246 files
bigbox theme LATINO (Oscuro)
By MarianS3
Este tema es la versión Oscura (dark) de mi tema original LATINO.
Construido con el Community Theme Creator for BigBox
~Tienen para elegir en la descarga entre la interfaz en español como también en inglés!
Espero que les guste! ?
bigbox theme LATINO
By MarianS3
~ LATINO THEME creado por MarianS3 ~
Gente tengo el agrado de poder compartir mi primer ''Theme'' creado para Big Box llamado LATINO! con una interfaz completamente en español (de ahí el nombre ?)
Cuenta con dos vistas de juegos y una vista de plataforma, no son muchas vistas pero le dediqué varias horas en crearlo para que se vea lo mejor posible y viendo hasta el más mínimo detalle hasta quedar conforme con el resultado final.
~ El Theme LATINO fué construido usando el Community Theme Creator for BigBox de @y2guru
Recuerden desbloquear los archivos .dll dentro de la carpeta ''Plugins'' antes de usar el tema para evitar errores, dentro del tema hay un txt con instrucciones. No es necesario instalar las fuentes (fonts) que vienen con el tema. Espero que lo disfruten tanto como yo! Saludos!!
~ MarianS3
bigbox theme Millennium Theme
By MarianS3
☑️ New version available with English interface
✅ Nueva versión disponible con interfaz en Inglés
Les comparto un nuevo tema al que nombré ''MILLENNIUM'' en el que estuve trabajando durante un buen tiempo (y que mejor fecha para compartirlo que el primer día del año 2021) y que consta de varias vistas. En total son 4 vistas de Plataformas (o Categoría de Plataforma) y 8 vistas de Juegos! 3 de esas vistas de juegos son de temática específicas que les comento mas adelante.
El tema fué construido gracias a la App Community Theme Creator for BigBox
El listado de vistas que contiene el tema es el siguiente:
✅ PlatformWheel1FiltersView
✅ PlatformWheel2FiltersView
✅ PlatformWheel3FiltersView
✅ PlatformWheel4FiltersView
✅ HorizontalWheel1GamesView
✅ HorizontalWheel2GamesView
✅ HorizontalWheel3GamesView
NOTA: para poder visualizar la marquesina del arcade, hay que colocar las imágenes de marquesinas dentro de la carpeta ''Screenshot - Game Over'' de cada sistema, elegí ésta carpeta porque supongo que es la menos utilizada y me sirve para este propósito.
Es una vista Arcade con una pantalla CRT con scanlines y con muchos detalles de información, la otra vista de Arcade es mucho más minimalista.
✅ WallGamesView
✅ TextGamesView
✅ WheelGamesView
NOTA: como ven esta vista está diseñada específicamente para usarla con los juegos Arcades, y el diseño es más bien minimalista y a la vez te da esa sensación de tener el arcade en el salón de tu casa. Por supuesto la pueden usar con cualquier otro sistema, eso es a gusto de cada uno.
✅ Wheel2GamesView
NOTA: esta vista como es lógico esta diseñada para usarla con los juegos de micro-ordenadores, con un ambiente que da una sensación de calidez.
✅ Wheel3GamesView
NOTA: por último esta vista que es más para todos los sistemas de consolas retro y actuales, con esa pantalla en grande para poder ver los videos de cada juego.
1 Descargar el archivo (.zip)
2 Antes de descomprimir hacer click derecho al .zip, elegir Propiedades, y Desbloquear (Unblock)
3 Ahora si, una vez desbloqueado el archivo, descomprimirlo y colocar la carpeta ''Millennium'' dentro de la carpeta ''Themes'' de Launchbox
4 Seleccionar el tema desde las opciones de Big Box, en Opciones → Vistas
5 Recuerden que pueden seleccionar una vista distinta para cada sistema y que Big Box las recuerde, sólo tienen que marcar la casilla ''Recordar la vista separada para cada plataforma'' que se encuentra en Opciones → Vistas
6 A jugar!
Eso es todo y espero que les guste!
RetroFresh Detailed - [Theme Workshop]
By faeran
RetroFresh Detailed was built during a Theme Workshop live stream. If you are interested in creating themes, subscribe to the Unbroken Software YouTube channel.
RetroFresh Detailed
This is a recreation of one of the first themes I ever created for Big Box. It was recreated within the COMMUNITY Theme Creator.
