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Everything posted by sundogak

  1. I updated to the latest version 1.6 and noticed some naming issues in the Theme graphics files (e.g., logo, background, pointers) relative to the what the auto-generated playlist naming convention (at least for consoles). For example, auto-generated playlist for SNES and NES makes a "Fighting" playlist per the standard in LB DB. However, the theme uses "Fighting Games". It looks like all the "Games" named files are not consistent with the playlists generated (again for consoles) since they do not use the "games" wording. Others like "Beat 'em Up" vs Beat em Up, Flying vs Flight Simulator, Action & Adventure vs Adventure (and Action which are separate in Auto Generated). It cascades to all the theme parts (borders, background, and logos) and thus the platform specific graphics are not being picked up in many cases for genres. I started renaming to fix (or could rename the playlist) but there are quite a few changes that others will run into as well and people will bump into again if regen with auto generated names.
  2. You can put them in several places depending on what you want to do. If you want for all themes can put the Category groupings and Playlists in LaunchBox\Images\Platform Categories LaunchBox\Images\Playlists Alternatively, I put them in the specific theme directory so I can change to another theme and the specific art and movies are setup for that theme without having to fiddle around changing things. Eats up some drive space but to me it is easier to keep track of where things are located or make the art specific to the them without impacting others. So for example, for the Unified Redux theme if going the "per theme" route then they are located as such (you may have to add the folders): Videos are the same organization within the Video folder.
  3. Your paths are not correct somewhere because it cannot find the laser disc files per this line in your log: Framefile parse succeeded. Video/Audio directory is: R:/Arcade/Emulators/Daphne/framefile/ace/../vldp/ace/ Could not open file : R:/Arcade/Emulators/Daphne/framefile/ace/../vldp/ace/ace.m2v Need to check your first line in the frame file you are referencing and it should point to your laser disc files directory. Basically, the way you have now it is looking for the m2v files in your Daphne/framefile/ace directory. So you can either move the files to where referenced or fix your framefile (first line only). In my case below, this is a working setup where it finds the VLDP files in a folder called "lair" and I have them in my ROMS folder. Yours can be different but you have to make sure your framefile text files have proper reference (i.e., first line points to M2V folder). Framefile parse succeeded. Video/Audio directory is: G:/Emulators/Daphne/roms/vldp/lair/./ YUV overlay is done in software (ie unaccelerated). Booting ROM ...
  4. I had a similar issue with Future Pinball right after I updated to version 9.1 and was driving me crazy because I would lose all changes made and it would revert to an XML file (even if deleted backups). I noticed it after making a lot of changes to Future Pinball database (adding text, images, etc) and the next day it had reverted to an earlier version. I even tried deleting all items within that platform completely (have offline backup). Still didn't work in that the XML file would pop back. I eventually realized it was taking a version about 3 days back. It was really odd because I could see the xml file regenerated while I had Explorer open each time I reopened LB. The XML file always had the date stamp and size (and if looked at directly could see changes made not included) of the older version no matter how worked the changes. I had deleted the XML, CACHE files, and all XML Data backups but still didn't work. Eventually, I tried clearing out my TMP and TEMP files from Windows since it was obviously copying it from someplace since deleted all the other locations it might pull. That seemed to work since could see changes were now being saved in the XML file and a couple restarts didn't trigger the older replacement behavior. Although doesn't make sense in that I didn't see anything obvious files in the TEMP folder. It is definitely some weird cache/temp file deal since the other platforms worked fine but just that one platform which I happened to be doing a lot of work on around the 9.1 upgrade timeline. Suspect was corrupted somehow and LB got stuck but not sure what caused it. So might give the TEMP file purge a try and see if that solves.
  5. Thanks for all the work on this theme. In the Arcade specific theme I notice that all work as expected except the "Pinball Arcade" playlist. If LB auto generates the playlist it uses the Unique Name as Pinball Arcade and Nested Name of Pinball Arcade (which doesn't match the others). If use this, then theme uses the default art (not Arcade default). If rename playlist to something like "Arcade Pinball" which matches the other arcade playlist naming conventions it will pickup the arcade default theme cabinet art but still not the specific one for Pinball Arcade. I noticed in the Images folder of the Arcade theme it uses the name "Arcade Pinball". I tried renaming my playlist a variety of different ways to match as well as the pinball arcade theme art but it never picks up the specific version. Not super critical but likely a naming issue somewhere.
