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Everything posted by a.wol

  1. After waiting, checks wow over 2 years. I decided to create a Sony PlayStation bezel in the same style.
  2. Hi all, I've been using a lot of themes recently that utilise Steam banners such as Play Box 6 wall view 4 but finding Steam Banners has been difficult so I took it upon myself to start compiling them, most of the banners are from steamgriddb.com but I have created quite a few myself. Wanted to share with you my results, these are not 100% complete collections however all big games are covered and few more obscure ones, happy to add to these if there are any glaring omissions. All banners are 460x215 Sega Genesis / Mega Drive - 445 games: Sony Playstation - 459 games: Many thanks, will update when I have additional packs ready.
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  3. Version 1.0.0


    Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Steam Banners (460 x 215) 445 Steam Banners for the Genesis / Mega Drive, not a complete collection but very close, all big games covered and more!
  4. Version 1.0.1


    463 PS1 / PSX Steam Banners (460 x 215) A collection of Steam Banners for the Sony PlayStation that I've compiled, most from Steamgriddb and some that I've created myself. This is not a complete collection, however this collection contains 459 banners which includes all the popular big games and some more obscure stuff.
  5. Sorry to necro bump this but I'm using a big box theme that utilises Steam Banners, any news on this as it would be a massive help and I'd prefer not to manually download a steam banner for each game.
  6. Thanks, what I thought. Unfortunately I cannot find any a comprehensive banner resources that provides them in them dimensions. I appreciate they cannot dynamically scale however is it possible to change the dimensions of Game View 4 from 400x215 to 460x215?
  7. I imagine this was never the intended view but I'm liking using Steam Banners under Wall Game View 4, I like how it show the Steam Banner and then fades in to gameplay vision. However I am struggling to find these banners I have come across steamgriddb.com which as a good selection but it will be a very manual process. The problem is on steamgriddb the banners typically have dimensions of 460x215 and logos etc are being cut off in this view: This will already be a very manual task of downloading a banner for each game, without having to manual adjust the dimensions to fix. Is there a way to adjust these dimensions in game view or dynamically scale the image to fit?
  8. Love the theme, great job! Just a small question not sure if this is the theme or Big Box. Is there a way to remove the game title at the footer of the image? No bother if it cannot be done just thought I'd ask.
  9. Hi all, like all of you have all media downloaded for all my games. All this media was downloaded when I first imported my games in to LaunchBox, however one of the image groups (Fanart - Background) was not ticked on initial import as I had no interest in this group at the time. However I now have a Big Box theme that looks for this image group, is there a way to bulk download this image group for my current games in LaunchBox? I know I can do it individually but this would take forever. Or should I just remove the games from LaunchBox and re-import?
  10. These are great thank you but 114 Bezels and no PlayStation??
  11. This was the exact problem. I've never touched Background Priorities, so I presume by default Box - Front was top of the list and Fanart - Background wasn't even ticked let alone top of the list. After ticking Fanart - Background and making it top priority in Background Priorities this has fixed this problem. Thank you for the help.
  12. Fixed the problem, putting it here in case anyone else has the problem. THE RETOARCH UPDATE VIA LAUNCHBOX HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS ERROR, see below: I had a Start Up Theme with a loading bar and in order for the loading bar to work (increase) you had to tick "Extract ROM archives before running" this was fine for console but Fbneo did not like this at all and caused the Romset to be unknown. This is why it was running fine directly in RetroArch but not via LaunchBox as directly in RetroArch was not attempting to extract the ROM. Untick "Extract ROM archives before running" in the Edit Emulator section: It will prevent the loading bar for working on load but at least the games will launch again in LaunchBox.
  13. Hello, wonder if you can help me. I recently updated RetroArch via the LaunchBox updater but something happened with my Arcade games launching Fbneo via RetroArch and this causes a Romset not recognised. I've updated my ROMs with the latest .dat file and did a manual scan in RetroArch. Interestingly, it works when I launch directly in RetroArch but not RetroArch via LaunchBox it advises the Romset is wrong, shaders seemed to have been saved but not some overlays... You can see below Arcade is linked with fbneo_libretro and it is Default: This is what I get when I load fbneo via Launchbox: In RetroArch after the manual scan you see the Emulator and the games associated: and they run correctly when launched directly in RetroArch: So why is it with LaunchBox unhappy (or at least indicating) there is something wrong with the romset. I should point out all other cores via RetroArch, Super Nintendo etc seem to work fine. I have no idea on the cause, nor how to resolve so it boots in LaunchBox with RetroArch like it before the update. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Any idea why I have images in Fanart - Background and yet it seems to just show Box - Front?
  15. These are great! Are their any plans for additional bezels? For me PS2, Game Boy or PAL Mega Drive would be brilliant.
  16. Think i've found a bug with this pack but not 100% just wondering if anyone else has come across this: I've downloaded the pack and added the files directly to the 3D box art folder and the games are appeared to be scaled smaller than the NTSC 3D box art, however when in Launchbox I go to edit > images > download media and I download all 3D boxes from the LB database, it replaces them with the (same version??) but scaled correctly, see screenshot. The red arrows are the games from this pack and the others (as you can see are larger) are from manually downloading media directly from the LB database, however what I'm trying to ascertain is whether these are different images in the LB database or a scaling bug on these files, where for whatever reason Launchbox is scaling the imagine better when downloaded via Download Media vs Downloading the pack from here and dragging and dropping the images in to the folder. @phenix14000 have you uploaded these to the LB database?
  17. Thank you for the swift responses, whilst I have you when the game box art appears it fades in and then fades out again, is there a timer in the script for this I'd like it stay visable for a little longer before fading away.
  18. Love the theme, a quick question which might be simple but so far I've been unable to do it. On the box art when you select a game is it possible to change to use 3D box art and not the standard 2D ones?
  19. Legend, thanks for this.
  20. Not sure if this is already a feature but i'd like to see a filter for games with RetroAchievements. Also as I'm from the UK I would like an automated way to prioritise PAL box art as well as refering to the Genesis as the Mega Drive without having to manually edit.
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