The theme and the COMMUNITY Theme Creator project files can be downloaded here.
Watch this theme being built:
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gSvaa-EaU8
COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/
Subscribe to catch future live stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA
Illuminate - [Theme Workshop]
By faeran
Illuminate has been redesigned within the COMMUNITY Theme Creator and was built during a Theme Workshop live stream. If you are interested in creating themes, subscribe to the Unbroken Software YouTube channel.
A simple text based theme showcasing the power of per-platform views.
The theme and the COMMUNITY Theme Creator project files can be downloaded here.
Watch this theme being built:
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsMROUMwFos&list=PL6pTDaHeAz-VxTp83L12WerJ2cRy6gvXa
COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/
Subscribe to catch future live stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA
Tilt - [Theme Workshop]
By faeran
Tilt was built during a Theme Workshop live stream. If you are interested in creating themes, subscribe to the Unbroken Software YouTube channel.
A simple text based theme that is loosely based off of the ES theme Angular by lilbud.
The theme and the COMMUNITY Theme Creator project files can be downloaded here.
Watch this theme being built:
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eGobjpzoXs
COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/
Subscribe to catch future live stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA
Angular ES Theme by lilbud: https://github.com/lilbud/es-theme-angular
Neon Blue - [Theme Workshop]
By faeran
Neon Blue was built during a Theme Workshop live stream. If you are interested in creating themes, subscribe to the Unbroken Software YouTube channel.
Neon Blue
A community built theme to show off the new enter and exit game detail triggers and custom image builder.
The theme and the COMMUNITY Theme Creator project files can be downloaded here.
Watch this theme being built:
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gCLgIU7KQ8
COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/
Subscribe to catch future live streams: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA
RetroCRT - A 4:3 theme - [Theme Workshop]
By faeran
RetroCRT was built during a Theme Workshop live stream. If you are interested in creating themes, subscribe to the Unbroken Software YouTube channel.
A 4:3 theme that really hits that CRT nostalgic vibe.
The theme and the COMMUNITY Theme Creator project files can be downloaded here.
Watch this theme being built:
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu7U0sb1p94
COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/
Subscribe to catch future live streams: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA
By C-Beats
This is a vertical conversion of my FauxVert theme. It has a horizontal wheel view as well as text list view. Was designed to work with a 9:16 monitor but for the most part should work fairly well with other resolutions/aspect ratios. The one thing you have to be wary of is that this theme uses background images/videos that were rotated for horizontal aspect still (as did FauxVert). For example I just show 16:9 images and rotate them to fit in the 9:16 monitor. A 9:16 image/video would NOT render correctly in this theme.
I don't plan on making too many improvements/changes to this theme unless I need them for my particular set up, but if there is something small I can help you with to get this working on your set up feel free to ask in the comments.
By Rincewind
This theme I have been working on for along time as it was used to implement new features that were added to the Community Theme Creator as they were inclued. It uses the new navigation bindings for the background images and works well on laptops. There are custom images so it's best to clear the platform clearlogo cache first.
Any problems with it please let me know and all feedback is welcome.
Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, hit ok when done) then extract the folder to --\Launchbox\Themes\
Thanks as always to @y2guru for his amazing COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox.
By faeran
Welcome to Faeran's BannerBox. A horizontal banner based theme, inspired by 80s retro. This theme requires that you be running LaunchBox 11.10 or later due to its reliance on the new wheel.
The following info is now considered legacy:
Download banners created by the community in this thread:
BannerBox Community Banner Thread - Platform Media - LaunchBox Community Forums (launchbox-app.com)
Looking to create your own theme? Learn how by:
Following me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/retrofaeran
Subscribing to me on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2C5q0Muy-ehYpZUIIdJ94Q
Theme was created by @faeran
Theme was created using the COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru
Theme uses some amazing artwork by Rachid Loft. Find his work at: https://rachidlotf.com/
Chrome Metal
By Rincewind
No real introduction, I was trying out the new custom images in the theme creator and came up with this to test them out. What I have done is supply a custom image for every platform in the LaunchBox Database to date. It also relies on fanart as the main background but there is a fallback image for when there isn't any. Ideally I would like to be able to have 5 or 6 fallback images that randomly get used in the future.... @y2guru
Hope you enjoy it
**Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, hit ok when done) then extract the folder to --\Launchbox\Themes\
Also there are some sound samples that are included to in the theme but you can download them separately .
