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Everything posted by sundogak

  1. @weller96c Forgot this one. I don't have a good pixel font. The one I had was hard to read which (to me) defeats the point of the logo.
  2. @weller96c Afraid I don't have the skill and or templates to make all logos you wanted and/or the way the originals were done. Putting out here in case others can chime in. 1) I would need the PSD file or the honeycomb/matrix background screen to make a Super Nintendo version of this one that Dragon57 did. My skills are very basic and typically only if I have a PSD I can mod. Anything fancy, I don't have the art skills. So no go on the SNES one. 2) The smaller sized ResidualVM, RetroPie logos you wanted replaced, I don't have the backgrounds that were in the originals and/or don't know how to recreate it in PS. So what have below are simply colored backgrounds which is limit of my PS skills: Here are two versions of the "Collections" logo you wanted (one I had made for my setup). Not one on your list, but here is MMO one that others may find useful and that I needed for some games in my Dreamcast listing.
  3. Silver Ring Clear Region Playlist Logo Set View File The region set of playlist silver rings includes: Argentina Asia Australia Brazil Canada China Czech Republic Denmark Europe Finland France Germany Hong Kong India Ireland Italy Japan Korea and another logo that is more technically accurate map wise as "South Korea" Mexico New Zealand North America Norway Russia Spain South America Sweden Taiwan The Netherlands UK USA World x 2 different versions with one in ALT folder Inspiration for set was by Dragon57 for his original set of regional logos. Submitter sundogak Submitted 01/07/2019 Category Playlist Clear Logos  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    The region set of playlist silver rings includes: Argentina Asia Australia Brazil Canada China Czech Republic Denmark Europe Finland France Germany Hong Kong India Ireland Italy Japan Korea and another logo that is more technically accurate map wise as "South Korea" Mexico New Zealand North America Norway Russia Spain South America Sweden Taiwan The Netherlands UK USA World x 2 different versions with one in ALT folder Inspiration for set was by Dragon57 for his original set of regional logos.
  5. 2 and 4 player already done by Dragon57This is a three player version in same design as Dragon57s.
  6. Here are a more region logos (see spoiler for list) using same format Dragon57 used and I stole shamelessly (see zip file for all logos). I also included Dragon57s in the alts folder along with a South America one that was missing from original set in case folks want those. My main goal was to include any country that I had, any that I knew were floating about but not in my set, and others just "cuz". I am sure I missed a few, but should be the major game hub countries. I personally use more broad groupings in my region playlists (i.e., South America playlist includes Mexico, Brazil, etc.) but others with larger/more international collections may want granularity of specific country. A few examples: Regions.7z
  7. @cataclysm67 A lot of those on the list on are on Page 20 of this thread some of which included in the spoiler below but others likely there as well. Dragon57 also did a Nintendo Vs set and it is here : @fyrenthenimar There are Wiiware PSD blank game templates here:
  8. Thanks, I looked there but must have missed since it showed as WIP on the first page. I figured it had to be completed at some point. Will upload to LB DB.
  9. I am working on my SCUMM/MSDOS games and came across this one that does not have a logo. I looked at Hyperspin and the normal Google locations and couldn't find a logo for Zork: Grand Inquisitor other than the one attached which isn't in best of shape. I figured it would have been created at some point in that older game but Google fu failed me. Attached is the highest resolution of cover art could find. Appreciate if anyone has time to create.
