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Everything posted by JoeViking245

  1. For Area51, you should have the main ROM file, area51.zip (which is about 622kb). And then have a folder called area51. This [sub]folder should then have a single file area51.chd (which is about 475MB).
  2. I'm a little confused. Are you saying that if you choose a Destination folder on your E: drive (for example E:\myBackupfolder\Sega Dreamcast\), the files will get moved as you'd expect. But if you choose a Destination folder on your L: drive (for example L:\myBackupfolder\Sega Dreamcast\), none of the files get moved?
  3. Glad the conversions worked for you. Was the destination folder on a LAN drive or local drive/folder? Were (are) the games .cue and .bin files is the same folder? Did only one of the two games that got converted not get moved? Or did neither of the sets of .cue/.bin files get moved? Can you share the .cue file for the game that couldn't get moved (or just one if the if both didn't get moved)?
  4. You're very welcome. Not with this plugin. This plugin will only remove them from being associated to the game(s).
  5. It seems like there should be an easier way, but you could create a new emulator and have it point to your script. Then have those game use this new emulator. LaunchBox will pass the "full/path/to/the/rom/file.ext" to your script. Have your script do its pre-game Sinden thing (if any), then start the emulator with the appropriate parameters and "%1% " as the path to the ROM (or just the ROM filename, depending on your check boxes). Then do the AHK voodoo to get past the calibration screens. This way you keep the ROMs path (in LaunchBox) as it should be. And if you need to change something later, you only have to change the emulator (or edit the script). Alternately, you could add an additional app to these games. Have the app point to the AHK script and check 'Launch Before Main Application'. At the top of your script, add something along the lines of Process, Wait, emulator.exe to wait for the emulator to be running. You might need to then add a WinWaitActive ahk_exe emulator.exe to make sure it's the active window (and maybe a short sleep timer to make sure it's fully loaded?).
  6. @DubaiShark I tried responding to your review but was having difficulty. So I'm responding here. Thanks for the review, compliment and feedback! If your existing game files are in their own separate subfolders and you wish to move them, you should check the box Move Parent Folder and Files. This will create the subfolders within your Destination Folder, the same name as the one they are in. The plugin looks at each game separately and doesn't compare their folder structure to determine if the box should be checked or not. If I misunderstood the issue, please let me know.
  7. Here's what I found: It'll play cassettes, but there is no softlist set for it. But somewhere, somehow, it can work.
  8. For the Model 2 emulator, you need to turn off Auto Switch to Fullscreen. Open just the emulator and uncheck it. Then exit. Or (if you dare [you'll get the same outcome]) edit EMULATOR.INI and change AutoFull to "AutoFull=0" (without quotes).
  9. Glad it works now. The -rompath parameter will override whatever is stored in mame.ini. It's great for regular games (when you don't have the ROM path setup in MAME). But wreaks havoc for CHD's stored in a different location. As you discovered.
  10. If I'm reading that correctly, this may be what you're after.
  11. No worries. Go into Setup and check the boxes for (g) and (h) and see if that changes anything. I know you said you tried all settings, but currently you don't those 'recommended' settings checked. And be sure to click Save right after checking those 2 boxes.
  12. K. So everything's there, it just that [for some reason] the bezel is getting sent behind. Pressing Alt+Tab brings it forward. And then [question] the bezel is showing AND the emulator window is sized correctly (vs. the emulator is actually full screen [not resized a little smaller] behind the bezel and the bezel is covering up the sides)? The log file you shared is actually the setup log (SetupLog 2023xxxxx.txt). There're actually 2 types of log files in there. log 2023-xxxxxx.txt and SetupLog 2023-xxxxxx.txt. I was looking for the prior.
  13. To clarify, the bezel flashes for a second, then disappears? And the emulator/game is still running fine? I just tested with the 'recommended' settings (BezelLauncher parameters: g h) and had no issue. Can you launch a Model 2 game, (wait for it) then exit game. Then share the most recent Log file. (located in \Plugins\BezelLauncher\Logs\log 2023-xxxxxx.txt)
  14. In LaunchBox, edit your MAME emulator. In the Default Command-line Parameters, does it have -rompath %romlocation%? If so, remove it. If it doesn't have that, or removing it doesn't help, can you share a few screenshots? Edit your MAME emulator. Post a screenshot of: The Details and the Associated Platforms sections. Edit one of your chd games. Post a screenshot of: The Launching tab and the Emulation tab.
