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Everything posted by JoeViking245

  1. The program ffmpeg can do just that. If you don't have ffmpeg already on your system: Download "ffmpeg-release-essentials.7z" from the link above Copy the contents to... somewhere (i.e. D:\MyApps\ffmpeg-7.0-essentials_build\) Create a temp folder (for starting out and testing) (i.e. D:\Temp) In that folder, create a new text file (i.e. CreateClearlogo.txt) In that text file, paste the code from below Change the last line accordingly... Replace the path to ffmpeg with your actual path (note, the executable is in the 'bin' folder) Replace "premadeBG.png" with the actual name of your 'pre-made background' image file Save and close Rename the file to have a .bat file extension (i.e. CreateClearlogo.bat) Copy your 'pre-made background' image file into the temp folder Navigate to your /LaunchBox/Images/[platform_name]/Box - Front/ folder This assumes you have Box-Front images for all the games in that platform Copy four of those files into your temp folder Your temp folder will now have 6 files in it CreateClearlogo.bat premadeBG.png (4) Box-Front images Select CreateClearlogo.bat and press enter. (or just double-click it) The batch file will look for both .png and .jpg images Executing CreateClearlogo.bat will pop up a Command Prompt window showing a bunch of gibberish. At the bottom should then say "Press any key to continue...". Press the 'any' key to close the window. You will now have a new folder in your temp folder called "Output". Go in there and look at the 4 images it created. If the text is not centered where you want it, edit the batch file (right-click, edit) and adjust the "x" and "y" values to move it. Adjust "fontsize" to make the text larger/smaller. Re-run the batch file. Note: this will overwrite existing files in the Output folder. Once you're happy with how the Output images look, copy the batch file and 'premadeBG.png' into your /LaunchBox/Images/[platform_name]/Box - Front/ folder and run it. When done and you've pressed the 'any' key, move the images from the just now created "Output" folder into that platforms "Clear Logo" folder. (and of course, you can remove the batch file, your premadeBG image and delete the Output folder. Oh, and you probably now have a premadeBG.png file in your /Clear Logos/ folder. Delete that. ) Note: The batch file WILL NOT recurse through sub folders (i.e. Region subfolders). So you'll need to move the 2 files and re-run accordingly. @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion md Output for %%f in (*.png) do ( call :Sub %%~nf ) for %%f in (*.jpg) do ( call :Sub %%~nf ) pause exit :Sub set string=%* set string2=%string:-01=% set string2=%string2:-02=% "D:\MyApps\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -i "premadeBG.png" -vf "drawtext=text=%string2%:fontcolor=white:fontsize=75:x=1002:y=100:" "Output/%string%.png" -y
  2. I was under the impression you had all those that way already because of the Pause Menu. That's pretty much why I added that option in there for you. (sorry, missed this part) No. Well, it is possible, I'm sure. But it'd be like reinventing the wheel. If you want a different image used in BigBox's marquee screen, change the Marquee Priorities to have the image type you want on the top of the list. Or the only one in the list if you don't want a fallback.
  3. Why do you need double images? Images named as per #3 and #4 above works in both the Pause Menu and with MultiMonitor.
  4. That's the right spot. Add a line above that and put "SetKeyDelay, 0, 50" (without quotes). Not tested, but "looks good on paper". SetKeyDelay, 0, 50 Send i
  5. So I think what you're trying to say is you want to convert the data in the Version field from a string to an array. a.k.a. Convert "(USA) (Beta) (Aftermarket) (Unl)" to "USA;Beta;Aftermarket;Unl" This AutoHotkey script can do that for you. myFile := %0% Loop %myFile%, 1 xmlPath = %A_LoopFileLongPath% xmlDoc := ComObjCreate("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0") xmlDoc.async := false xmlDoc.load(xmlPath) FileCopy, %xmlPath%, %xmlPath%.original for Game in xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Game") { Text := Game.getElementsByTagName("Version").item(0).text " " myString := StrReplace(Text, ") (",";") myString := StrReplace(myString, "(","") myString := StrReplace(myString, ")","") myString = %myString% Game.getElementsByTagName("Version").item(0).text := myString } xmlDoc.Save(xmlPath) Exitapp To use: Exit LaunchBox/BigBox and wait for it to completely finish it's background saves Go to /LaunchBox/Data/Platforms/ Make a copy of all the xml files and save them somewhere else (a.k.a. Backup all the files) Copy the above script into a blank text file Save the file, name it whatever you want Change the file extension from .txt to .ahk Place the file into /LaunchBox/Data/Platforms/ Drag and drop ONE of the xml files onto the AHK script This assumes you have AutoHotkey installed on your computer This will not work if you drop more than one file onto the script at one once. In fact, it might really bork things up if you do. So don't do that. It'll only take a split second to complete Move the file(s) with the file extension ".original" to somewhere else (consider it a secondary backup) Remove the script file (move it somewhere, anywhere else for future use) What it does: Loads the file you dropped onto it Copies the file you dropped onto it to theFileName.xml.original (in the same folder) Goes through all the Version elements and: replaces inner parenthesis with ; (semicolon) removes open parenthesis removes close parenthesis Save changes to the file you dropped onto it If you don't have (or don't want to have) AutoHotkey installed on your system, you can use the one that comes with LaunchBox from the Windows command prompt. Open the command prompt from within the folder in step #7. The command would be [something like]: "D:\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe" "myScript.ahk" "Super Nintendo Entertainment System.xml" Be sure to change the path to LaunchBox, the name of your script and the platform file you're wanting to modify. BE SURE TO USE THE QUOTES AS SHOWN.
