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Everything posted by Johnny T
Thanks Neil. Do you use that for all your platforms? (i.e. PS1, N64 or whatever?). It looks like it'll cope with everything. Thanks
Hi Neil You were right!!! I was messing with it yesterday and found the "Quick Menu" showed the B/W & Color switches etc. For some reason it's showing "12 way Rotary Joystick" as the controller (which will be the USB 12 way rotary add on that I installed on my ServoStiks) but the controls all still work so that's great. Just as a matter of interest what controller do you use for your set up? I've read that an Xbox One controller is the best but would prefer some feedback from someone I trust before I buy one. I'm thinking of getting a controller for playing the PS1 and N64 stuff etc? Also, is your controller wired/wireless. Cheers John
Thanks Neil, I'll check that out and see what it says. I've not used the 'quick menu' yet. Still finding my way around Retroarch. I've just been into the Port #1 and Port #2 controls etc. Cheers
Thanks for the info Neil but I'm not using a controller. I'm just using a keyboard (i.e. my cabinet control panel which is the equivalent of a keyboard as it is mapped through the IPAC). So I don't have those options you have listed there. Thanks
I love the old Atari 2600 games and I've got it working with Retroarch but wasn't sure how to set up the system buttons (such as Left/Right difficulty level, color/black&white etc) I thought I'd post here as I know we have a few Atari 2600 aficionados on site (Lord Monkus for one!). So, can anyone let me know how I set this up on Retroarch? I did read something about Controller Overlays but I'm not sure what these are or how I 'install' them?? Thanks
Works an absolute treat!!! I completely understand the need for the nag screens to inform people of the limitations of each rom and I perfectly understand the views of the MAME devs regarding removing those screens, however, they are very off-putting on my cabinet for visitors or my kids playing. When the screen pops up peoples first reaction is that they've pressed something incorrectly and caused a fault. This mod allows me to remove these screens on my main cabinet whilst keeping them on my PC backup version so that I can still see them. Great work and thanks for releasing it to the community
NTFS is the best. As far as I know FAT32 is limited to 2Tb size?
Hi all, I've been trying to come up with ways to easily curate my images so that I have one good image per rom in each of the pertinent folders. i.e. one Box - 3D image per rom and one Arcade - Marquee per rom. This started out quite well as I used xampp to allow me to run PHP script from my home PC and then wrote some code to try and remove files with the same name but with .jpg / .png extensions and also to rename files and highlight roms that didn't have images associated with them. Also the excellent plugin Ao.Bigbox (by @eatkinola) Is an absolute god-send for helping identify improvements that can be made to your image collection. However, I fell down a bit when trying to identify files that were duplicate but had different filenames - for instance - air-sea-battle.png is the same as... air-sea-battle (USA) (Proto).png So I did a search and found "AllDup" by MTSD (Not sure if I'm allowed to post a link so I'll refrain for now - Google is your friend however). It's 'freeware' and seems brilliant for these kind of searches. It allows a myriad of granular options when searching so I've got mine set up with this condition... I'm comparing filenames *AFTER* removing (USA) (Proto) etc... (obviously I'll add Europe / Japan et al in there too when I use it next time). This program works an absolute treat so thought I'd share it in case others would find it useful.
Yep, we must have different issues? That's strange. You could always post on the Arcade Controls forum LEDBlinky thread and see if Arzoo can help you. That's what I did and he's brilliant at helping out. Hope you get it sorted matey
No, I haven't checked the Debug Log. I'm just going by the fact that when I ask it to 'listen' for the key that will skip the Spoken Controls - that box immediately gets populated. However, Arzoo (the creator of LEDBlinky) has kindly fixed the issue in the latest release of LEDBlinky so you can probably upgrade and you'll be fine (make a backup just in case)
The key issue is still apparent but only on LEDBlinky. Similar software that 'listens' for key presses doesn't do it? I'm up to the latest firmware version now (1.55). Still investigating the root cause of the issue. Cheers ?
Just a quick update on this topic - just in case anyone else is having similar issues..... I did update my firmware on the IPac Ultimate - the latest firmware is 1.55 (as of the 14th July 2020 as I write this). This didn't help so I contacted Andy and, with his help, did some fault finding. It *looks* like it might be nothing to do with the IPac and something to do with LEDBlinky itself. Arzoo (the creator of LEDBlinky) is looking into this for me at the moment and I'll post back if it gets resolved. It's certainly not affecting anything so I'm not too fussed but would be good to get to the bottom of it.
Okay, thanks for that Headrush. I'll drop Andy from Ultimarc a quick email and see if he's aware of the issue and get his advice. I appreciate you getting back to me mate. I'll post back with whatever the outcome is so that it might help others with the same issue.
What do you mean by "pre multi mode"? I use my IPac4UIO for LEDs and keyboard. Is there a joystick setting somewhere that could be causing this issue? Thanks
Yep, I've found the problem. I've got an issue with my machine that for some reason there is a "JoystickHatSwitch7" key permanently being pressed. I need to go through and unplug everything one by one and track it down. But this is why my controls voice was cutting out with the "Any key" box checked. It's because, as far as LEDBlinky was concerned, I was getting a key pressed. ?
Does anyone know if there's a project anywhere to create LEDBlinky controls.ini files for other emulators? Or even a project with up-to-date MAME controls.ini files anywhere? ?
I think I've sorted this by turning off the "Any key" stops the Controls sound option. Just posting in case someone else has a similar issue. ?
Thanks Dos. No problem
Hi all, I'm going through and trying to tidy my platforms up. I've noticed that in each Image/Atari 2600/xxxx folder there are sub-folders labelled "World", "Japan" etc. I'm guessing that these hold alternative versions of the images that were only released in those countries? (is that correct??) If so, can I just delete those folders and have all the media I want to keep in the main folder? It would keep things a lot tidier and really help with my OCD? Thanks ?
Hi all, I run my LB/BB on a cabinet but keep a back up of the whole launchbox folder on an external hard drive (well... an "internal" hard drive that's in a caddy attached to my main PC). If there's not many 'tweaks' I use SyncThing to sync the two folders up over the wifi. However, at the moment, I'm making big changes so I backup the hard drive locally as there's too much data for the wifi. After a bit of Googling I found out about "Robocopy" which is built into Windows (W10 anyway - not sure about earlier versions) which is a multi-threaded command line copy program. So I made a little .bat script and I'm pleased to report that it works an absolute treat!! Loads quicker than just copying the whole folder and pasting on to the other folder (which is the other alternative). You can read about it here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/robocopy Here's my batch script (obviously you will have to change the paths to match your system - oh... and it goes without saying... use at your own risk!! If you mess something up then don't say I didn't warn ya!!!) @echo off title Arcade Backup Script echo Press a key to back up F:/LaunchBox to G:/LaunchBox pause robocopy F:\LaunchBox G:\LaunchBox *.* /mt /z /purge /e echo Job done mucker! pause Hope it helps someone. ?
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Thanks for that Neil. I suspected it would be a Global setting. It's obviously not a major problem but thought I'd ask. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly matey ?
Hi all, I have one platform that I'm using to launch a jukebox program. It only has one "rom" (which is the jukebox.exe file). Currently I select Jukebox platform, then select the Jukebox 'rom', then I have to select Play on the game details page (which doesn't contain anything as it's not a game). I know you can turn on "skip game details" somewhere (although I've not managed to find it yet - just read about it on the forum) which stops all game details. But is there a way to skip game details per platform? Thanks ?