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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. Be sure to link to it here. That way people on the forum or searches for this topic can help drive to it.
  2. Feature requests should be submitted to our BitBucket page. This way it can be voted on. This will allow the team to see how many users would find this feature beneficial.
  3. Yeah, I figured it would not affect the issue which why I said it looks like Beta 9 only addressed beta/prototype roms. But figured was worth a mention in case we got lucky and it did.
  4. Correct or not is up to you. I have all PC games under a Windows platform. I do not want to manage a unique platform for Windows base games. If you want them in a unique pc platform just create it and scrape it as Windows then when you add it select the correct platform.
  5. Are you running a beta or stable version? I assume beta since you are posting in the beta related thread. Jason did add a fix in beta 9 that related, but it looks to only be fixing protos/beta roms. Are you on the latest beta?
  6. You are talking about if you just select Box - Front and it shows there are 3 Box - Front images available it downloads all 3? Also make sure you did not forget to uncheck EmuMovies tab. It is intended because LB does not know which one of the 3 you want.
  7. Are you running a beta version of LaunchBox?
  8. Retro808

    Game Title Text

    Yeah I originally thought what you did. Then after starting at it a bit more I figured I would post that and ask.
  9. Retro808

    Game Title Text

    On the bottom right of LB screen you should see a box labeled "Text" just check it. That will make the title for all games show on the boxes. I think that is what you want, correct?
  10. Right click on Pinball and edit. Go to the parents tab and change the option for where it is supposed to be there.
  11. Did you refresh the image cache?
  12. What Startup theme are you using? You may need to copy one of the platform xaml codes in that theme that have the spinning disc and just rename is as your Sega CD and Dreamcast platform is named.
  13. Since these are not actually related to the beta it would have been best to start a unqiue thread for them. With exception to your note to Jason since it is beta related. This issue with Sky Love is likely due to the fact the Mame.xml lists that game's status as "Imperfect" so LB may be skipping games with an "Imperfect" status when importing it under the full Mame import option since that looks for good working roms. I cannot answer on the STUN Runner video. Probably best to start a post in the Game Media subforum and see if anyone has it.
  14. The rom change option should not ask you to re-import. The only way a game get removed from a platform is if you delete it or you edit the platform name it is tied to. Highlight all the games you want to change the path for the choose >Tools>Change Roms Folder Path for Selected games. It will show you how man you selected and the new path you are choosing. It even tells you to make sure you already moved the roms. Next if it finds that some of the games you are trying to change are not found in the new path it will let you know to allow you to choose to continue or not otheerwise it just proceeds if all games are there. Then it confirms how many game it did change the path for.
  15. If you need to use a command line for the specific core you would use the below and change the core-name.dll to the core you need. -L "cores\core-name.dll" Example with Mame -L "cores\mame_libretro.dll"
  16. I do believe you can add a video there. I believe some updates occurred and now you can. I will have to double check as I had a theme I tested it out on. If you open the \Launchbox\Themes folder you will see a Documentation pdf file in there. The last couple of pages I believe will give you a video controls code you can use. You should be able to add that line and specify the video and video path.
  17. We do not have a ton of forum rules but we do request not spamming the same question in separate forum threads. Please just post once. I have deleted your other thread. As far as you questions. Fonts can be changed. You can add the font to a folder inside the theme so if you ever share it the user does not need to install it and it also means you would not need to install it. Then change the code to the correct font path and font family. In the example below for a font called Prototype you would need to change the "YOUR THEME FOLDER NAME HERE" to well, your theme's folder. Also "Prototype.ttf#Prototype" would need to be changed to the font file name (Prototype.tff) and font name (#Prototype) of the font you are using. FontFamily="LAUNCHBOX_ROOT_FOLDER/Theme/YOUR THEME FOLDER NAME HERE/Fonts/Prototype.ttf#Prototype" Options screen do you mean the game details screen? The one where you select play, add to playlist and other items? If so the Game Details screen and Game list views are linked. I do not believe you can add a different view. I have not seen any theme's to date do that.
  18. And this is why pictures go a long way to help troubleshoot. ? Glad your sorted @Chesteraarthur2
  19. Please do not start multiple threads or make multiple posts for the same issue. I have merged your two threads. Can you share in image of what your platform name looks like in LB and what the folder structure and name of the file looks like. If they are in the right folder and named right it should work once you refresh the cache. Also all arcade platforms it is recommended to set the "Scrape As" to Arcade.
  20. No currently that is how it works. I am not sure if it is intended to be that way or not. This might be something the dynamic duo would need to look at to allow BB setting to override the LB Priorities. Best avenue for now would be to open a BitBucket ticket (at the top of the forum under Help & Support use the Feature Request option) for this and then link to it in this thread. This way it can get voted on.
  21. Yes, just create a playlist and make it auto-populate. Then select the criteria for Mame High Score Support.
  22. I would set it up in RA. Usually with Mame and RA it is good practice to set up your exit combo in the emulator. I use the same controller and have it set in RA.
  23. As was already mentioned earlier and I know C-Beats responded in this thread, but please keep all beta related issues or progresses to the beta thread. This way he and Jason do not have to look in multiple threads for issues and feedback.
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