  6. You cannot call the Daphne launcher directly since it needs to know the location of the framefile and you have to pass that within LB. Within LB you have to either set each game with the full command line or reference a batch file(s). For mine I reference one batch file located in the Daphne root directory that calls each game based on the name of the "rom file" sent by LB which is just a text file within the framefile directory. The batch file gets the name of the game selected and then launches the command line needed. I have attached screen snaps since easier to show than explain. I have also attached the batch file and the lair.txt file referenced in LB. You will have to adjust the paths at the end of batch file to fit your setup. You will also have to make sure your framefile names are the same as those in batch file or change them to what you have and then make sure those are also what you reference in LB to launch the game. If you have a working Daphne outside of LB I would make sure to make backup of the framefiles since I found it was easy to get them messed up while working the LB part. If you are having issues the best way to trouble shoot is to launch a DOS window and try running the command at the end of the batch file (with appropriate game name inserted) outside LB to see what is going on as well as looking at the daphne_log.txt file. Note: the framefile I attached is just so you can see the path reference in the first line of the framefile which in my case I put in the the laser disc folder (VLDP). Your setup may have a different set of M2V references so wouldn't copy mine if you have working one. In my case the "." in the first line indicates that the M2V disc files are in the same directory as the framefile. Yours may be different depending on where your laser disc files are relative to the framefiles. daphnebatch.bat lair.txt
  7. @rgreen2002 It cannot find your ROM file location. More than likely because you have forward slashes mixed in with back slashes in the batch command so it is launching the daphne.exe file but gags because Windows will not know what to do with this part: C:/Users/rgree/LaunchBox/Emulators/Daphne/vldp_dl/lair/lair.txt
  8. Gotham Black is what Titan said used as font in thread. He said he did most by hand, not sure if that applied to the 3D effects as well.
  9. Probably easiest to reimport those ROMs then. Could mess with the XML files in the LB Data folder but if just few platforms then delete and import again should fix.
  10. Check your priorities in Tools, Options. It there is media missing it will fall back to next one checked.
  11. Assuming names are correct then either the media is in wrong directory or you need to refresh the images (in LB, select all within that platform view, then F5 or right click and select refresh). Assuming you have not changed the defaults in LB, then the ima ges are all in C:\Launchbox\Images\ So for say the Atari 2600 logos, then that is in C:\Launchbox\Images\Atari 2600\Clear Logos folder. Don't have to worry about the country folders if manually placing media in the subfolder.
  12. You need to toggle to the other views for carts where you don't want to see it spinning, see below for the view types (i.e, view #1 and #2). There are multiple views included with the default theme,including - 1.Border with No Box/Cart/Disc Art 2.Border with Box/Cart/Disc Art 3.Border with Box/Spinning Cart/Disc Art 4.Full Screen Video w/Centered enlarged wheel 5.Border Text List View with Box/Cart/Disc Art Edit: Sorry, or are you talking with the addon? which then would be glitch. "In the case of the Addon themes...if the system has CD's/Discs,then the Disc will spin in Views 2 and 3...but,if the system has carts or floppies,then they will not spin in views 2 and 3."
  13. Typically your ROM and Media names should be similarly named already coming from Hyperspin, so surprised LB isn't picking them up. But I haven't messed too much with Hyperspin, so could be assuming too much there. If minor issues with naming, then I found FatMatch was quicker/simpler. But if you have complicated renaming, Tur seemed to be "smarter" in matching and seemed easier to match files that renamer didn't know what to do with So, I might go with Tur in that case if got a bunch to do so you can see what the issues are with the ROMs vs your Media with the grid view. I didn't have to do much renaming, so I am by no means expert on either. Typically, any media packs I dumped in were about 90% there versus my ROM names and then I just let the Launchbox DB search and fill in the gaps. The one thing you have to get used to with LB is that once you get things imported and media to a place you like with LB seeing the media, then don't worry too much about how LB names things if you use the LB Database. It used to drive me crazy it didn't download files as the ROM name and named them like "Asteroids-01.png" rather than the ROM name but in the end it doesn't matter as long as the ROM and media are connected in LB so it displays. You can get a bunch of duplicate images in some cases over time depending on your importing check boxes you select if using the LB DB where for example you checked EMUMovies and LaunchBox DB to pull images can get multiple files of same type. But you can use the Tools, Cleanup Images feature in LB to delete any media that is not connected to a ROM in LB. Be careful with that Cleanup Images feature if using since it is a permanent delete and does ALL platforms (which I don't like, thus don't use most times without backup). MAME is only one I nuke the image sub directories completely when updating media (say going from MAME 202 to 203 media packs for Flyers, Snapshots, etc) since ROM names always match the media names if using proper MAME sets. Otherwise, as long as got all my media coming up for each ROM makes no difference on the name at that point. The Tools, Audit feature in LB is also very handy when doing all your initial imports to see what is missing on media.