  15. Good to hear you got it working. Future readers searching the forum for "Coleco Adam" are going to want to know how you got it working. I'm kind of curious too as I hate giving out ill-advice.
  16. Try taking everything off the command line except adam
  17. That was the only thing my limited knowledge on monitors could come up with. Hopefully someone else will chime in and be able help troubleshoot more.
  18. Update (v1.1.0) Fixed: Bulk Remove When opening Bulk Remove from within the Arcade platform where clones are Additional Apps, the plugin would lock up LaunchBox. You will now need to manually select your platform from the combo box when opening it. Thanks to @Krakerman for bringing this to my attention.
  19. Do you have you Windows Scale set to something other than 100% (if you have the image file saved, you can just drag it onto your reply.)
  20. When you edit the ini file (pinemhi.ini), if you ONLY need to change the "name" (and not the "code" also), here's an AutoHotkey script you can set as an Additional App that will let you change the "name" before launching the table. If you have to change the "code" also, this won't work. The only [other] caveat is that you need to turn off the Game Startup Screens. Otherwise, the popup this script produces is behind the startup screen. To make this work, create 2 files, add an Additional App and turn off the Startup Screens. Easy peasy. Create a new text file and paste the code below into it. Change the 1st 2 lines to point to your PINemHi folder. Save and close. Rename the file to whatever you want and change the file extension to ".ahk". i.e. ChangeUser.ahk (make sure it doesn't get saved as ChangeUser.ahk.txt) Next, in your PINemHi folder (same place as your pinemhi.ini file), create another new text file called "user" (user.txt). In this file, list the different users' names you want to select from. One name per line. In LaunchBox, edit one of your tables and add a new Additional Application. Give it a name. Browse to the path \LaunchBox\ThirdParty\AutoHotkey\ and select the file AutoHotkey.exe. For the Command Line Parameters, put, in "quotes", the full path to the .ahk file you created earlier. Check Automatically Run Before... AND Wait For Exit. Click OK to save. The script will read your pinemhi.ini for the current "name" and set that as the default name in the combo box. It also reads the user.txt file and adds those names to the box. Clicking Select will change the name value in pinemhi.ini to the name you have selected. The script: iniOne = D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\VPXhiScores\PINemHi\pinemhi.ini iniTwo = D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\VPXhiScores\PINemHi\users.txt if not FileExist(iniOne) { MsgBox, pinemhi.ini does not exist in this folder ExitApp } if not FileExist(iniTwo) { MsgBox, users.txt does not exist in this folder ExitApp } IniRead, currName, %iniOne%, user, name Loop, Read, %iniTwo% usersNames = %usersNames%|%A_LoopReadLine% usersNames = %usersNames%|%currName%|| Gui, Add, ComboBox, W180 vmyCombo, % SubStr(usersNames, 2) Gui, Add, Button, y6 x200 gChangeUser, Select Gui, Add, Button, y+75 gCancel, Cancel Gui, Show,W250 h149, Select user WinWaitClose, Select user ExitApp ChangeUser: GuiControlGet, newName,,myCombo IniWrite, %newName%, %iniOne%, user, name MsgBox,,Change Complete, User name has been changed to:`r`r`t%newName% Cancel: ExitApp
  21. That info helps. What's happening is: Your Additional App that's set to load Sinden Before the game launches, works. Then, "the game" launches. In this case, "the game" (as LaunchBox sees it) is the batch file. The batch file starts the game. Its job is done, so it exits/closes. LaunchBox sees that "the game" (the batch file that it launched) has exited, so in its eyes the game has exited. So it then runs the other Additional App (close Sinden). Just as it was instructed to do. So, keep your both original Additional Apps as they were. Then, to keep your batch file ("the game") 'alive' while the game is running, add "" /w to your line of code in the games' batch file. Start "" /w Singe.exe -k -z -w -d Maddog_HD/Index -v Maddog_HD/Video/maddog.mp4 Maddog_HD/Script/maddog.singe Now, LaunchBox will see "the game" as still running until you close Singe. Now that it (hopefully) works as you intended, you may notice that the Command Prompt window (the batch file window we told to wait around) is up and showing. It may be behind the actual game, and you may not see it. Or it may stick out like a sore thumb. The fix: Create a shortcut to that batch file (right click it and select Create Shortcut). Now right click the shortcut and select Properties. Change Run to Minimized. Click OK. And finally, edit the game in LaunchBox and in the Launching section, point to the new shortcut. You could still eliminate the Additional Apps altogether by adding their code before and after, respectively, to the line shown above. Similarly (or [almost] exactly) to my previous post. Then you'd just have "the game's" batch file. You'd still want to do the shortcut thing mentioned.