As always thanks go to @y2guru for the amazing COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox.
Play Box 5
By DazStelfox79
This is Play Box 5, An overhaul of Play Box 4 with Game title, description & background/fanart images available from Home Screen upon selecting each title from the Recently Played Shortcuts.
Lots of tweaks like fading menu controls, Home Screen Icons/Widgets & Banner/Box images have been enlarged slightly. Changed some of the Games Views & also New Walls Games Views. Hundreds of more Icons/Widgets & new videoborders for the WheelGamesView.
Make sure you Refresh all images in BigBox options/Image Cache.
This theme was designed on a 32 inch screen TV at a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080p. It's been tested on a 42 inch screen TV, 18 inch screen laptop & a 21 inch screen Desktop PC all at screen resolution of 1920 x 1080p. If there are any display problems then it can mostly be a scaling issue in Windows for example Settings/System/Scale & Layout = 125% or some TVs have scaling options in there picture settings or scaling options in Graphics card settings for example Nvidia Control Panel or ATI Radeon Catylist Control Center.
For a 4K display this can be achieved by changing the desktop resolution to 3840 x 2160 & change the windows scaling settings to 250% via the Windows/Settings/Display/Scale & Layout Setting but all your other apps ect may be zoomed in as Play Box was designed in a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080.
LaunchBox Big Box 2021-06-27 23-19-04.mp41,379 downloads
By C-Beats
I have for you a very unique theme. This is a vertical theme for horizontal monitors! I have a virtual pinball cabinet I am working on and because of how the VPin software works it was just easier to set up my machine so that my monitor was in landscape (horizontal) mode, but physically rotated to a vertical position. Unfortunately this mean Big Box was pointing the wrong direction. Rather that use some third party tool to rotate my monitor in Windows settings back and forth I just decided to make a faux vertical theme. I wasn't sure how many people had similar cabinet set ups but though I'd share in case there was anyone out there that needed it or wanted to look at the XAML for inspiration for your wacky theme ideas.
NOTE: This theme assumes you have acquired background images and videos ALREADY in the right orientation and does NOT try to rotate and horizontal images to make them appear in the right direction. Clear Logo images work as is and are rotated appropriately.
By Rincewind
Just finished this wheel theme that has been hanging around my theme projects folder for a while, hence the name has never changed from the initial beginning. There are 2 platform wheel views (inside wheel and outside wheel) then there's the 2 textlist views.
Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, hit ok when done) then extract the folder to --\Launchbox\Themes\
Thanks as always to @y2guru for his amazing COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox.
Please try it out for yourselves by clicking the link below.
4:3 Four-By-Three
By Jack.
Hi, I've designed this theme to work with every 4:3 resolution up to 3200x2400. I did the graphics and @wallmachine did the coding. This theme is a variant of the ARCANE theme. I changed some codes and did a new Platform View and added some new graphic. The theme uses custom banners for each platform showing the corrispettive controller, if you want a specific platform banner let me know (Note that i didn't draw all the banners, i search and modify other images). The theme also uses custom platform logos. If you have questions or problems, let me know! PS: Sorry for my english.
At the moment i no longer support the theme, sorry. At the moment only supports 2 views as shown in the screens, Game list: Vertical Wheel 1, Platform list: Platform Wheel 1. Any other views will be the default theme one. Install the font inside the zip file in order to make the theme work. If you don't like the icons in the platform wheel (the star and the clock) i've put a background without them in Images\Core, simply overwrite the old background with the new one. The playmode icons work like this: The icons with the plus sign are for all the modes with more than 2 players and for the multiplayer tag. For the modes "Alternating" the icons will be trasparent. For the non-favorited games, the star will appear black and trasparent, otherwise will appear yellow. Features:
The platform view shows the controller of the system selected, and the Favorited\Recent games wheels. The game view shows a playmode icon and a favorited icon. Under the game title shows the Publisher - Genres - Year of the game, And of course the Video\Screenshot with the Front cover. Video\Screenshots don't stretch but they maintain aspect ratio, so for example vertical arcade games do not look weird. For videos and screenshots that doesn't have 4:3 aspect ratio will have black bars to avoid stretching. Known issues:
The videos and screenshots with low res (320x240) scales at 300x240 with black bars on the right\left sides, even though the grid has the same aspect ratio. However this doesn't happen with videos\screenshots with 640x480+ res. The genres are seperated like this "Action;Platform" but i would like to separe them like this "Action, Platform" But i don't know how to do it. Currently supported custom banners and logos:
- four-by-three
- low resolution
- (and 2 more)
Rogue Theme
By Rincewind
This theme is a take on the game Rogue Company, I just liked the way it looked while playing the game so made a theme based around it. I will add and tweak the theme over time but as it stands there are 2 Platform views, 2 Games views and the Settings view.