  10. This is the Games Database subforum so not many cruise through this neck of the woods. Anyway, to your question. I had similar observation with "Arcade/Arcade" once the playlists were in use. At moment, there isn't a way to hide a platform/playlist (I hope it gets added for various reasons). So there is only various work-a rounds and depends on your preference. In my case I had Daphne as well in the Arcade platform so I broke down and renamed the emulator "Arcade" to "Mame" so those two systems sit under Arcade Category. I then moved the main playlists that I frequent into the root of the Arcade Category rather than under the MAME Platform such as Favorites. I left some of the less used playlists under MAME platform category since most of time (at least in Bigbox) users will stay within the first level Arcade Platform and not dive into the MAME listing. Plus they don't care about "CPS I, III, etc) so made a bit more sense that way. The nice thing with the playlists is you can move them around to decide which directory structure makes sense for your use. One other work around, is to rename the emulator Platform (Mame) to "Arcade All Games" (or whatever name prefer) and that fulfills the role of your "All Games" playlist via the platform or can cheat and leave name and just change logo so user thinks it is the All Games listing. Then just put all other playlists under the root of the Arcade Category. It is pain to rename the "Arcade" Platform and I found it is best after renaming to wait a bit (no actions in Arcade section) and then close LB. Reopen and the directories should be renamed (but verify). I found in some cases it didn't always move directories (likely a file was locked when it was moving files). Plus, you have to rename your logos/videos for that platform to match whatever it gets changed to. The last one is to just ignore it and you have two "Arcades" in the the listings which has advantage of not having to mess with media. I am sure there are other examples but those were ones I tried until there is way to hide things.
  11. Tough keeping track of all of them, but a few of those were in Viking's (et al.) existing sets. So options o'rama depending on preferences.
  12. Hmm, interesting it was losing player 2 again. I was hoping it was that JOYCODE setting. USB IDs are being difficult I suspect. MAME is a dark art at times! I definitely would go with the read only CFG file then. I used that option for many years, so it doesn't seem to cause any issues that I found. Good to know that the CTRL settings may be wonky when I start fiddling with my 360 controllers and may just skip and go the read only route again.
  13. As noted above, device IDs are potential issue. However, one item I see below is your Joycode reference vs the player reference. Had you intended to map joystick 1 as player 2? Your Joycodes are 2,3,4, 5 rather than 1,2,3,4. Other than that, looks okay. I attached my working 2 controller CFG version with XBOX ONE controllers. In theory, it would be adding in the other two by duplicating (minus the keycodes) for the other two controllers and inserting the devices 3 and 4. Lastly, might take a look at the MAME Docs here, it isn't super detailed but might be helpful. https://docs.mamedev.org/advanced/devicemap.html I haven't tried firing up my XBOX 360 controllers but may try and see if it is doing the same thing. My long term goal was to have a setup similar to yours, with 2 XBOX ONE controllers and my two non-used 360 controllers. Just have to find the 360 dongle buried in a drawer somewhere...... xbox2player.cfg
  14. The ctrlr directory is typically in the root. However, check you Core Search Path entries in your MAME.INI file. You should see an entry (default) of: ctrlrpath ctrlr Also within the MAME.INI file is an entry under "Core Input Options" that is "ctrlr" which is where you can set which controller file you want MAME to use. Then you don't have to use the -ctrlr flag in LB as noted by TheNewClassics since the MAME.INI file will tell MAME where to pull the CTRLR file. Basically, all this does is that when MAME launches, it looks to the CTRLR setting. If there is an entry it copies those settings within the named CFG file to the Default.CFG file located in the \CFG folder at MAME launch. That is why when you don't use the CTRLR option you can get everything setup and working (which saves everything to the Default.CFG file) and then if you launch MAME and the controller isn't on the Default.CFG gets overwritten with "null" entries since the controller isn't there. The other "cheat" you can do and which I used before I got the CTRLR option working was I setup controllers the way I wanted and then went into the CFG folder, found the Default.CFG file and set it to read only (via Windows properties). MAME will then not be able to overwrite the file if controller is not on when launches. It never seemed to cause issues (or whined that was read only) but the CTRLR way is the "right" way to do it and less likely to cause issues (or if you forget it is write protected, your changes you make will not be saved). Because of the above, the easiest way to generate your custom CFG file for the CTRLR entry is to setup in MAME as you want. Then copy the DEFAULT.CFG file located in the CFG directory to the CTRLR directory and rename it. Then whatever you name it reference that in the CTRLR entry within the MAME.INI file.
