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Everything posted by alnyden

  1. Cool. One or both would be great, but in the meantime, how do you recommend filtering a list based on community rating? I'm not sure how to use the filter option you added.
  2. I'm not sure I understand how to filter by community rating? The most useful functions for me would be to sort via the text grid, or use them to auto-populate a playlist. Neither seems to be possible at the moment but maybe I'm missing something.
  3. This is working now, thanks.
  4. I am finding a bunch of games in NES (using Retroarch) where achievements are listed in RA, achievements can be unlocked, and they show up on the retroacheivements website, but are not displaying in Bigbox. ("No achievements available") Yet some games are working fine. For example, Castlevania loads achievements, but Castlevania II & III do not.
  5. I really don't think it's just a problem with Nostalgia. I'm having the same issue with RetroFresh and even the default Critical Zone in certain situations/views.
  6. Community rating is a great idea! Couple questions: Can they be added to the list view grid in Launchbox so we can sort by star rating and community rating? Also, can community rating be added to the playlist auto-populate options? Would love to auto-populate a playlist with community five star games. Also, it would be great if star rating could be set in the bulk edit window. That way favorite playlists could be quickly set to a specific star #.
  7. If it's happening in the Nostolgia theme, I just read it's a theme issue and they're working on a fix. I think it's happened to me in other themes but I can't remember which right now.
  8. No, I never did. It's been reported by others in the beta forum, but it's not being addressed. We should probably create a bitbucket item and get others to vote for it.
  9. Figured out both issues. It wasn't saving because I didn't have the paths set in the directory options. As for not keeping the aspect ratio, that's because rocketlauncher was controlling it from the module.
  10. As far as I can tell I do not have it turned off. It's supposed to auto-save, and that doesn't work. Also manual save-state and the in-game saving also not working.
  11. Got it -- thanks.
  12. The new achievements feature is motivating me to try moving some of my systems to RetroArch. Not my favorite emulator. Anyhow, I'm currently having two issues with the SNES9x core. (And the SNEX9x 2010). First, when I save a game (through the game, not a RetroArch save) it's not there when I return to the game. Second, when I set a custom aspect ratio (to get SNES to fill the whole screen), it doesn't save this setting when I return. Thanks for any help! R
  13. Thanks for the tip, that's a great theme, but when I try, it uses the clear logo in that image location. If I cycle through images with the hotkey I can get a screenshot to come up but not the arcade cabinet. (I also added arcade cabinet to the image priority). What's the trick to getting the cabinet to show up in the middle? Also curious, what monitor are you using for the marquee screen? Thanks again!
  14. Now that we can use different themes for each platform, I'm looking for one for arcade games that uses graphics such as the cabinet, controls and marquee pics. Does anything like this already exist? I scrolled through the custom themes but didn't see anything. Thanks! R
  15. Looks great. What theme are you using that shows the arcade cabinet pic?
  16. I'd like to propose two simple fixes to the current setup that would help with these issues. #1). Allow platforms and playlists to be in a Platform Category without showing up in the main platform list. Therefore, as suggested above, you could have "Super Nintendo - Japan" organized in a Platform Category like "Super Nintendo" but not muck up the main platform list. Also, you could organize your playlists in Platform Categories (like favorites, game series, genre lists, etc.) without those playlists showing up in the platform list. #2). Allow platforms and playlists to be in more than 1 platform category. So "Nintendo Gameboy" can show up in "Nintendo" and "Handheld" categories. Also, a Mario playlist could be listed in the "Nintendo" and "Game Series" category. These wouldn't solve every issue mentioned above but would go a long way to allow flexibility in organizing platforms and playlists and is a relatively simple fix.
  17. Those look great. Thanks for doing this.
  18. Although "Prioritize Soundtrack Music over Video Audio" has never fully worked for me (doesn't work on the game list, only the games details page), I'm also now having the issue where video audio and soundtrack music are playing at the same time. (Not sure when it started but somewhat recently).
  19. While on the topic of speed, I find Big Box is much faster than Launchbox when it comes to switching platforms, or switching between Platforms and Playlists, etc. Big Box is almost instant while in Launchbox the blue ball usually spins 5-15 seconds. Is that normal? I've got about 25,000 roms.
  20. Uh oh, just got another freeze. It's the first time it happened since I switched to WMP but it's basically the same issue -- started to get sluggish while scrolling and then froze. The audio is still playing (I think from the soundtrack) but video went black and can not navigate any more.
  21. Finally got it to work! The trick for me was putting the images in Launchbox/Images/Playlists/Playlist/Fanart. (Not Nostolgia/Images). Also, you can put multiple images in that folder and it will choose one randomly. Thanks for adding this! Now only if I could get the platform to show up in the game details. For some reason it displays in the wheel views, but not here. Anyway, thanks again @eatkinola.
  22. Yes, I've checked everything, I can't seem to get it to work. It's still loading a random image from the Launchbox Fanart folder. Maybe I'll check later with fresh eyes and see if I'm doing something wrong. Thanks for your feedback.
  23. Hmmm, that's exactly what I'm doing. I tried it for both a platform and a playlist, but the image is not appearing. Does it support jpg? When I replaced the "background.png", it only worked as a .png.
  24. Okay, I set the visibility, and it seems to be loading a random fanart picture from that platform. Cool feature, thanks for adding this. Let's say however I want to specify what the background picture is. You mentioned being able to override in Nostalgia/Images, but I can't get that to work. For example, if I wanted to choose a specific background picture for Atari 5200, where would I put it and what would I name the file? Thanks!
  25. Okay cool, I'll give this a try tonight. One thing I'm unclear about -- after setting Visibility Collapsed to Visible in Nostolgia.xaml, I add the background I want to use in Nostolgia/views/images/AVLF/Playlists AND adjust the @index.txt file?
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