Massive thanks goes to @y2guru for his amazing COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox, without his work in creating this simple to use theme design program I couldn't have made this theme.
By Rincewind
Massive thanks goes to @y2guru for his amazing COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox, without his work in creating this simple to use theme design program I couldn't have made this theme.
As you can see from the screenshots its a very colourful and sort of cartoon-ish looking theme, I wanted you to get the feeling that your already in a game before you start to play a game!!
Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, and hit ok when done) then extract the folder too -- \Launchbox\Themes\
Although the theme is using fallback images for the Characters or Devices, you can still add your own artwork for systems I've not got round to finding artwork for and add them here
-- \LaunchBox\Themes\Pyramids\Media\Characters
-- \LaunchBox\Themes\Pyramids\Media\Devices
Also you will need to check that the naming of a system Character / Device / Platform Clear Logo is the same exact spelling as your system.
The Wall
By Rincewind
This theme has a lot of animations going on while your browsing your game collection, the idea was to make it a bit more interesting as your selecting your game.
**Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, hit ok when done) then extract the folder to --\Launchbox\Themes\
As always thanks go to @y2guru for the amazing COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox, without his on going work in creating this easy to use program I couldn't have made this theme.
Hope you all enjoy it! Any feedback is welcome and any enhancements you can think of let me know. Ideally I would really like to add a Icon that will display if a Arcade game is using the new Hi-Scores feature @Jason Carr.
The Truth
By Rincewind
Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, hit ok when done) then extract the folder to --\Launchbox\Themes\
Thanks to @y2guru for his amazing COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox.
The time and effort he has put into this, purely to help others is a true act of selflessness.
Please try it out for yourselves by clicking the link below, and as of version you can now animate.
CoinOps Redux [4x3]
What is it?
4x3 optimised version of the CoinOps Redux theme (port of CoinOps Next to BigBox), co-created with @Klopjero.
The theme has been developed using the Community Theme Creator (all the credit to @y2guru).
As in the case of CoinOps, it relies on 1120x1080 fanart images for game wheel views.
Big thanks to BritneysPAIRS and the CoinOps team for their work in CoinOps and for their amazing theme design.
It includes the following BigBox views:
- 4 platform views.
- 2 game wheels for arcade based systems.
- 2 horizontal game wheels.
- Systems view.
For platform views, we suggest to use @viking colorful videos (4x3 version).
Files available
[CoinOps Redux (4x3) - 1.0.zip] The BigBox theme files. Just uncompress and copy / paste to Launchbox\Themes folder.
16:9 version
The 16:9 version of the theme is linked below:
CoinOps Redux
What is it?
CoinOps Redux is a port of CoinOps Next to BigBox, co-created with @Klopjero.
The theme has been developed using the Community Theme Creator (all the credit to @y2guru) and should display correctly in both 16:9 and 4:3 ratios.
As in the case of CoinOps, it relies on 1120x1080 fanart images for game wheel views.
Big thanks to BritneysPAIRS and the CoinOps team for their work in CoinOps and for their amazing theme design.
It includes the following BigBox views:
- 4 platform views.
- 2 game wheels for arcade based systems.
- 2 game wheels for non-arcade based systems.
- 2 horizontal game wheels.
- Systems view.
Supporting more than 130 systems.
For platform views, we suggest to use @viking colorful videos.
Files available
[CoinOps Redux 1.0.zip] The BigBox theme files. Just uncompress and copy / paste to Launchbox\Themes folder. All platform background images are included in the file.
[Platforms] Sets of fanart images (1120x1080) for several platforms. If you want to use them, just unzip and copy / paste to Launchbox\Images\[Platform]\Fanart - Background.
* It is also possible to use the fanart packs uploaded by @RedSnake for his DarkRoom theme (or use these in DarkRoom).
Retro Console - BB Theme, added animations and more!
