other than that, all clean and beautiful.
  9. Hey guys. Just a quick controller problem I found in the latest beta. I'm using the dualsense controller with BB and up until now, I've never used the right analog stick up, down, left and right for anything in BB so I don't know if this problem has been around for a few versions of BB or if it's a new problem to this beta. I've only used the R3 button to change themes. So when I try to assign the 3D box rotation controls to the right analog direction controls, BB doesn't detect them but if I use any other button or any of the left analog stick directions, BB detects them no problem. If I use DS4Windows to switch the controller from dinput mode to xinput mode, BB detects the right analog directions correctly so it sounds like a problem with dinput controls and controllers in BB. Anyone else also having this problem?
  10. Very nice theme. FYI you may wanna add in the description (or Title) that this is for the android version of LB so people know before downloading it, thinking it's for the windows version.
  11. Hey guys. Just bringing to your attention that in the latest beta, when trying to import my Epic Games account, I log in with the correct details and while parsing the account, LB gives this error and crashes: The given key 'code' was not present in the dictionary. App: LaunchBox Version: 12.15-beta-1 Type: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException Site: Void ThrowKeyNotFoundException[T](T) Source: System.Private.CoreLib at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Integrations.EpicGames.EpicAccount.GetExchangeToken(Object sid) at GetterQueue.RegisterMetaInitializer(String rootPath, GetterQueue ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Integrations.EpicGames.EpicAccount.Login() at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.ViewModels.EpicGamesImportParseViewModel.CheckIdentifiableException(Object ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.ViewModels.EpicGamesImportParseViewModel.RegisterJmsComparator() at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.PostInterruptibleExpression(Object ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.EnableCommonHelper() at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() Recent Log: 11:25:23 Exception
  12. Awesome work. The extra settings and hotkey buttons you've added to it are pretty cool.
  13. Hey guys. I found a bug with the popups and options overhaul. The achievements page in pause screens don't display anything anymore. I used 3 other pause screens, including the default and same issue on all of them. Great job on the overhaul though. I'm loving the new look and feel of BB.
  14. I'm on Win 10 and on latest 12.13 beta and it opens fine for me.
  15. Hey guys. Awesome work with adding the bezel project. However, I found a few things that are bugged (I think) with it. When I tell LB to download the bezels, (I'm assuming) it downloads the ENTIRE pack for that platform instead of just the bezels for the games I'm importing. So for example, lets say a platform has 1000 games but I'm only importing 10 of those 1000 games for that platform, Instead of just downloading 10 bezels, the entire pack of 1000 bezels will be downloaded instead, which ends up taking a VERY LONG TIME depending on the platform. When closing LB during the bezel downloads, 2 LB tasks stay in task manager and I have to close them manually to start LB again. When restarting LB after doing number 2, the bezel download process automatically restarts again instead of relying on me to manually restart it and cancelling the download just turns the mouse cursor into a loading ring and nothing else happens.
  16. Speaking of the Bezel Project, what is everyones' opinion on the HSM Mega Bezel and Duimon RetroArch shader packs?
  17. All RetroArch users NEED this for EVERY single platform. ❤️ ❤️❤️ 1 problem though. When I press R2, the R2 button doesn't animate but when I press L2, both L2 and R2 buttons animate.
  18. I was wondering why I had to wait about 5 seconds after closing LB/BB before I could open it up again. I'm very glad this has been reduced to about 1 second+-.
  19. One bug I seem to have found is BigBox randomly changes the theme out of nowhere. It only seems to do it when I have A LOT (like over 2 dozen+) of themes in the theme folder so I deleted most of them and I only have about 3 themes and it seems ok now.
  20. This theme is very nice but I found a bug with this theme. When I select this theme, my startup and pause themes are stuck on the pulse themes and changing them in settings does nothing. If I remove the pulse startup and pause themes folders from their directories, it reverts to default startup and pause themes and nothing happens if I try to change the startup and pause themes to something else. However if I select any other BB theme except this one, then the pause and startup themes change and work correctly.
  21. Thanks for the heads up. The CoverBox CTC is awesome.
  22. It seems the Platform Device Images no longer display on the platform view anymore on the latest version of BigBox. EDIT: I figured it out. Just copy the images in the Device Images folder to the fanart folder instead and they'll display.
  23. Go to "Tools", "Manage", "Emulators" and click "Edit" on RetroArch. On the edit screen, in the left panel, select "Save State Script" or "Load State Script" under "Pause Screen" and change the buttons to whatever your current save state and load state buttons on your keyboard are. Click OK and voila.
  24. Which theme(s) that have been discontinued/abandoned (Not been updated since 2020 or earlier) did you think had a lot of potential if their developer(s) continued to update and improve them? For me it's the New Retro Big Box Theme.
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