Nintendo Game Boy
20 files
Nintendo Game Boy Japanese 2D Boxart Pack
This 2D boxart pack is made up of the missing ones from the excellent WallyWonka's pack.
I tried my best to keep them uniform, they're far from perfect, most of them have been AI upscaled and manually adjusted, but most of them are decent enough.
Nintendo Super Gameboy Color 3D Carts Pack
By ci2own
Nintendo Super Gameboy Color 3D Carts Pack
Nintendo Super Game Boy Color 2D Carts Pack
By ci2own
Nintendo Super Game Boy Color 2D Carts Pack
Nintendo Super Game Boy 2D Carts
By ci2own
Rebuild all set based on officially released USA and Europe games from latest No-Intro Romset.
Default cart available.
Nintendo GameBoy Fanart Pack by CORE Team
By SidewaysMan
Complete Nintendo GameBoy 1G1R Fanart Pack compiled and created by CORE Team.
JPEG format
No intro naming
Nintendo Game Boy 3D Boxes
By WallyWonka
I was sick of seeing crappy Nintendo Game Boy box images in my collection (I made this set years ago in lower resolution with the annoying Game Boy logo on all the spines). I think someone else remade just the USA boxes in the same resolution. I remade all boxes in high quality HD with accurate spines on most boxes. All USA games and Euro exclusives are included, along with many Japanese exclusives that can be played in English. The unlicensed Sachen games are included, although those games are awful. The spines and boxes on the USA and Euro games are all retail accurate, some Japanese spines may be custom made if I couldn't find proper source images. As always I included PSD templates for the 2D and 3D boxes if anyone wants to include their own games not included here. About 840 games have been done here. Also included are cropped front and spines. Feel free to let me know if there are any errors. And if anyone wants to upload some of these to the Games DB, by all means do so. Enjoy this collection!
Nintendo Game Boy 2D Front + Spines
By WallyWonka
I was sick of seeing crappy Nintendo Game Boy box images in my collection (I made this set years ago in lower resolution with the annoying Game Boy logo on all the spines). I think someone else remade just the USA boxes in the same resolution. I remade all boxes in high quality HD with accurate spines on most boxes. All USA games and Euro exclusives are included, along with many Japanese exclusives that can be played in English. The unlicensed Sachen games are included, although those games are awful. The spines and boxes on the USA and Euro games are all retail accurate, some Japanese spines may be custom made if I couldn't find proper source images. As always I included PSD templates for the 2D and 3D boxes if anyone wants to include their own games not included here. About 840 games have been done here. Also included are cropped front and spines. Feel free to let me know if there are any errors. And if anyone wants to upload some of these to the Games DB, by all means do so. Enjoy this collection!
ABeezy's Nintendo Game Boy Carts
By ABeezy13
Hey all,
I am back again with another set of carts! Here are all 501official released NTSC Nintendo Game Boy front carts. These are all high-res and much better and more accurate then what is currently out there (The current set actually uses stretched box arts and not cart art). Also unique to this set compared to whats out there is an actual accurate cart template, correct wording "this side out" on the right of the cart compared to the other set, and each cart has its correct DMG number. I have named them using the no-intro naming scheme. When dropping these in your Launchbox build there are a handful that may not auto-load; you will have to manually update your game name in Launchbox. (Now with alternate naming this should correct any issues.)
If anyone notices any issues or anything let me know (Especially doing 501 carts... there potentially could be an error with a DMG number but they SHOULD be good.) Enjoy!!!!
Also, you may down load my matching Nintendo Game Boy box fronts here.
palette Game Boy - Authentic custom palette for Gambatte
By Khaar
A custom palette based on EmuMovie's Authentic Game Boy Video Snaps.
I know these snaps were made with a RetroArch shader, so it's very easy to get the same image. However, with this shader you also get other effects such as a dot matrix, ghosting, blurring, etc. This palette mimics the colors of those Authentic Video Snaps without the additional effects and is ideal for all who prefer sharp clean pixels.
The palette can be used with the RetroArch Gambatte core.
To learn more about custom pallets visit: Libretro Docs/Gambatte
How to install:
Place the folder called "palettes" in RetroArch's system directory:
Now activate the palette in the core options:
Quick Menu >>> Core Options >>> GB Colorization >>> Custom
Nintendo Gameboy Spines
By Baggio
More spines this time for the Game Boy
I've noticed a few are off due to being mass converted but i'll sort them out in due course
Nintendo Game Boy - Screenshot - Gameplay
By retroNUC
Might as well share my collection with the group! A curated set of screenshots from various sources, and a bunch captured by myself to fill in the gaps.
Based on a 1G1R set with region priority of USA > Europe > Japan All images are 160x144 PNG, native resolution, checked over for any recompression artefacts Again, these are native resolution. If you want a solution to these being 'low resolution' screenshots that look blurry in some situations:
Batch upscale the entire set using image editing software (I recommend using XnView MP) with a non-blurry algorithm Modify your LaunchBox or BigBox theme views so that when large images are displayed, the RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode property is set to "NearestNeighbor" rather than "HighQuality", it'll make them look nice and sharp Let me know if there's any issues!
Nintendo Game Boy - Box Front - Image Pack
By cassinoshie
Was excited to see Image Pack support in the recent beta. Used it to create this pack to see how well it works.
I already had these images in LaunchBox, and was surprisingly easy to make this set. While the images in this pack were not created by me, and may no longer be the best around, I did treat them for my personal needs.
I set a standard size of 700x700 for all of them I made sure they are all jpg with the same quality output, which drastically reduces the size of the set while still providing decent quality Overall, these are pretty consistent and look good in my LaunchBox. I am excited to see if its just as easy for a user to import them into their collection.
ABeezy's Nintendo Game Boy Box Fronts
By ABeezy13
Here to offer up my first set of the new year (2022)!!!
I am sharing my recently completed uniform high res box fronts, like my high res uniform Game Boy carts (which you can find here). The current Game Boy sets that I see out there are all compiled from different resources and include different sizes and varying qualities and even some incorrect/inaccurate box art. This set eliminates all of that. This set also has a uniform "GAME BOY" banner and equally sized images across the entire set. Included are all 501 NTSC box fronts. I have named them using the no-intro naming scheme. When dropping these in your Launchbox build. There are a few boxes that may not auto-load; you will have to manually update your game name in Launchbox using the alternate naming.
Its worth making a quick mention that to my knowledge and after searching high and low two games in this set ONLY were released as a "Player's Choice". Those games being The Smurfs & Mickey Mouse - Magic Wands! (There is fake are out there showing them with a standard box but many of the restoration sites back this information.)
Nintendo Game Boy 3D Carts Pack
By ci2own
Nintendo Game Boy 3D Carts Pack
People don't know the needed time to do this sets. To thanks costs nothing.
Marquees - Nintendo Gameboy
By igotdvds
Custom Marquees for the Nintendo Gameboy platform.
clearlogo GB Silver Ring Clear Game Logo Set
Thanks to this cool Photoshop trick i got to complete the whole set in 2 days.
As always viking is the original creator of the silver ring set i just put the games in it.
more coming soon!
Nintendo Game Boy - 3D Covers
By igotdvds
I put together 3D covers for the Game Boy as I couldnt find a solid pack. This includes all US/Eur releases and adds the Clear Logo on the spine of the box. Enjoy.