By cemfundog
Ok, here is version 2 of my Retro Console Theme. This is a MASSIVE overhaul and Includes ANIMATIONS. Thanks to @y2guru and his unending support and development of the 'Community Theme Creator', which now offers an animation tool, I was able to completely rebuild this theme and make it the way I originally intended. Thank You as always my man!
* Language issues have been fixed. Should work now! 5-1-2020
The original theme without animations can be found here: Retro Console Version 1
Pretty much every single view has been redone with at least more flare and details, but some of them are totally re-imagined. I have also added several new views and many more platform specific views. All with animations, subtle but informative (hopefully).
One of the game views that has a smaller monitor window on the right side of the screen now plays a video in a loop of the matching consoles original startup or boot screen. Not all are included as I have not been able to find them on YouTube. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on where to look for more, would be very helpful!
NEW: Playmode Icons - All custom and added all over the theme.
NEW: I made a new view that is intended for use with newer consoles like PS3 and XBOX360. Looks good but does not require as much artwork since there is not much available yet.
NEW: New version available, "Retro Console Theme Anim V2-center videos.zip". This version is designed to let users select a platform video set other than the Nostalgia set that I have been using. It is much better for center aligned videos.
ALSO NEW are several controller button packs that can be swapped out to match your setup. These include 4 buttons each and are color coded throughout the theme:
GREEN = Select RED = Back Blue = Search Yellow = Game info screen To use these you should just download the pack you want and drop it in the following folder: ?\LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Theme Anim V2\Media\buttons\. Make sure to overwrite the existing ones.
controller buttons - arcade.zip: This is a set of generic arcade buttons that can be used for any setup. Just colored and round. controller buttons - numbered.zip: This is a set of numbered controller buttons (1 - 4) for controllers that have numbered buttons. controller buttons - ps3.zip: This is a set of PlayStation controller buttons controller buttons - xbox.zip: This is a set of Microsoft XBOX controller buttons controller buttons - SN30 Pro: This is a set of black buttons with white lettering, glossy I will gladly take any requests for additional controller buttons as long as they don't require changing the theme. (max of 4 buttons in a pack)
@Wanderer189 has made a huge contribution to this theme in the form of several downloadable add-on packs full of clear logos for each platform. These include literally thousands of logos made for each Genre, Playmode, ETC. This is an amazing thing and I thank you for your hard work Wanderer. You are awesome. If you would like to get these logos for your setup they can be found here:
And yet another great contribution from our community: @kidshoalin has created several missing logos to go with your setup. All credit goes to him. Thank you so much for the contribution!
First - Download the file: Arcade Defualt Clear Logos.zip, unzip it and then follow below instructions...
place clear logos in the Retro-Console Theme Anim V2/images//Playlists Folder
make sure to go into options in BigBox and refresh all images.
What is this theme:
This is a video snap based BigBox theme. Heavily designed around the use and display of video snaps. This theme has over a hundred views including one that offers a different look for each platform including handhelds. There is a large amount of custom graphics and logos and images and icons etc. Hence the large file size. Use the startup and pause themes to complete the seamless setup. (also included here) All icons including stars for 'consumer ratings' and 'ESRB rating' and the new 'playmode icons' are custom and included in the theme file. Use them all you want. I am using the nostalgia platform videos and these are perfect for this theme. I may make my own someday but for now these are Great. @Wanderer189 is currently making videos for every genre and playmode. (you are awesome buddy, thank you so much for all your hard work and contributions to this and other themes) Available Downloads:
Retro Console Theme Anim V2.zip - This is the entire theme including platform and platform device logos as well as all icons so you don't have to download them individually. This does not include the startup video, startup or pause themes, collection logos, etc. Retro Console Theme Anim V2-center videos.zip - This an alternate version of the theme. This version is designed to let users select a platform video set other than the Nostalgia set that I have been using. It is much better for center aligned platform videos. controller buttons - arcade.zip - Arcade panel based controller buttons controller buttons - numbered.zip - Number based controller buttons controller buttons - ps3.zip - PlayStation based controller buttons controller buttons - xbox.zip - XBOX based controller buttons Retro-Console-Pause.zip - The pause theme I made also to match this theme. (screens below) Retro-Console-Startup.zip - The startup and shutdown theme I made to match with this theme. (screens below) Platform Clear Logos.zip - Included in the theme download but also here in case you just want them alone. These were made specifically for this theme. Platform Device