  6. To turn off the marquees screen in BigBox, go to the System menu, Options, General, set Marquee Screen to None. Looking at Retro808's Game Controls Pause Theme (and the full screen version) folder structure, I've adopted this: If the Default Game Image you chose is *Custom Folder, the plugin will look for an image in this order: 1) Game Title i.e. \LaunchBox\Images\Game Controls\Sony PlayStation\Alien Trilogy.jpg 2) Game ROM name i.e. \LaunchBox\Images\Game Controls\Sony PlayStation\Alien Trilogy (USA).jpg 3) (new) Game Database ID # i.e. \LaunchBox\Images\Game Controls\Sony PlayStation\9850.jpg 4) (new) Games Platform i.e. \LaunchBox\Images\Game Controls\Sony PlayStation.jpg The platform image (4) will be searched for directly in the Custom Folder. The other 3 will look in the games Platform subfolder. The image file type can be any type. i.e. .jpg or.png MultiMonitor2022 (v1.1.5 beta-6) .7z
  7. Disable what function? The ability to look for a backup image? You can set the 3rd monitor image to same one as the 2nd. Or you can set it to an image type you know doesn't exist. Cart-Back might be a good one. (unless of course you actually have/use those)
  8. For BigBox, you can set what 'backup' image you want shown. But don' recall off hand if Platform, Platform Category, Playlist are available in the 3rd monitor image dropdown.
  9. 2 people typing and responding at the exact same time, saying the exact same thing.. I think we're on to something here.
  10. It's not "under" Handhelds, it's (alphabetically" "below" it. Not the Handhelds is collapsed. When editing the game, and then [attempting to] change the platform, manually type in "Arcade-Lightgun" and click OK to save. Then, now that you have at least one game in that platform, when you subsequently change a games platform, it will appear.
  11. Pretty certain it's not a plugin issue. If you press and hold Alt, then tap TAB, while continuing to hold Alt, is one of the open windows the marquee? If you tap TAB (still holding Alt) until you get to the marquee, then release Alt, does the marquee (re)appear on the monitor? If you revert back to v1.1.5-beta-4, does it still minimize/disappear? Can you remind me about my pause menu? Link to the post? I'm drawing a blank about a pause menu I created that uses database ID #'s and ROM names. (old age. ) Still drawing a blank. (I'll probably be super embarrassed when you share the post.)
  12. In BigBox, the marquee image is set on the "2nd Monitor" by BigBox. The plugin only adds an image to the "3rd monitor" and doesn't touch the 2nd (unless in the plugins setup menu, that's what you chose). So not sure what's going on. Now, which monitor is considered the "2nd" and the "3rd" might be different between what Windows says and what BB says. LaunchBox doesn't have the built-in possibility for a marquee image. Hence the plugin. The image type(s) shown are based on what you chose in the plugins setup menu as well as which monitor they're displayed on. Take a look at the setup menu or look at the log files (the ones that start with "LB" are for LaunchBox and "BB" for BigBox). They'll tell you what Image you set as default and fallback, and for which monitor #. This "ID number" is the 'LaunchBox database ID #'? Sounds like you're using a custom Pause Menu which displays the image on the menu itself. Modify the custom Pause Menu to look for conventional file names. Or better yet, have the pause menu display a different image since you already have 'that' image being displayed on another monitor by the plugin.
  13. I can't attest to the file naming conventions 'changing'. 1st thought looking at the screenshots is that the ROMs region got changed (USA) from when the game was first installed (UE). But don't take that to heart as that's not why I'm butting in... On the left side-bar, you can select Games Missing Media. From there, you can sub-select from different media type.
  14. I looked at my note regarding fixing the image disappearing when entering the Game Details screen in BB, just the other day. Then thought to myself, I really should look at that someday. Well, 'someday' turned into 'Sunday', and I think I got a fix. (I just hope it didn't mess up something else down-the-chain.) Beta Version 1.1.5-beta-5 MultiMonitor2022 (v1.1.5 beta-5) .7z Fixed: 3rd monitor image disappearing when entering Game Details (BigBox) As in the LaunchBox Database ID #? Do images named in that fashion show in LB/BB otherwise? Do you have other image types named after the ID#? I thought they had to be name either the same as the ROM name or the games Title (barring any invalid character changes). Though I do create some off-beat (possibly 'impractical') plugins, I do usually try to stick with LaunchBox standard conventions for consistency's sake. Such as image file names. If using the ID #'s works elsewhere in LB/BB, I'll look into it. But unless I missed 'the memo', I don't think they do.