  14. LB will take the name of the ROM or the the name that is listed in the title when you look at the Edit Game view. So for example, if my ROM name is "Addams Family, The (USA).7z" and the clear logo is "Addams Family, The (USA).png" it will match that automatically and show up in LB. It would also work in this case if the clear logo was called "The Addams Family.png" since that is what it is called in the LB Database for Gameboy game. The "01, 02" referenced above is what LB uses when downloading and there are multiple media of same type in the LB and/or EMUMovies DB. You don't have to bother with the "01" if only have one media type for that entry (i.e., box, clear logo). My preference, if not using the LB DB is to use the ROM name, particularly the case for MAME and sets where there is consistency in naming. LB does have some fuzzy logic to a degree if not quite the ROM or game title where things are in brackets such as (Disc 1), (Disc 2). Where it does not match is if you have a ROM such as "Disney's Toy Story 2 Buzz Lightyear.zip" but the media is "Toy Story 2.png" or "Disney's Toy Story 2.png" it will not pick that up as match since too many word differences. In that case, you either have to manually match via the LB game edit view or fix the PNG and/or ROM name. You just have to decide what is easiest/quickest.
  15. The Tools, Audit feature in LB will show duplicate ROMs in red. You can then just select and tell to remove and/or delete if you have LB set to delete ROMs.
  16. Sometimes it is a ROM file name issue which doesn't match in DB or slightly different so have to select correct one and then will add media on next search. First thing always check is if each ROM has a LB ID assigned for ROMs first off the bat. If it doesn't, then will not know what to download. Easiest way is to toggle the drop down box and select "NONE" for Launchbox ID and then select all in that grouping and then go to Tools, Download Metadata and Media and follow screen prompts. The other tool for helping on this is the Tools, Audit feature which you can then see all your media info data for that platform in tabular form to which you can click on the columns to sort. So again, at end of that list is the LB ID field, if missing that is your first step. Otherwise, may not have media for that particular ROM and it means searching around via Google, Hyperspin site (forum has many forms of media) or LB site here. Once you start getting into computer platforms or pinball (Future, Visual, etc.) then LB DB can be sparse and it is a manual affair to find media at that point. But the big console platforms you should almost always find it in LB database and then some art (not always all items, but at least logo or screen snap).
  17. @Asparky I like the images that you uploaded but have you seen version where it has the source PSD or graphics so can make alterations to button layouts? They work in about 90% of cases “as is” for my Xbox One controller but there are a few tweaks prefer to make. I am not great with Gimp and such but if had backgrounds and buttons could work it. Thanks.
  18. @dragon57 you are awesome, thank you for making it!
  19. Looks like a cool plugin. Really like the ability to see the available media in picture form since makes very easy to pick what want and weed out errors.
  20. Thanks to all that are creating these rings. If anyone has time, the following auto generated AO.Bigbox.Plugin playlist types would be useful to have a ring made. Currently, I am using the "playlist" ring but something specific would be great. Frequent Random Recent Everything (EDIT: I found them in existing pack. For some reason not picking up in my theme. Must be naming issue). Rhythm (I don't see these in the recent Arcade MAME playlist rings but maybe I missed it) If only I could master GIMP and/or Photoshop! Thanks.
  21. @latin625 I had some screenshots of working 5200 install on another thread. Might check and see if anything jumps out on your setup.
  22. @fyrenthenimar They are in the Game Console zip pack (2.2 version). (edit: noticed later you asked for Odyssey 2, that is in there as well)
  23. I assume you are using the 4DO core, right? If so, that core works with zip, 7z and CHD compressed formats. I just tried a 7z Battle Chess ROM set and it works okay. Inside the zip/7z files should be a cue and bin filed that is named correctly (i.e., your cue file references exact title of the BIN file. CUE you can open with text editor). You might try unzipping a file into a folder and trying to load the cue file uncompressed. Unless there is some issue with the 7z file or it was compressed with a bunch of subfolders inside. Other than that, if you said the zip files are working then you could use a batch file to convert the 7z to zip, but again, shouldn't be the case since should work with 7z as well.
  24. Glad you landed on something that is working for your setup. Whenever possible, I try to use that format for CD games if the emulator will support. ePSX (standalone) is one of few found that will not play CHDs. The one advantage to CHD is it is a reversible compression process so can always go back to BIN/ISO if needed. One thing ran into recently is that the CHD.exe was updated to "V5" a couple MAME versions back and anything compressed in newer version has some differences. Most cores seem fine, but I found the Sega Dreamcast cores had issues. The Retroarch Reicast core gags on the V5 CHD compressed files although works fine on older compressed versions (which drove me crazy wondering why wasn't working on some and not others). Redream core works fine either way and Demul standalone works. I did see that there they have patches in works to update Reicast so they are at least working it.
  25. Weird, it scans in my CHD files but skips the PBP files with Retroarch scan even though they use the same naming convention and the Beetle PSX HW core runs PBP format. I don't scan things into Retroarch since LB does what need it to do so never noticed. Maybe some sort of import bug since I can see it stop at the PBP files for awhile then move onto CHD files.
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