Logos.zip - Also made for this theme for the platform view that uses device images. Collection Device Logos.zip - Made to match this theme for the platform view that uses device images for each collection I use. I can make more upon request. Collection Logos.zip - Same as the platform logos. Made to match so they can be used in this theme. Platform Categories.zip - A bunch of category logos also made to match this theme. Startup Video.zip - A startup video I made just to add to the overall completeness of the theme. Not at all necessary but here if you want it. Retro Console Sound Pack.zip - Again not required but here if you want it. This is what i use in the video below. Just unzip it to your launchbox sounds folder and then select it in BigBox. Platform Original Boot Videos.zip - This is a pack of just the new startuo videos for each console or platform I could find. (included in theme so no need to download unless you want just these) Arcade Defualt Clear Logos.zip - A new community contribution including several new arcade logos for playlists. Recommendations:
Set your Image priorities in Launchbox as follows - Cart Front ( add disc images to the list - this is used in many views in this theme) Set your startup and shutdown time limits in launchbox settings. (mine are: startup=5 sec and shutdown=3.5 sec) I designed this around the Nostalgia Platform Videos. You can use anything but those will fit and line up best. This theme assumes an xbox controller setup: A=Select, B=Back, X=Search, Y=Game Details and Select Button=Change View (not required) I also set the left bumper to platforms and right bumper to platform categories. (not required but helpful) Get as many Banner, Steam Banner and Marquee images as you can. This theme offers a unique view for all arcade cabinet based games and will use those images. There is also a custom view for systems like Windows that also use them. Future Plans:
Create a new view that uses the original loading video from each console. (started on 1-3-2020) DONE Complete the white silhouette console and controller images that are used in the startup theme. DONE Add animations to the theme ( @y2guru is working on this ability for his theme creator as we speak and I will update once it is ready) DONE Make platform videos to match this theme (maybe) - In the works How to Install:
Extract Retro Console Theme.zip to your launchbox themes folder. This includes all the platform and device logos you need and will automatically use them. ( In order to use other logos just delete the ones in this theme folder) You can also use the startup and pause themes to add more of a consistent flow. Drop the startup video (if you want it) in the launchbox videos root folder. This theme currently has over 80 different platforms and includes the matching device logos, collection logos, category logos and more but some of these have to be added manually through launchbox (sorry). I can not figure out how to make them automatic.
Startup Video:
Theme Video:
Screenshot System View:
Screenshots of each Logo Type:
Screenshots - Startup and Shutdown and Pause Theme:
Screenshots - Random and Extra Stuff:
Screenshots - Random Icons and Controllers Made for This Theme:
- pause theme
- controllers
- (and 6 more)
Unified meets Colorful - Hillbilly Edition
By The Papaw
To Hillbilly or NOT to Hillbilly, that is the question!
This is my first attempt with themes and I'm not sure if it was is ready to share yet, but I did. I'm sure there are things that need fixin' that I haven't found yet. It sure ain't perfect and I'm still a workin' on it as I learn.
I want to especially thank the folks that replied to my questions in the forums as I worked on this. I also want to say thanks to ALL the great folks of the LB/BB community that simply contribute. They are incredible folks spending 1000s of hours of their time creating new content or taking ideas that others have shared and coming up with new things, designs and looks and share it with us. I am sure many of you can do it with this theme even and reciprocate it back to all of us. Enough about that.
Bigbox is all about being able to customize things to your preferences. I really like much of the different Unified themes out there. I also really like the Colorful themes and the Colorful videos.
Hillbillies patch things together with bailing wire and duct tape. Me being a "briarhopper" aka hillbilly (couldn't find enough artwork for briarhoppers), and patching things together like we do, I borrowed from the different version of the Unified and Colorful themes. The Hillbilly Edition theme is more of a Unified type theme, but I added some of the features and colors to go well with the Colorful videos, like the Fanart Backgrounds I created for it.
One of the main reasons I decided to try to do this was to do something more with Play Modes. I wanted, especially for my large collection, a easy way to see the play modes quickly. So I turned all this into my own mess the best I could.
In the older days, you had Single or Multiplayer games, but now there are so many more play mode options. Now there are play modes like Single, Local Multiplayer, MMO (online multiplayer), Co-op, PvP, Simultaneous, Alternating, Shared Screen, Split Screen, Virtual Reality, and all the others and different combinations of them. If you watched the video, maybe you noticed the Players section shown at the bottom of the video. I created over 120+ playmode images to accomplish this (Of course, I still have many games that are not fixed in my collection and you will see that too).