  15. It's saying 2 "new" games were found [and then subsequently attempting to download their respective images (media)]. When you click View results, what 2 games, and in what platform is LaunchBox saying it found?
  16. Per the Emulator Settings in the description above, you need to disable fullscreen mode. I haven't use either of those emulators. But for many emulators you simply press Escape.
  17. Sorry, kind of confused. You setup BezelLauncher for your P64 emulator and when you launch a game, the bezel and game window(s) show as they should. Then while playing the game, you try to click something, LaunchBox stops responding? Does the game require clicking? Or are you trying to do something else while in the middle of the game? Does it do this with emulators other than P64 that you've setup? If you exit the game, is LaunchBox responsive again? The way it's setup to work, it's not conducive to multitasking during gameplay. At least not beyond using the Pause menu.
  18. @Reaper978 Un-check the box to 'Remove space...'. That's why when launching a game, it just going to MAME's UI. Everything else looks as it should. Let us know if that fixes the issue.
  19. The : (colon) in a games Title should be changed to _ (underscore) vs. a - (dash) for its videos and images. Sonic the Hedgehog 2_ Pink Edition
  20. You might think about removing all but 1 of your MAME emulators in LaunchBox. You can keep the physical files (for now?) in their respective folders (if you want). Just remove them in Manage Emulators. In LaunchBox, edit the one remaining "MAME" emulator. I'll assume it'll be the one that's "stripped down to the 'bare essentials'". Double check that the Application Path it's pointing to the correct "mame.exe" file, in the correct folder. Preferably the one you know for sure is showing the scanlines when launched from the MAME UI. Go into the Associated Platforms section and verify that the "Arcade" platform (assuming that's what you named it) is in there. Check the box for Default Emulator (only. No other boxes checked). Click OK to save. If prompted with [something like] "Make this the default emulator...", "Do you want to change the default emulator for all Arcade games...", click Yes. Test a game. If it's still not working, share some screenshots with us. Edit your MAME emulator (in LaunchBox). Share a screenshot the of the Details section and one of the Associated Platforms section. Now edit the game you know works (shows the scanlines) in stand-alone MAME but not when launched via LaunchBox. Share a screenshot of the Metadata section, the Launching section and the Emulation section. (5 screenshots total)
  21. An option could be... delete you arcade platform. Then (re)-import the games using the MAME Arcade Full Set Import Wizard. Select the option to Import All Clones as Separate Games. Once completed, select your Arcade platform and select all games. Click Tools, File Management and select Export/Copy ROM files from Selected Games to New Folder. After they're copied to the desired destination, select all games again and click Tools, File Management, Change ROMs Folder Path for Selected Games. And finally, click Tools, File Management, Consolidate ROMs for Arcade. Note: This will ONLY work because you're using a Non-Merged set. This won't work if you have a Merged or Split set. You now have a curated set in its own folder. Your fullset is still intact in a 'safe' location. The games are imported into LaunchBox and pointing to the curated sets folder, including the clones that are additional apps.
  22. If you're just relocating where your ROMs are stored, you can move them all to the new location in Windows Explorer. Then in LaunchBox, select your Arcade platform and select all games. Then click Tools, File Management and select Change ROMs Folder Path for Selected Games. That will change all the selected games' Application Path to point to the new location. Another option is, with the ROMs already in their new location, delete the Arcade platform (but don't delete the Media) and then reimport them. This way they'll be pointing to the new location, and you'll still have your images. There is a plugin that will import games using a custom created MAME xml file. It won't read a LaunchBox created xml file though. But it does have an option to copy the files to a new location when importing.
  23. I didn't know you could have more than one emulator with the exact same Name ("MAME 0.261"). Granted they have different paths. Anyway... Looking at the one you have on the F: drive, you have it (the command-line parameters) stripped down to the 'bare essentials'. Good! Since you have 4 (2?) choices for MAME, edit (in LaunchBox) one of the games you know shows the shaders in stand-alone MAME [but doesn't show them in LaunchBox]. Go to the Emulation section and make sure the chosen emulator is "MAME" (and not "MAME 0.261").
  24. In LaunchBox, edit 'the game' causing this error. Share with us a screenshot of the Details section, the Launching section, and the Emulation section for that game. Hopefully after seeing those, someone here can help determine what the issue might be. Pasting the Steam ID link "into Google" and having it run, sounds.... well, I don't know. I wasn't aware you could run Steam games from Google.
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