  15. Yeah, it is a bit confusing and my screen snap was before I had reorganized and/or figured it out. Priority of how LB picks Logos and Videos for Playlists and Platform Categories is: Playlists: Unique Name >>> Nested Name (if no Unique Name). This is the reason you can have an "Racing" logo and will pickup under multiple platforms. Platform Categories: Unique Name only. So you have to have the exact Unique Name of the Category for each logo/video as listed in the LB Edit Platform Category window. So for example on the Genre logo I have logos named "Atari 2600 Genres" and "Atari 5200 Genres", etc. They are the same round logo but it will not pickup otherwise. Newer screenshot where I have working logos is below. You can also do by folders within the Images directory but again they have to be the Unique Name of your Category, not the Nested Name. I tried to not get too complicated so folders seemed to be more work. If you download the clear logos that are associated with the Refried theme you will see all the folders he had to make since he has unique logos (not round ones like in this thread) for each and every Category. Playlist Categories Playlists (you will notice I have a "games" version for Mame and non-version for all others. I didn't feel like renaming the playlists each time I reimport Mame so this seemed easier.
  16. Whatever you have listed in the additional apps tab (within Edit Game) will then be tied to the main game (if right click will be in pop window). You can make one in the list the default with the Make Default button. However, one thing to note is that on the Arcade/Mame side if you use the import Mame Full Set feature again it will reset your defaults. Not an issue with the other platforms.
  17. Click on the platform you want (say Atari 2600), then go to the Tools menu. Then look for the Audit selection under Import, and it will bring up grid with information that you can use to determine missing media. Can also export (by copy all in screen) to Excel. Off screen are the columns for media and if they are present.
  18. Although not LB, there are programs (free) like Calibre that provide graphic bookshelf formats via webserver with book covers and point click download/read of all major ebook formats. The main utility has scrapers to download book covers, isbn, book data, etc for ebooks so might be idea for those that are coders to see how it uses the various APIs. I saw some plugins for loan-out libraries but haven't tried that. Interface isn't quite as elegant as LB but I typically only use as "home library" which browse with iPad, download, and read on portable device rather than via web server viewer. One advantage of it over say a LB model is that can browse to it from any device on internal network without having to install anything on client side.
  19. Internet Archive has some DS video snaps; however, it didn't look that much different (to me) than the EMU as far as types (~1,000) but then I am only looking at US roms since that is almost all of mine (few EU/JP thrown in). So might be the difference in success, in that EMU FTP is mostly US videos.
  20. Go to the HQ folder, has a about 600. The HD folder just above this one has about 500. Wiiware videos are in separate folder. PSP is the most incomplete, but had about 300 out of the 400 games. DS had all but 6 games I had (~800).
  21. EMU Movies has video snaps for DS (+1600), Wii (+600), and PSP (+800). You can used FTP/Sync App (if EMU member) or can download direct within LB if have license. Internet Archive also had DS vids as another option.
  22. Thanks for the generating these logos, very helpful for those of us that are Gimp/PS challenged. With the recent playlist auto generator, I see the following genres that I don't see a logo for in existing sets. Sorry if missed in thread: Genres (in LB DB) Compilation Visual Novel Regions World Asia (to catch China, Australia, Korea etc.) South America (to catch Brazil, etc.) Play Modes 2-Player Simultaneous 2-Player Alternating
  23. Understood, on the why and the fix. I had already started duplicating and/or renaming to address. If auto-generated used same naming convention (since almost identical in most cases) or the graphics files were duplicated with console and arcade names then would save folks from redoing since in most cases genre's like "sci-fi" are not any different between arcade vs console. Just trying to show off all the awesome work the graphics folks have done. ? Just wanted to make sure there wasn't going to be an update that addressed before I mucked about. Thanks for all the work on this theme and LB, as well as continuing to add cool features. Always amazes me the various parts and pieces that come together to make good front end.
  24. Another glitch I noticed. I thought it was just with the arcade/mame platform but it also happens with the consoles. If you do not have any playlists under the platform you get Snap #1 which is missing background, etc. (I refreshed images didn't make difference). After I added playlists in platform (no changes otherwise other than refresh images) then everything works as intended: I also noticed this behavior (looks like Snap #1 at game level) in the Arcade/Mame platform even though I have playlists.
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