It was pretty easy to change all my Play Modes using the bulk edit feature in LaunchBox, and of course I continue to fix games if I find one that isn't correct or has no play mode as I run across them.
In the screenshots, I tried showing the different Platforms first, then the Wheel Games, then the Text Games views. There is also one screenshot of each platform that is without the hillbilly using the Un-hillbilly video borders. The video shows more.
Video Example
What's used in the video:
- Startup Video
- Robot Voices sound pack
- Hillbilly Edition theme (templates are included in the appropriate folders to personalize)
- Colorful videos (with a few generic platform videos I attempted to make, that can be downloaded from here)
- Platform Clear Logos (included in the theme)
- Gold Rating Stars (included in the theme)
- Platform Fanart Background images (included in the theme)
- Hillbilly Edition-Startup Theme
- Hillbilly Edition-Pause Theme
Other Downloads: (you might be able to use some of these in other themes)
- Un-hillbilly VideoBorders if you want to remove the hillbilly
- VideoBorders without the Play Mode legend (looks cleaner and not really needed once you get the hang of how the play mode images work)
- Fanart Platform backgrounds to match the Colorful videos (these are included in theme)
- Different colors of Star Icons for rating stars
- Legend template & Legend Images to make you own legends for Play Modes.
- Blank Clear Logo image to make you own Platform Clear Logos
- Colorful type platform videos I made until Viking makes the good stuff.
- Extra Platform and Collection Backgrounds (500 of them, most were included with one of the other Unified versions)
Download & extract. Place the "Hillbilly Edition" folder in the "..\Launchbox\theme\" folder
Download any of the extra things you might like to use or change, like the VideoBorders or Stars. Each download should have a Readme.txt in it as well as the template (if there was one). A lot of the stuff is included with the theme already, so check above to make sure not to download it again. I uploaded them seperate so folks might download them to use with other themes, like folks using the Colorful videos might like the Fanart Backgrounds.
Additional Notes:
- To stop spinning game cartidges, you need to go into BB Options > Views and make sure to check "Remember Seperate View for Each Platform", then back out of the Options and use the <TAB> key on your keyboard to change views until you get the views you want.
- If you want to change the Options background, there are a couple alternates called Background (Alt).jpg, just rename the one you want to use to "Background.jpg" or put any jpg image you want to use in the MainMenu folder and name it to Background.jpg. (I recommend at least 1920x1080, but I tried using 3840x2160 throught the theme)
- To achieve the side-ways view of the cartridges, I turned all my cartridge images 90 degrees using a free image editor called FS-Image Editor in just a couple minutes.
- I also resize all my images using FS-Image Editor (usually once a year or so). It can save a ton of HDD space and it also makes everything more uniform. So if you have something out of whack as far as sizes, like boxes way to big, you might wanna give this a try.
I wanted to make sure anyone could change the theme as easy as possible to their own tastes. Dont like something I did in the theme? No problem, swap out the hillbilly for a picture of your dog. I have included all the Photoshop templates. Some as simple as clicking things off/on and saving your changes. You can completely re-do about any part of the theme using nothing more that Photoshop and Notepad++. I just barely get by with Photoshop, so if I can do it, I'm sure you can too.
I hope you enjoy the theme!! I appreciate any and all comments, reviews, likes, etc.. If ya have any questions or issues, let me know and I will get back as best I can.
- templates
- platform fanart
- (and 14 more)
NESiCA 2020
By shro2016
This is a complete rebuild of my previous NESiCA xLive theme from a couple of years ago. This theme has been nearly two years in the making with all new artwork and banner images. As the theme uses wide banner images rather than more traditional image types (in line with the system it is based on) I have created banner image packs for most games which I will be uploading separately into the downloads library today - platform and playlist images themselves are bundled within the theme itself.
The theme has different views for both Horizontal and Vertical scrolling of banner images and each variant also has control images for Arcade, Xbox or PS control schemes - these can be switched between by switching view within the theme. It is recommended that you set all transitions to Fade within BigBox.
Should you need to make more banner images yourself or wish to alter any of the control layout images I have included the GIMP template files with the theme. For those unfamiliar with GIMP it is a free online graphics package that you can download and use and with the templates available this should be easy for you to create any images you may be missing.
As always, hope you enjoy the theme.