  22. I've never personally worked with either of those, but looking at the Sinden Wiki page for Singe 2, under "If you're using a frontend like LaunchBox", they mention creating a batch file to launch the games. As an option.... Their example batch file shows using "Singe-v2.00-Windows-x86_64.exe" and a bunch of parameters that point to the game to load. Their example for Mad Dog McCree looks like: Singe-v2.00-Windows-x86_64.exe -k -w -z -d data -v Maddog_McCree_Singe_2\Video\maddog.mp4 Maddog_McCree_Singe_2\Script\maddogiDsinge If you were to have a batch file to load the game (as shown above), you could combine your Additional apps into it. Something along the lines of: Start "" "D:\path\to\sinden\Load Sinden software.exe" -whatEverRequiredParameter start "" /w "Singe-v2.00-Windows-x86_64.exe" -k -w -z -d data -v Maddog_McCree_Singe_2\Video\maddog.mp4 Maddog_McCree_Singe_2\Script\maddogiDsinge whatEverCommandUsedToExitSinden.exe The /w will wait until Singe----.exe exits before executing the next line (close the lightgun software). But you mentioned your launching a game.exe. Is the exe the actual game? Or is it, itself a launcher of sorts. That is, you launch game.exe and that in turn starts Singe--.exe to load the game. If that's the case, you might need to get a little more creative and possibly use an AHK script to look for the games window (that eventually get loaded) and wait for that window to close. Then close the Sinden software. If that's not the case, on your 'close Sinden' additional app, make sure you have 'run after main app' checked.
  23. Assuming you use this script only for MAME and you're talking stand-alone MAME (vs Retroarch MAME core) and that it does indeed work to set and reset the COM ports, respectively, have the script also close MAME after resetting the COM ports. Run, %COMSPEC% /C echo M3.1 > COM3 Run, %COMSPEC% /C echo M3.1 > COM4 Escape:: Run,%COMSPEC% /C echo M3.0 > COM3 Run,%COMSPEC% /C echo M3.0 > COM4 WinClose, ahk_exe mame.exe ExitApp return
  24. You're welcome. Always glad to help. Ya, MAME's software lists can be tricky at first. The main thing is to keep each console/computer ROMs in their own folder and then import them into their own platform. For reasons mentioned above. From there, it's primarily a matter of setting up their respective Command-line Parameters to get them to run.
  25. To clarify, you imported the Software List (soflist) 32x (Sega 32x Cartridges) into the Platform "MESS". And you put the softlist ROMs into the same folder the Arcade ROMs are in (H:\LaunchBox\Games\MAME\). There are several issues I see going on here. 32x doesn't have the ROM vr.zip. That's the Arcade ROM for "Virtua Racing". 32x does have the game "Virtua Racing Deluxe" and the only working ROM for it is vrdxp2.zip. (32x does have 5 other variants that are not working. But none of which are "vr.zip") Placing all the softlist ROMs in the same folder as the Arcade ROMs isn't going to work. Take for example the game "After Burner". There's an arcade ROM for that. There's also an NES, Spectrum, MSX1, FM Towns, CPC and 32x versions of that ROM. And the filenames are all "aburner.zip". The section Software List folder/file locations: suggests how to store the ROMs. You won't be able to import all the softlists into one Platform ("MESS"). Each softlist requires a different Command-line Parameter. This unique command-line parameter would show in the Associated Platforms section for the specific platform (which yours doesn't show any). Well, I suppose you could. You'd just need to edit each game and under Emulation, put in the required Custom Command-line Parameter for the system that game uses. Your MAME Default Command-Line Parameter (Details section) is setup for the Apple IIGS Computer. I'm kind of surprised it even launched Virtua Racing (Arcade).
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